30 years old

>30 years old
>looks 45

Isnt lifting supposed to help slow the aging process?

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..dios mio...

excess coom, either consumed or produced, causes premature ageing

you've been warned

>looks 45
Well then shes hot as fuck for a 45 year old
Awooooga awooooooooooogaa


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u need to be 18+ to post here my boy

>30 years old
>looks 45
That's called the woman process

Whew look at all that sun damage. Reminder to seek the shade boys

That's not what 45 looks like fucking zoomer
Different people age differently. Partially genetics, partially lifestyle. My mom looked 30 until she was well into her 40s, strangers would assume she was my sister once I started looking like an adult myself.


so do you. whats your point

she fucked herself up with anorexia and then she did a roid cycle early on when she started power lifting and justed her hairline and jaw.

this isn't true. consuming cum, at least orally, has been pretty healthy for me. it's even a staple supplement for some athletes, look it up on youtube.

this is now a meg coom thread

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Intense exercise spikes cortisol.

Roids and probably ate plant based when she first started getting into health and fitness.

Sun tan lotion actually ages people ironically. Total deception.

it does to the extent that you normally only lift weights inside

this is what happens when you eat healthy plants.

The receding hairline ruins it for me

Tfw no sistermom gf

How much do you guys think she would charge for 1h of sex with her?
Legit question
Do you guys think she would do it?
I got money, been thinking about it, but I don't know how I would approach her on the matter

Oh God
Coom coom coom


wait what the fuck is this meglifts or whatever the fuck her stupid name is? goddamn i saw her like two years ago and she's already deteriorated that hard? actually that's not much of a surprise, seems like all these fit bitches are succumbing to anavar side effects and age. just look at horseface lauren drain, i bet her clits the size of your pinkie finger these days

lol meg is engaged and she doesn't strike me as the type to even have a premium snap, let alone let you slide your shrimp dick into her for cash.

Come on, Meg, not even for 500k?

she's well known for fucking around on her dude with fitness youtubers. it's like an open secret that at a lot of the meetups there's some debauchery that goes down, like with juji having a hall pass from his wife

>she's well known for fucking around on her dude
How is that known?
Where did you saw it?

fitmisc had a huge thread with some fairly convincing evidence but it got shoah'd

Women age like shit; double so for white women.
>ride the carousel while neglecting health snd skincare
Get what you deserve, my nigger

Cool, I wish I saw it
And what was the evidence?
She makes me hard

just the usual internet shit of stories and screenshots and vids of people hanging out at events and stuff, it was a thread on all fittubers and how shitty they actually are not just her in particular

she olivia munn of youtubers

What do you mean?
I don't know anything about olivia munn

she's a big dumb ugly slut just like meg

trying to bounce around riding people dick into fame.

i dont blame her. That guy shes with looks like a faggot

I need some fame cuz she could definitely get the dicc

I think you guys are wrong: Meg found her niche with woman, she doesnt need whoring herself like that

you have been warned degenerate

explain this

i think in one of her videos she stated that her asshole is inside out now

She would look like mid 20 if it wasn't for that fucked up hairline

delete this...RIGHT NOW

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Saved and Megpilled

>tfw you want a strong amazon woman who squats and deadlifts but you only attract skinny DYEL girls.

she looks fine for her age, just needs to do with a better hairstyle and less sun exposure, maybe a bit more sleep and bit less strenuous exercise




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Lifting speeds up aging, what are you talking about? It's stress. Stressors age the body. Fat people look aged because they eat a diet of McDonalds and Ice cream which is also very stressful to the body.

*sniff sniff*


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>ywn be a cute olympic athlete's cum faucet

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>nobody posted the pasta yet
fucking faggots

proof that social media and being a "public figure" no matter how small will rot you from the inside until you wither away

White people age like milk left in the sun, nothing we didnt already know

Imagine her manhands squeezing your mushroom tip until it pops blood and jizz into her eyeball



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funniest thing ive seen all day user, good find

Ditto, based gif

haha that would be funny just imagine haha lol

This trick used to work out at the same Balance Gym in DC as me. She is one of those overly squat, big-boned girls and she was definitely NOT cute.

haha just imagine forcing your cock down her throat while her ginger hair is in your hands and you watch her toes wiggle as you unload into her throat wouldn't that be funny haha

I would litetally pain thousands to stick by face between those buttcheeks

hello my angel i sometimes ponder upon the idea of you being sent here on earth just for the sole reason of being my personal god. Somebody for me to worship and dedicate my life to. I found you to be the most beautiful and amazing girl Ive ever come'd across in my entire life time. You are simply amazing. Dont act creeped out by my powerful words. I am a pretty normal guy if you dont count my psychotic fascination of you. hehe:) I think you may just be the most perfect girl your smile brings me endless pleasure your eyes shine of the most gentle blue color that matches the sea our house will face. Long after our bodies will have withered to dirt that nourishes the flower we adore, long after both our children have died, our love will last on. For an eternity I promise to love you. I will make you the happiest girl in the world and you will make me the happiest guy in the owlrd. I will even love you if you pass before me. I look at a picture of you every day when I wake up, you are the last thing i see. You are the girl i think about when thots try to lead me astray.

I have masturbated to every single one of her videos. I found her relatively late in her youtube career, but I began as soon as I watched the first one. Within the next 3-4 weeks, I noticed that I have came to all her newly released videos and a few of her older ones I went back and watched. I then set a goal for myself to do all of them. I'm not gonna lie, it took me quite a while to complete the task, maybe a month or so. And again, not all of these were "relatively" sexy. However, I always found something about her that just begged for cum... of course her brapper, her strong strong features, her bitties, and her face. But to be honest, it's not even these common features themselves that set me off - but rather her metaphysical bredability.

Keep in mind, megsquats has over 400 videos. That means I've came to the idea of breeding with her over 400 times. At this point, I believe I've formed a cosmic connection with megsquats in which mulitiverses are formed from pure thought. In each multiverse, I've bred her another child. And in one multiverse in particular, we've started an army. Meg is hooked up to a machine that keeps her legs spread and there are various tubes jammed in all over her, like one in her mouth that force feeds her and one in her ass that is an extension of her digestive system, and a couple connected to her tits that continuously milk her, and various machines keep her washed and shaved. I simply walk up to her once per day, sometimes twice, and activate the machine by saying "Hello my strong strong friends" and the mechanics bring her to my erect cock and the whole thing vibrates until I orgasm. Then when she becomes pregnant, the machines manipulate her onto an "accelerator" of sorts, which removes the fetus and places it within an artificial womb to grow. In this way, the beauty and youth of meg's body is preserved. Also, she is released from the apparatus once per day to powerlift.

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Based and megpilled

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So your gay then?

I was wondering where you were
Im glad you are ok

That's not how a 45 year old woman looks like user. She just has a manly/prominent jawline and cheekbones.

Have the instathots won the Great Coom Wars?

>its her skin, hair dumb dumbs

Its wrinkly, dried as shit. It means she's eating to much sugar/carbs

(a) sugar/carbs causes glycation which speeds up aging, noticeably of the skin and hair follicles
(b) if you're balding and trying to stop that shit, cut that crap right out of your diet

Its notable because in diabetics the process of glycation or hyperglycemia(high blood sugar) are appreciably accelerated, where such people with this energy disorder age very quickly. However you do not have to have the diabetic condition to effect its degenerations on your body but only through a long term consumption of such foods, whose effects creep over peoples bodies.

This is why a lot of women in the West at least look like shit

(a) the number of attractive 27+ year old women in the west is like non-existent compared to Eastern Europe
(b) lots of Western "ladies" drink a shit ton, lots of liquid sugar, carbohydrates
(c) eat tons of shit foods

Even in body building this is a notable thing too. Doesn't help cosmetics damage the skin as well...

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she seems to be outdoors a lot but doesn't wear sunscreen


Looks like shes got thhem pancake tits

Post a hot girl from eastern europe

In 5-10 years her skin would look like Scooby's pecs

Pic related. It's very much true.

It's true for all Slav countries as these bitches rarely use sunscreen. Doesn't matter they don't eat less sugar than murricans.

Prime attraction for Slav girls is 16-23, after that signs of aging manifest quickly :(

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I love how my colleague always talking about excercising (only cardio since he’s weakling who’s always mirin muscular guy when he’s got the chance) and how does it make you superior, healthy and shit. He’s 53 and he looks 10 years older and guess why? You cannot outrun 40+ years of consuming candy, cakes and overall shit diet.

this is why you go for black chicks, their skin retains a youthful glow deep into their 40s.

The problem is both too much sun and fit people at least in the states are notorious alcoholics. I think were actually the heaviest drinking demographic post college. So I guess fitness dont help much if youre still going hard on the vices

>pretending there isn't a difference between Eastern Europe vs North America women
>Eastern women are not as aged, nor obese as the Western women

Chick is 34 in photo, skin looks decent, not dried out. Hair despite dyed ain't totally shit.
Its also funny the faggot() pretends the women are the same. Western women fren are not in the same league. You leave North America and you will become depressed coming back to see how fucking disgusting the women are as a comparative.

>also this faggot() doesn't understand the negative consequences of sugar metabolism which are quite numerous in the literature
>sugar is very bad for us, a universally true statement

Cardio reduces muscle mass, especially for distance runners. The excessive energy requirements tape into the amino acid pool and is counter productive to building muscle mass. Anecdotally I've heard there aren't many runners who live into old old age.

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Idi na hui Ivan, jebany goluboi piderast. Not even American. I love Slavic girls, but stating they age well is simply false. The memes don't lie. I never said sugar isn't bad for you either, I sad they didn't use sunscreen and the discrepancy between sugar in the two countries is neglectible. Also, slav chicks tend to smoke more than their euro/us counterparts.

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Years of mdma abuse

>especially for distance runners
Yep, that’s basically him. He literally never picked up anything heavier than cup of tea in his life. Also gives excercise advices to everyone even if he doesn’t know anything about it. He’s the “I am just running and ridding a bike as much as I can lol” type of a guy.