What is the most Jow Forums programming language?

What is the most Jow Forums programming language?

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HTML is the best language by far imo


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Java because it requires so much effort :^)
got me to respond/10

>more than 1100 members in a single class room

imagine the smell

Java was my first but 100% not java. It’s all pajeets

Python is very popular and easy so it’s popular with Raj and Patel too

C++ and C are good languages not popular in India so they’re probably the most fit languages


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For working out at the library

The least fit is definitely javascript. The most fit is probably C/C++/go/rust
t. software dev tech lead

When you are talking programming language, you are talking about THE programing language which is C (no ++)

None. This thread is stupid and full of larps.

>this board
>not the intere site

I don't know but python is retarded.

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MIT Scheme, as used in Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs



this and one of the other right answers is c++

This similarities between programming languages and lifting are too great to ignore.

Anyone who posts a """functional""" programming language will spend hours arguing functional strength.

Those who prefer bloated OOP languages spend years doing SS and have nothing to show for it.

Python is beginner tier and ASM is Boomer tier.

t. embedded engineer