Front squat or back squat?

Front squat or back squat?

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Leg press

Front if you want to look aesthetic and alpha
Back if you are a fatass powershitter

Squat in front of my pulsating manhood

Front is far better and safer if you can actually do it but it's tough for beginners.

Split squats


Then why do Olympic weightlifters do both?

Post body and squat

Front if you want stronger core, quads, traps, and flexibility.

Back if you want to be a cripple, live on disability, and be a burden to society.

I heard that front involved more quads. I stopped doing legs this summer though so what the fuck do I know. I might start doing 5x12 front squats after every set of my 5x5 OHP though.

If my Back squat is 255 5x8 how much would my front squat be in comparison?

Right squat.

Based and intelligence-pilled

Front squat 1RM is 80% to 90% of your back squat 1RM

In the beginning, depending on the your anthropometry. Don't be upset if it's half of your back squat.

I'm gonna do 5 reps of OHP and 12 reps of front squats right after without changing weights so I guess it will be 140lbs and up. Might practice the form with no weights at first so I don't fuck myself up like a retard

The real answer. They’re so fun.


You do 5x5 OHP for 1pl8ish and your back squat is only 2pl8ish?

Depends on how you back squat. If you're doing low bar, powerlifter style crab stance, versus an ATG front squat it could be 70% of less.

It'll normally be about 80% of an a deep high bar squat.

Front squats work your glutes more.

The highest squat I've gotten to was 285 for 5x5 last summer. I focus on OHP much more because my upper body is lagging behind

Makes sense if he is talking push press and full front squats.

front squat is horrible for your back

What programming is this?

Not push press I do OHP

>Front squats work your glutes more.
Wrong, low bar back squats give you a fat ass

Back looks bad for your back.

With 285 squat I would add 5lbs/session with 2-3 sessions a week. With OHP I add 5lbs/week because its was much harder to progress

Sounds sensible enough

Front squat my body weight for reps don’t do back squats never will

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Lean af.

>Based starfish pose
What's your body weight? 150lbs?

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Do both you pussy

I do back, front, Zercher, and Bulgarian split squats every week. They all require different ranges of motions and stabilizer muscle engagement. I think that doing many different variations of the squat keeps me honest on the back squat in addition to helping with my mobility.

180 6”2

If you are not comfortable with a front rack position, you can do them cross-armed.

Where should the bar rest though?

Across your delts and the front tips of your clavicles, almost right up against your throat (almost will choke you). You should be able to find a position thats super stable. If it feels like your arms are doing a lot of work to keep the bar in place, you probably need to play with the bar placement.

My knee mobility is non existent. I didn't lose weight until I was 30 so there's probably no cartilage left in there. I can still do leg presses with no pain though although I have to plant my feet reasonably high on the machine

Thanks B.
Found this video and gonna do them tonight after class

Crossed arms aka "bodybuilder grip" front squat is unstable at higher weights. Use straps. Sometimes the bar slips over my delts on the last reps but the straps hold it there.
Now i enjoy them more and go even deeper than back squats.

This. Low bar works more hams, which support the glutes, but ultimately any squat where you contract the glutes at the top, will activate them.

How? You're expected to keep it almost vertical all the time.

Temporarily doing only front squats and no back squats fixes my lower back so I will always be thankful

If you're training for a big deadlift you should do frontsquats as a secondary lift. If you're training for a backsquat you should do stiff legged DLs as your secondary lift.

DYEL here, I've only tried back squats and I fucking love it. I've been to the gym five times and every rest day I feel the urge to squat. So I guess if you're DYEL and want motivation to go back to the gym, back squats are nice.

You should literally do every exercise you listed. Front squats, back squats, DLs, and SLDLs are all based as fuck and theres no reason to selectively program them like that

you just have shit form
I had lower back pain because I was lifting too heavy and compensating with the lower back

leave your ego at the door and lift lighter and correctly

Also, dont neglect direct work for the lower back, like good mornings, RDLs/SLDLs, RDLs from the floor, etc.

I love front squats but I can't do them as heavily as back squats. That being said, I'm not sure I really care.

While back squats are better for raw lifting numbers, front squats work the quads harder, particularly the inner quad, and are thus better for aesthetics. It's also worth bearing in mind that if you're doing a reasonable amount of deadlifting that works the same muscles as the back squat (though to differing degrees). The reason back squats seem to be so prominent is probably down to the likes of Rippetoe, who come from a powerlifting background and train people accordingly. If you're looking to max out your deadlifts and squats then all the focus on the posterior chain which that entails probably makes sense, but if you're after good looking quads and a balanced program which doesn't focus excessively on certain muscle groups, then front squats are the more logical choice.

>Go to the gym at 0200
>Look around
>Not a soul in the entire place
>Rack up some weights
>Final look
>Still no one
>Start doing good morning reps
>A horde of gymbros emerge from the aether to tell you you're squatting wrong.

based and bloat-pilled

that not how you front squat, this is how you front squat senpai

Attached: crossshit.png (1924x1336, 1.59M)

I just watched a video that said your elbows should be pointed up. He said that having your elbows low will not be sustainable at higher weights

Good progress for 9 months of lifting


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its a troll post. if you front squat like the guy in the image you will hurt yourself/ break your wrist.
Imagine holding 200+ lbs on your wrists rather than on your torso. Elbows up

Now I know why I have to use correct form when front squatting. Thank you.

fuck man flexin on that fatass

Add overhead squats to complete the set.

Yep, the point of your arms in the front squat is to help keep the bar in place and assist with balancing the load, but that load should all be firmly on your shoulders. It's really having the elbows up that does it, as it makes the bar sit back. If you let the elbows drop then there isn't a stable platform for the bar any more, so it'll try to roll forward and put the load onto your wrists. Your extended, unsupported wrists.


For reference, when my 1rm front squat was ~ 150kg, my 1rm front squat was 117.5kg

Atm, after a fairly long break from the gym, my current working sets (3*5) are 112.5kg back squat and 92.5kg front squat. As a general rule I'd say if your working sets are between 2 and 3 plate back squats your front squat is about your back squat minus 20kg.

At the start it will be less because you're not trained, those are relatively trained numbers for both

Get your back squat up to 3 plate and then switch to 50/50 until the front squat is also 3 plate, then do front squat only

You’re aesthetic, my guy.

both, low bar and fronts

I'm really good at them but the quad dominance doesn't carry over well to my strength training. Usually your hamstrings are weaker so it doesn't fit my training goals that much even though I like doing them. It lets you mobility mog people and teaches you how to brace like a god.

Takes a bit to get used to it but just work up to your max like if it was just another separate lift. Mine is about a pl8 less than my back squat.

If you can't t-rex grip that shit (also known as the clean) don't even bother. That destroys your shoulders while the proper way has you supporting it with your upper chest.


Do both ? They target different muscles and benefit each other retarded

Do these if you wanna suffer. Great exercise for absolutely murdering your core and ass.

Front squats for muscle and back squats for strenght then?

>hurrr durrr

>T-posing that post body little bitch
Damn that was alpha, nice job.

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How the fuck can these people bend their wrists back that far?

by working on wrist mobility

Lol just goblet squat if you are lifting zero weight


guy is doing a thruster. front squat into push press.

>those quads
fuck back squats im front squatting now

front squats actually hit your quads more, back squats are more for your glutes and hips, because the hip hinge is increased

The only correct response.

so you're saying if I balance the barbbell on top of my head Ill be getting both of both worlds?

Double kettlebell front squat is the best full body exercise I've ever found.

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You can't really destroy your quads with front squat, your core will give in before that. FS trains more like functional strength overall (legs+core+upper back). Just like diddly ain't so gr8 mass builder.

Just do what feels more natural for your proportions, if you train for aesthetics you should do other leg excercises anyway. Optimal would be doing both style of squats ofc.

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But that's not a barbell snatch into a deep overhead squat? Which is ok because I can't barbell snatch or do a deep overhead squat. I miss bumper plates man.

i feel like a fucking mongoloid but i cant get just below parallel
I either ass to grass or dont get close to below parallel
someone help

Does it make a difference to your depth if you front or back squat?

High bar for lower body development
Front for extra thoracic extensor work
Low bar only if you compete or want to post big numbers online

>Back if you are a fatass powershitter

based retard

Attached: fatass powerlifter.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

>these are the people calling you fat on Jow Forums

Why would you even bother lifting if you want to look like that. Just do calisthenics and some cardio.

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FFMI of 20-21 depending on bodyfat%, you could get to 21-22

Back squats don't hit your quads as much, but they'll still make them bigger than this clown's because 2X bodyweight hitting the quads decently beats the fuck out of 1X bodyweight hitting the quads perfectly.

nice edit

Post body fattie

Rekt em

Front squat is ok assistance exercise, but back squat or safety squat bar is better Because you are not limited by front rack and research doesn't support superior quad activation in front squats.

Also only difference in muscle activation in front squats is front squats use your thoracic erectors more than back squats and back squats use your lumbar erectors more than from squats. A heavy front squat and a heavy back squat will both maximally challenge your quads at the bottom.