How do we stop this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lift heavier

Most people with any amount of discipline will lean to the right.

Limit protein rations to 10g/day

The author is a fucking vegetable. What the fuck do I care what it thinks?

The author is a saiyan you bigoted alienist

Id fuck that vegetable

Well, you could encourage other leftists to begin training and instill discipline, dedication, determination, work ethic, and the concept of sacrifice for future benefits into them. You could start by doing so yourself.
Alternatively you can post about it online and whine.

Stop going on Jow Forums pol


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If leftists start lifting, they inevitably turn right wing.

Why do the majority of scientists and academics lean to the left? Surely those guys are as disciplined as gym bros in terms of productivity.

umad, goy?

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many people who are intelligent use thir smarts to convince themselves and others of things that theyd like to be true, rather than what actually is true

I would fight in the next civil war if it came down to the government forcing me to be a lanclet.

t. academic

>not fighting in the civil war on whichever side would give you the more honorable and badass death

Yes. Ready for anudda shoah?

Those people aren't real intelligent then, or are employed by corporate. Real intelligent people are loyal to the scientific method.

Righters tend to conserve values, while the left have to cope outside of them and exploration is really respectable place for such things.
And believe me, anyone with a brain in academia will say they're leftists so we can continue with their jobs without having to deal with political *cough*garbarge*cough*, I mean, obstacles.

Modern academia is a hivemind cult and scientists are required to be publicly left-leaning to keep their jobs. When I worked in the environmental sector literally everyone in my office was a devput liberal publicly but a few beers in it was about 50/50

Scientists don't really. As for academics, it really depends on their field. Right now there's a plethora of popular bullshit degrees that facilitate left wing ideology. STEM isn't left wing in any way. But anything in journalism, art, sociology, or especially "gender studies/feminist" types (the aforementioned bullshit degrees) will certainly be left wing. I actually was unaware of what gender studies was when I went to school and took it, and it was the largest dose of faggotry I've ever taken in my entire life; I switched after the first class.

That’s the crux of the issue; smart people don’t go about stating their politics if they’re right of center

Why should it be stopped?

That's how it goes.
First you start lifting.
Then you start posting smug anime girl reaction pics on anonymous Vietnamese catfishing forums and Twitter.
Before you know it, you've become a full blown Nazi

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>tfw the fitter I got the more liberal I became
>tfw voting bernie

I'm glad to hear that those with disabilities are getting into fitness.

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What the study actually found was that strong men are more forcefully in self interested politics. Rich men were more right wing, poor men were more left wing.

It wasn't a huge effect size so it's hardly the only thing that determines politics. People on Jow Forums are retarded and think it says that all lefties are twinks and all MAGApedes are he-men. It doesn't.

Happened to me

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Why stop it?

ditto, though I'm probably only "right wing" by leftist standards.

I did my undergrad in neuroscience but my graduate degree in economics.

I was pretty right wing due to my more dismal view of human nature from studying evolutionary psychology, but working on econometrics and then working for the government made me move a lot further to the left. The left is wrong ideaologically about everyone being a blank slate, but the Republicans are basically the party of oligarchs. They really don't give a shit about anything they say they do. They had full control of the government for two years and didn't once hold a vote on immigration. They are running a trillion plus dollar deficit during an economic expansion.

But Trump triggers libs, so retards ignore the eventual disaster that comes when you cut richfags taxes so hard that you borrow 25% of your annual budget.

They only let you into the club if you are politically acceptable to them.

Because they're on the side of progress whatever that means if eventually that will be sex with animals 99% of scientist will agree give it 50 years it will be the new consensus

I wonder how past left wing figures and the average modern leftist would react to each other. Would those dudes catch right up with it all and go along with it, or would they stand back and say "what the hell? Fuck this." Would Che feel at home like at that convention recently where lefties were autistically lecturing about respecting pronouns and not triggering people by the volume level? How would he react if he was saying he needed able bodied men and women to carry out some revolutionary operation and some whale of a chick with a pink buzzcut and fancy college degree in Gender Studies just starts laying into him with these alien terms like "fatphobic" and "ableism"?

Im still waiting for the gains to be evenly distributed!

It’s not fair that only some people get all the gains because they monopolize the means of anabolism!

post body

Ban gyms

How do we stop being right wing asshole, or how do we stop women from thinking their hot opinions matter?

Because the majority of scientists and academics live on the State's dime. Because the State used its monopoly on force to steal money to pay them off. Because the State knows that smoothbrains like you will just go along with anything a "scientist" says because you've been conditioned in State run schools to be an uncritical puppet.

Yeah really you should stop it. That shit is terrible for your back.

>article done by an SJW radical feminist dyel journalist
just think about it for a sec

>Nick Kroll

How does that faggot keep getting work? Surely the Jewish Conspiracy can find a Jew or two that's actually talented in any way, shape, or form, right?

>That "art"
>"Hey guys, why is western animation all but dead?"

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Not lying

Because if a academic does not "produce" they do not get fired. And the academic tenure process actively promotes political samethink.

oy vey, don't be an antisemite you stupid gentile. Criticizing Jewish artwork is a nazi hate crime!

Fuck off Shlomo

I didn't want to be a nazi but they kept shifting the overton window and subverting my communities and friends while I was trying to get by. Now my field is getting ripped apart by #metoo and tranny shit. Not even white but they kept wanting me to be a nazi and at this point I'm not sure if the truth even matters anymore. Guess I'm a nazi now.

Been lifting for years now, I still lean left-wing despite me cringing at a lot of the things leftists pull off. I agree with SOME of the ideas from right-wing folks but they go about it in really dumb ways.

>the Republicans are basically the party of oligarchs.
The Government is the party of oligarchs, ya spud. Republicans and Democrats differ mostly in who their favored oligarchs are.

>But Trump triggers libs, so retards ignore the eventual disaster that comes when you cut richfags taxes so hard that you borrow 25% of your annual budget.
We've been doing that since long before Trump, dipshit. And tax "cuts" are a weird thing to complain about when federal tax "revenues" have increased year over year in about 16 of the past 20 years, including ALL of the last five years.

because their careers can be burned down in an instant if they say anything politically incorrect

It's so hard not to spill your spaghetti when you realize Nazism was right all along.

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Why didn't they lean to the right before the age of social media?

I have serious doubts about your claims on education is you believe the Republican party is right wing in any demonstrable way however, I have met a ton of educated, but stupid people irl, so it might not be trolling.

But, both parties are on the left and just differ in the industries they pander and receive kickbacks to/from. The Dems are further left as a marketing strategy for wannabe socialists and the gop markets itself to wannabe classical liberals. However as you noted, once they are in power they either do nothing they promised or they create a massive disaster by being the unopposed party like California.

same shit happened

>Right wing
Oh my sweet summer child... In the context of the current era, perhaps but once you take the greater context of history into account you come to realise that the vast majority of politicians who claim to be or are labelled as right wing are in actual fact left leaning centrists at best.

>right-wing religious as fuck, always anti-science
>implying the same scientists that consistently prove these idiots wrong also secretly agreed with them
Yup, you're under 20 years old for sure.

>In the context of the current era, perhaps
That's all you needed to say.

>i dont understand what right wing means
ok buddy

>right wing are atheists
You're under 20 AND retarded.

"Perhaps" doesn't mean your statement is correct brainlet, it was said so we don't get hung up on it and can have a discussion about the greater context and not just what's happening in the current moment but I sadly forgot niggers like yourself are too impulsive for such things, many such cases, sad

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How fucking retarded. It doesn't matter if revenues increase if expenses increase more. The budget deficit is the highest it's ever been relative to GDP during an expansion without a major war. It's borrowing on all our credit to fund tax cuts that overwhelmingly go to the rich.

If you want to cut taxes you need to cut expenses significantly.

Also, tax revenues decreased in 2018 due to the TCJA.

Eh, high achievers tend to be pretty left or at least left leaning

Right wing is more insecure and motivated by fear thus more likely to compensate by bodybuilding and performative masculinity

>I'm sorry, you were right all along
That's all you needed to say.

I started lifting and became a socialist lol

>more likely to be right-wing assholes
Don't know about politics, not sure what is wrong with being right-wing either but all the gym brothers I've met so far have been really kind and supportive. Make me want to work out more and push myself each time.

So I don't see the problem.
Why are people so concerned with the whole left-right anyway? It's a very black-white way of looking at people when there's so much more to them. Maybe she should actually try talking to some people at the gym instead of judging them from a distance.

Weak bait. Have a (you), I'm sure you could use the dopamine

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The ones who work in the private sector are right wing. The ones working for governmental organizations are going to be left wing because their paycheck depends on government funding.
Unless you're an academic in STEM you're basically a nobody in terms of importance. They live off taxpayer money and give nothing in return.

>Right wing is a static definition that doesn't depends on national context.

Fuck off. Being pro-free market is not inheritally right wing. Nationalism and capitalism were once radical leftist ideas. Conservatives believed in the right.on monarchs to rule over varied people's by inheritance. The the uppheavles of 1848, nationalists were the radicals.

Conservatism also once meant protecting nobel privilege and monopolies to stop the growing power of liberal capitalists.

Go Google 1848 and maybe read a book on the French Revolution for good measure.

The left one is pretty cute.

I was born lifting and I've always had a burning desire to violently sieze the means of production. When will it kick in and make me cut my hair and suck corporate dick?

People can cope whoever they want but Republicans had their chance and they blew it. People from central and south America have crossed the border and continue to do so. They're all having 5-6 kids in LA. Who do you think they'll be voting for when they turn 18?

Conservative ideology is based on a zero sum perception of life, that something bad happening to others is good for them because it didn't happen to them. It's very simplistic and irrational. They seek to preserve any sort of hierarchy that puts them on top, because to them the fact that they are on top is justification for the hierarchy itself. It's also why it's inherently self destructive, because they are unable to perceive the bigger picture of the world as it really is. They're children basically.

Based and class conscious pilled

Economic left is objectively superior

Haven't you already done that as a card carrying member of antifa? Who are we kidding, of course you have. Sadly your cognitive dissonance won't allow you to see it objectively. I almost pity you, almost

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So basically anyone who doesn't still think that king's should rule every nation by divine right and that constitutions are an abbomination because that's what the original right wingers believed?

Is that what you inferred from it?


See how insecure the right is. How they smear everyone into easily defined categories they can dismiss for fear of their own self examination. Child like.

Isn't that literally what all leftists do nowadays, though? Some giant corporation hoists an LGBT flag and they go "yaaas qween slay" or twitter bans some boomer republican and they go "omg i love private entities now".

Oh the irony is almost palpable, my cognitively challenged friend...

>It doesn't matter if revenues increase if expenses increase more.
Well if expenses growing out of control is the problem, one would think you'd complain specifically about that, not the ever increasing tax revenue, you fucking stooge. And don't imply that spending is somehow a Republican or Trump problem, the Democrats do it at least as badly.

>If you want to cut taxes you need to cut expenses significantly.
There you go.

>Also, tax revenues decreased in 2018 due to the TCJA.
No they didn't.
2017 federal tax revenue was $3.32 trillion. 2018 federal tax revenue was $3.33 trillion, a $10,000,000,000 increase.

See how lefties always defend themselves. The guy in the meme could have beaten the shit out of the women but the horde will still protect him. I've always been amazed at how Republicans throw each other under the bus at every chance they get but Democrats always stick together

I was a leftist who started training. Soon after I began to make my first gains and I realized that I could take control of my life and began to take responsibility for other things like my health, career, and romantic life. I then realized most of my leftist friends are just lazy privileged pieces of shit that want everything handed to them and I started to understand conservative opinions more. I'm now a full fledged right wing asshole and would never look back.

Left wing economics are superior but are undermined by leftist social ideology.

Immigration from the Third World by definition increases inequality because you are continually increasing the share of people with next to no assets and low earnings.

Unions are undermined by surplus labor. Workers can be divided on social lines, and solidarity breaks down. Guilded Age industrialists intentionally used poor migrants to help turn workers against themselves.

In the 1960s people supported affirmative action because it was reparations for 10% of the population. Today over half the kids born are "minority status." So of course Whites are going to turn on it. You can't have mass migration and keep support for mass redistribution.

Plus there is the crazy denial of sex differences.

However, I will still take this over retards who don't think global warming is real. And smart liberals do realize that mass migration is bad for workers. This is why Obama deported far more people at the height of the recession than Trump has, even as far fewer were crossing in.

That's the biggest irony, Trump has been shit compared to Obama on deportations. Of course, high IQ correlates with centrism; the gap between radical party members and centrist ones is about as big as the White - Black IQ gap

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>Conservative ideology is based on a zero sum perception of life,

b8n like s8n

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I just want to lift enough to forgot what we lost

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Yeah, this is now a merchant thread

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This is not the board for you, tranny. go dilate in /v/ or something

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The modern left has unironically pushed me into becoming an ethnic ultranationalist, because the only group I genuinely don't see destroying my country is WASPs.

How dare you go against progress you biggot

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We are in agreement, however I'm still on the Right wing side of the aisle. I don't care for most of the people in the gop, but the Left has abandoned the working class for multinationals and tech companies that strive to make us live in Blade Runner with shit aesthetics. Global warming is a stupid hill to die on though, anything we might do to help will be dwarfed by China and India saying idgaf, and beyond that it's been clear since the Sierra Club sold out on immigration that Green politics is really just a excuse for wealth transfer to feel like something is being done without actually fixing the issues.

>Left wing economics are superior
Define "left wing economics." Surely you don't mean the thoroughly discredited Keynesian "Government Spending Solves Everything" shit they keep trying to push.

>Immigration from the Third World by definition increases inequality because you are continually increasing the share of people with next to no assets and low earnings.
First of all, that would be left wing economics. Secondly, this wouldn't be nearly as large of a problem if the government weren't bending over backwards to protect the oligarchs at "the top" (i.e. Themselves and their friends) from the competition brought on by market forces.

Trying to limit immigration is merely an arcane form of minimum wage. It's a policy ostensibly meant to "help" uneducated idiots that just happened to be born in a particular jurisdiction, and the expense of the at least quasi-knowledgeable middle class that has to support this pandering by paying more for everything. In reality, it's just pandering to dependent retards. If you can have your job taken by an illiterate Honduran, you were a vulture on the carcass of society to start with.

>You can't have mass migration and keep support for mass redistribution.
That is absolutely true. Since the "mass redistribution" and general State robbery and spending to provide various gibs for various losers is a terrible idea to start with, the solution would be to stop doing that. But good luck actually doing that. The State obviously doesn't want to relinquish ANY power they have, and keeping several million trailer and ghetto trash misfires dependent on the State dime empowers them to keep stealing the money of those of us who actually work for a living.

>Of course, high IQ correlates with centrism

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If this retarded thread is allowed to stay up then I have a right to shit it up with with ever off topic shit I want, fuck jannies

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