How to control the munchies when smoking weed? I use it as a pre-workout

How to control the munchies when smoking weed? I use it as a pre-workout.

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Fuck off degenerate. I tried smoking weed once. I was coughing and felt absolutely no effects except for little dizziness. Why do you do it?

are you retarded? weed is ideal postworkout... you need stimulant before workout

>smoking weed
'Sup, blacklungs?

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when did everybody turn into middle schoolers who either suck weed's dick or thinks it's evil and hates it

drink lots of water, OP
keeps away the cottonmouth and curbs your hunger

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Sup, blacklungs?

i smoke like once every three months socially my guy

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You control it by not smoking you degenerate kys


Retard, you have to get pure Jamaican ganja and smoke it for at least 3 times to really understand the meaning of life

You're already retarded

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smoking weed doesnt make you cool, but neither does hating it

you sound like a massive pussy and i dont even smoke weed anymore

I'm white. White people don't use drugs.

god i already know

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>using drugs as preworkout
>not using preworkout as preworkout
>if have to use drugs, not using cocaine as preworkout

oh i get it now its a socially outcast Jow Forumstard that got invited to smoke weed once and couldnt handle himself and now vehemently hates it like some autistic sperg

get a life bro and unironically have sex

"couldnt handle himseld"
I already said that I felt no effects from smoking all joint. And of course I was coughing because my body isn't fucked yet.

>not taking mdma as preworkout

If you smoke weed or vape it I can assure you you have some degree of scarring in your lungs. Don't kid yourself.

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>he took a single hit and is surprised nothing happened
>also doesn't know how coughing works

everyone step back we're reaching unprecedented levels of retarded

Edibles are my preference for wok out related cannabis use. Just don’t use too much and it’s pretty beneficial for pain killing and anti inflammation. I like playing basketball, and playing a little stoned is really fun

Single hit? So you're saying that nobody feels effects from smoking whole joint?

How long can you go without weed? How long have you actually gone without weed?
Daily to weekly use causes dependency and addiction.

If you smoke weed you need to get a job you degenerate fuck

>he thinks a single hit is the whole joint
maybe you're not retarded and genuinely don't know what you're talking about because you kinda sound like me when i was a kid

i think maybe it's just easier to let people do what they do man

if you spend your entire life judging everybody you're gonna expend all of your energy being this hateful, cynical person, when you could be using that energy to better yourself and form new lasting bonds with people

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That faggot ot you was assuming i took a single hit when i clearly said that i smoked the whole joint and felt no effects.

>weed junkie promotes weed
>gets called out
>wtf bro don't judge me
Your post is shit and your lung's all retarded

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honestly my first reply was a big boy bait post but that didn't work out so now i'm just trying to help

maybe you're a big dude
or maybe you just have a naturally high tolerance, i dunno dog

maybe your shit was stale or cheap

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>Daily to weekly use causes dependency and addiction
not him, but you can easily quit when you want even if you smoke daily

if you get strong munchies after smoking it probably means you are not eating enough, are you on a cut or something? I find lowering lowering calories and using marijuana impossible to do

How long can you go without weed? How long have you actually gone without weed?

I smoke only on the weekends.

Longest i’ve gone without weed is several months. May - Aug.

Not him but I was a daily smoker for three years but it started worsening my depression symptoms so I stopped (and drinking). It’s been three months and I feel no desire at all and it was never tempting. I do feel less depressed though. Alcohol nicotine food excersize basically every other vice I have is way more addictive.

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