Help me out martial artists of Jow Forums. Which is better? Judo or jujutsu

Help me out martial artists of Jow Forums. Which is better? Judo or jujutsu

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By juijitsu do you mean Brazilian or japanese? If Japanese then judo is better if BJJ then it's debatable.

If it is BJJ go into it if you want to focus on ground grappling and submissions, go into judo of you want to focus on standup work and throws.

check local area for whats available.
try both free trial class.

Japanese jujutsu

Do judo then.

What makes judo better?

JJ is Krav Manga nut punches and eye pokes with basic judo fundamentals?

Judo. Whenever you see a massive crowd doing something walk away. The herd is always wrong.

Judo has
>Live sparring with a resisting opponent
>An existing competitive scene, so any major dojo/gym will have people with a competitive drive
> The ability to execute techniques all the way through
>Better breakfalls
Japanese jiu jitsu is more akin to form practice
Essentially yes, and just like krav, it's got lots of issues.
That's dumb. Boxing is popular but it's still super useful in a fight

Retard advice

Judo was my pick. Boxing is all but dead in most of the US.


You gotta go to the shitty areas for the cheap boxing gyms full of nigs and spics my dude.

>jewdo or jewjutsu
ummmmmmmmmmmm, boxing

>The sport dominated by blacks and beaners and even the ir*sh

>i dont like a sport because certain groups are better at it than other groups
keep doing your gook sports, faggot

Nah I'm just making fun of boxer making the jew arguement,and then arguing for about a sport dominated by blacks, Jews, irish, and spics over time.

when was boxing ever dominated by jews lmao? no but i was just making a pun on the names of the sports. we all know the best sports are running and shooting (in minecraft)

So my parents got me one month free Krav Maga lessons last Christmas that I am yet to use because I'm an adult with a job with a pretty restrictive schedule.

I finally have the right days off to accommodate the beginners lessons, what am I in for?

Anything ranging from shit meme classes to something valid. Problem with krav is there's no actual licensing involved, so most anyone can be a teacher.

I’d do boxing but the martial arts club at my uni only has kendo, judo, jujutsu, and taekwondo

Well yeah. Unis tend to be a bit more touchy about brain damage.

Western kickboxing for streetfights and folkstyle wrestling if you wanna be an MMA fighter. Simple as.