>You can't find her attractive, she's only 17!
You can't find her attractive, she's only 17!
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you can but keep it to yourself, bud. we live in a society.
you can you are just not allowed to fug
it doesn't help the fact your age's well past 40, bro.
Great exaggeration. Why not address a more uncomfortable case like being 23 and finding a 16-17 year old attractive
Tfw I am in love with a 16yo girl.
31 here.
You can't.
Life is tough after 18, you have a lot of limitations. You should have had enough sex with prime girls when you were a teenager.
Delet this picture and kys now
"in love" ---> translates to "my peneor demands underaged meat"
>TLDR: registering yet another sex offender
16 is not underage you obese ameriturd.
It is underage in all civilized European countries you African.
in Europe you can legally have sex with 15 year olds.
Pick one, all of them are shallow, superficial retards who care only for lust.
Where I live age of consent is 12. Girls start fucking a little before that, usually with guys in their 20s and 30s. They think they're too mature for boys their own age. Romance between teenagers is a male, not female, fantasy.
16 is legal in most U.S. states you retard, and that's even before applying romeo and julliet laws. You can fuck as young as 14 while being 25 yourself in some states, but a hollywood-brainwashed retard like you wouldn't know about that.
It is normal to see 13-15 year old girls have boyfriends in their 20s where I live
Cope more you disgusting boomer. You're past your prime you grandpa. Girls want to fuck young chads who have high testosterone. Chads peak at 15 while you will forever be loser.
>It is perfectly reasonable for me to find this body attractive, for despite having the physical body of a 9 year old she is in fact a 9000 year old demon, making her several orders of magnitude older than the age of consent, removing the moral issue of statutory rape that would normally arise from an insatiable lust for cunny
dayum Achmed!
then they will marry somewhere between 25 and 30, after riding no less than 40-50 dicks in their career.
I was never in my prime, I've always been ugly. I'm simply sharing what I saw girls do when I was young. They all fucked older good looking men. The good looking guys in my class didn't start having sex until they were 16-17.
So what about irl people who have bodies that can't age beyond 8-9? Are they doomed to be virgins for life because people think banging them is morally wrong? What about lonely tards, they gotta be virgins cause they're too retarded to understand hoe society feels about sex?
First of all, she's legal in most of the world, including my country.
Secondly, I don't want to hurt her, I fell in love in a romantic way and my heart makes doki doki when I see her.
wew lad hmu with one of these legal lolis
Here's your legal poo cunny bro mirror.co.uk
Lol if I lived in a moslim country they would have gotten stoned.
why did you post this pic fucking faggot
decadence of humanity