What does Jow Forums think of cannabis?

I personally love to snort a few weeds before a workout, I feel it helps me relax more under the intense pressure of lifting.

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>snort a few weeds


Also last time I smoked weed before a workout I ended up failing on my lifts, IDK if it was because of the weed or I was just having a day but I haven’t smoked before a workout since then and my lifts are back up, idk though, I see the appeal but I can’t do weed if I have responsibilities for the day because then I end up getting lazy af.

"Intense pressure" go back to planet fitness

toxic shit
Plants have these substances in them to make you stop eating them, to have delusional "we are all one" breakdowns and to return to the earth so that you may be consumed.

I used to really enjoy running while stonned, but at some point the weed turned on me, now I can't take it without some hard core anxiety.
I don't think the gym would have a good vibe, but to be honest i don't know if anything has a good vibe for me anymore while stonned.

Don't really like lifting on weed. Makes me weak and kind of distracted. But if I'm doing just light work and not going too heavy it can be a lot of fun. The gym becomes more "recreational" if that makes sense.

Good for if you’ve got bad doms or need a bit of extra help bulking, don’t smoke before a workout though, your lifts will be weak as fuck

Ruined my life. Gave me severe mental illness

are you really this dumb?
snorting (aka chuffing) a few "stems" is one of the first ways kids get into marijuana since it's not as harsh as smoking

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>Ruined my life. Uncovered my severe mental illness

No, you already had a mental illness.

good advice man I wish i knew about that method before i got lung cancer from too much CBD

>eating raw cannabis will make you have a psychedelic experience and literally die
ya fuckin retard

sorry to hear that, bro. I'll lift for you tomorrow
100% of people who huff weed will die from it, and many of those people will take innocent lives with them
We can only hope that a few people learn from your example

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>What does Jow Forums think of cannabis?
Who fucking cares? Imagine being so much of a fucking NPC that you base your own personal opinions off some anonymous basketweaving forum users' personal opinions.

>hey Jow Forums what do I think of xyz?
These threads should literally be grounds for IRL imprisonment. OP should be in a fucking cage.

Why would you come here if not to get others' opinions? Tool.

shitposting jokes in a barely-moderated environment?

>coming to Jow Forums for advice
and I'M the tool? lmao

Proven to lower test

I gotta fuckin cut back, man.

I enjoy dabbing a bit of CBD before bed. It eases my intrusive thoughts and helps with and muscle pain I might have from an intense workout.

Not as fun as LSD but it's also not as taxing on my body, as well as being less hassle to get. I only mess with edibles though to get the time dilation and longer, stronger high.

Very high chance of hindering growth

You are def the tool in this scenario

Not him but what's the difference? If his mental state and behavior are worse than before, because of the weed he smoked

I prefer to have dreams instead, in a literal sense. Apparently CBD won't kill your REM cycles, but getting huge doses of it with no THC isn't, you know, fun, more like a really lame supplement.

Good for relaxation, fun to smoke with friends. Nice to watch a movie and look at paintings while blazed, also incredibly great for music. However, if you smoke this shit everyday you're gonna fry your brain. I personally think that being deprived, or altering your consciousness forever is quite scary. Every drug has its side effects.

Couple times a month max.

Attached: THC.png (1280x705, 29K)

>hey fit what do you think about off-topic, divisive thing
we have the same thread every day

Asking this seriously

Edibles, trance music, and cardio is a beautiful human experience.
Stick with a sativa strain and get a song that matches your pace.
The endorphins of exercise and the body high are a whole new level of existence.
Obviously control the dosage so you aren't a zonked out mess.

gay, I fucking hate potheads.


I inject test, so no problem.