Have you ever had any experience with a milf/older girl?

Have you ever had any experience with a milf/older girl?

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36 with one (white) kid
was fun for a while

why did it end user? because of the kid?

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my second girlfriend was a sister's friend about 7 years older than me ...sex was cash we still hang out from time to time

I fucked my friend's mum for 2 years until I went to college

My wife is 15 years older.

Do you have any biological kids together?

Yes. She was five years older than me, but had the mental maturity of an early teen. We were together for less than six months. She cheated on me with one of my best friends.
Feel free to inquire further, frens.

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Yes we have three daughters. When we got together, she basically tried to have as many as possibly as quickly as she could because we didn't want to be having kids after she was 40.

I was with a girl 2 years older than me