Mire thread, i'll start

mire thread, i'll start

>only started lifting last month but kinda toned from community service through scouts
>4'11 Israeli qt at my school says I have huge shoulders
>asked me if i played football
>tell her about all the labor i did in scouts
>"that's so sweet that you did all that"
I'm 6'0, and all I want to do is Viking carry her back to my room and cuddle w/ her

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A couple shoulder mires
>junior year of college
>at tailgate with housemate's family for free food
>meet her mom, dad, younger brother, extended family
>housemate, her brother and I are talking
>she says to little bro, "don't you want to start working out so you can get big shoulders like user?"
More like "Don't you want to start working out so you can be a virgin at 22 like user?" haha...

>meeting up with friend after not seeing him for half a year
>can't find him
>walk around before looking back and seeing he's behind me
>he says "I didn't notice that was you user, your shoulders are so much wider"
Cool, I guess

Ur kids are gonna be midgets

>be me
>6ft 220
>load up 495 on the bar
>girl literally stops what she's doing and watches me deadlift

>also be me
>load up 405 in the power rack
>squat it for 3
>boomer comes up to me and asks what im on (natty)

feels fucking good being stronger than all you weak faggots ITT

>have gf of one year
>she calls me sexy, broad, cute, big, handsome, etc. every day

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post body. im same height and weight but not anywhere near those numbers

>be me
>at uni sitting on the floor in the hall with a few others who live on my floor
>everyone's bored cause no weed or alc
>chadlite suggests locker boxing
>challenges twink from my floor
>he declines
>asks a few others
>qt3.14 says how about you lockerbox user
>everybody laughs
>"no way he'd knock my head off

I didn't know what to say so I just laughed along but god did it feel good

hahahaha suck my dick you weak little bitch. want a tip? train harder kike. im 28 and have been lifting for 10 years

>overseas on business
>eat massive breakfast in front of coworkers
>walking to client building
>user do you play sports?
>nothing more than pick up games with friends, why
>you’re quite built and have quite an appetite
From a guy but it was nice.

>overseas on business
irrelevant, as are the next 2 lines. faggot pajeet confirmed

ah i see the roids are making you upset again

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Have fun with manlet kids that support an illegitimate state that slaughters innocent children daily

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Not guy you responded to but I have very similar numbers at 6’3 250 natty, just because somebody has better numbers than you doesn’t mean they roid
>pic related, mfw I read that cope

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>10 years
>only deadlifting 5pl8 at 220lbs

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>thinks thats my 1rm
hahahaha fucking weak faggot

Nowhere did I imply that 5pl8 was your 1rm

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tinder openers that actually work pretty well? I feel like mine all suck

>only deadlifting 5pl8 at 220lbs
right there you fucking retard holy fuck @ how stupid you are hahahahaha

>b r fucking b
>deadlifting 600 pounds
>warming up with 135


>walking along wearing a dark shirt that hides my gut and shows off my arms
> guy that looks homeless calls me a "big boy" while squaring his arms
>I shrug
>he asks if I'm coming from the nearby YMCA
>I tell him I work out from home and then walk away
>mfw when I haven't worked out in over a year besides monthly maintenance

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>gf has her friend over
>both of them are high
>both of them start talking about how big my arms are
They are only 18in with a pump at 6'2 but still felt bretty gud

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>being this buttblasted

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literally would rather be upset than a complete fucking retard who is destined to be a single lonely virgin retard for the rest of his life

>projecting this hard

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>unironically saving and using this image
lmao ViRGiN

>implying samurai jack isn't based

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>posting this
Pick one and only one, nigger

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Settle down ladies

skinny bitch nigga kike detected

Don’t you have middle school or some shit

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wow good one you fucking geek, tell me. when was the last time you laid in bed with a girl who loved you?

It's fun hoping that there is I've schizophrenic poster in here replying to himself and spewing all this autistic rage, but that's probably not the case. You niggers are autistic as FUCK


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I know this site hates da joos, but if we're going purely by country, there is no modern country that ain't committed some fucked up shit within the last century or so. To tie one's character to their nation is idiotic. I love America and she is okay with Israel, but we both recognize that each country is far from innocent.

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>fo todmgo.@lnS`Drmve"thru for dtderu$Irty bu,k>osDer$2x mcdoucles$and0a mcchacken
>Ull u` uo widg, pT(bdaOk girlhands md My fool"you0}ooj l{e"yo4!sou|d begne a dem"ollister%m-delS>)th%nks(you to>drive0homm feeling gOg$ aboEu mysmlw
>eet xO)e, oen "q>stupId bIdch ozgu m9"mkchickan

Attached: bulk.jpg (1020x576, 17K)

Would you like to supersize that for 99¢?

>go to mcdonaLfs DRive"thvu vor dau dese"dirty fulkJ>orde:,2x mcdoubles and c -cchiCken
.tull up to window, qt"Black oird(hanes me my$food
>"yo lkoklka yu`bould bd one e dam hollmstep modEls"
>t-thanks"yOU uoo
>drie hgde feeling0good(abut lyseff
>get0hkm%, pen bag
6s|upid bktch foreo4-y mschicken

Attached: mkdcCOODnsals.jpg (1020x576, 401K)

>More like "Don't you want to start working out so you can be a virgin at 22 like user?" haha...


>order dirty dere dat for thru drive alds mcdonto
>pull mcchickena d anmcdoubles 2x bulk
>"my me ds hangirl black qt dow,winto up
>t-thanmodels"hollister dem a e onbe could you like look you food
>drive you ks
>get about good g feelinhome too
>stupid open home,myself
mcchickenmy forgot bitch bag

Attached: mcchhccmmcchhccmmcchhccmmcchhccm.jpg (1020x576, 399K)

>Came back from summer back to uni from a summer bulk
>Hit the uni gym for a sikk upper body workout
>Gym bro gets talking with the qt from the powerlifting club as I’m walking away
>”Hey user you look huge!”
>Turn around and see her, smile and catch up with her
>give her some form tips on deadlift

I think I’m making it bros, third time this week someone’s commented on my physique

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Have sex

Unlike most people on Jow Forums I don’t hate Jews, just don’t like that Israel kills innocent kids every day and not only gets away with it, but they are funded with my taxes. The government of Israel has violated numerous UN resolutions and had no repercussions while the country’s the US has invaded violated one or two and got fucked by the long dick of the US military industrial complex.

Those are shit numbers for your weight and the time you've been lifting. Go back to the gym because right now you are not makin it

Home mogged

Cop some IQ points, retard. It was a jab at his greentext

>only 18
bigger than 100% of Jow Forums

Post her khazar milkers so we can critique.

>only 18

Get the fuck out of here

>Go home with gril
>Take off my shirt
>Short scream
>"Oh my God your body is like some majestic like work of art jeez"
>"Haha thanks"
>"Oh my God you're so cute can I kiss you?"
It was a good night bros

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t. guy who will literally never be 2/3/4/5 ever in his life.... and thats a fact. how does that feel? honestly would like to know. pretty fucking weak if you ask me seeing as 2/3/4/5 is achievable in 3 years easily

Pretty shit deadlift desu coming from powerlifting point of view

just the fact you call it "shit" as opposed to "average" ( which it is ) conveys youre a weak and jerky faggy teenager, coming from an adult point of view

that must be amazing

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You're innocent idiot

first time I laughed out loud at this pasta. GJ user

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>Israeli qt

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Girl at my gym who has a really high wilks said I was "strong as fuck" the other day.

kys shlomo

some of the guys in my social circle have started referring to me as 'big man', feels pretty good lads

Stronger and lighter than you faggot

imagine making yourself out as the big lifter sorta guy then actually admitting you only pull 220kg after 10 years training. Like most people add 2kg/week to their deadlift to that sort of level with intelligent training. You've been adding like 0.4kg/week lolol

Did I miss a meme? Wtf is this

100% chance you've never pulled 5 plates and never will

been lifting 2.5 years and pull 200kg, dw i've 8 years to add 20kg to my deadlift, i think i'll do alright

yes its called poojet cope

>he thinks 495 is my 1rm
hahaha sweetie..... maybe re-read my post?

>you will never get toned from picking trash and looking after old people
Why even live

Dad mires dont count faggot

>More like "Don't you want to start working out so you can be a virgin at 22 like user?"

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tfw only exgf that refuses to fuck me has mired me

kek damn

Had some mires from random girls but this was all that matters to me right now.
>meet girl I met from vacation for first time in two months on friday.
>have kind of a long distance thing, different countries.
>remeet in Düsseldorf for the weekend
>keep catching her looking at arms now and then
>squeezes my hand randomly while holding it
>first time sex, she keeps rubbing my lats, shoulders, lower back.
>when we cuddle she sometimes squeezes my arms and back muscles
>gives me kisses on the head
>asked her out officially and she said yes

I'm back home now sadly and she is too. I know long distance has a huge fail rate but even then, I feel like a huge hole in me has been filled and finally feel content with life for the first time in so long.

have to agree with you here, samurai jack is one of the most based things produced by man

the jew replies hazily. He knows in his jewish mind that an absence of a reply to the posters claim of Israel stirring shit up everywhere and being funded by anons tax money is true. But he must say something. He must defend his schlomo brethren no matter the cost

Based and Palestinepilled

My subordinate at work who is a bodybuilder and does shows says i look like kingpin

t. shift leader

>first time sex, she keeps rubbing my lats, shoulders, lower back.
>when we cuddle she sometimes squeezes my arms and back muscles
You lucky bastard. This is all I've wanted but have never achieved

who was the girl?

Does she have her wilks tattood on her forehead? how do you know it?

Holy shit is vagina that powerful? Reading that last line has me confused, I don't understand

attended a martial arts class, im clueless.
this instructor assistant guy said im ridiculously strong.

>trying to stir up shit in my fitness board
I see through your jewish trickery, nice try Moshe.

How old are you? You can't be older than 16

Been getting a lot recently, went from none at all my whole life to regular mires out of nowhere. I had three happen in the last two days

>At machinegun shooting event
>Just finished shoulder firing a Lewis gun, heavy as fuck, muscles bulging to hold it up
>Stacked bimbo tattoed gun girl type with leathery tan and fake tits stops right in front of me as I walk away and says "Wow, I really like your hair!"
>Later walking around with my brother, overheard her say to what I assume is her boyfriend "I like that guy's hair"
>Just a basic bitch fuckboy undercut, guess it's not common in the area. Blond and blue eyed though, so maybe it kicks it up a notch

>Work security at hospital, have to pick peers for peer review
>One of them I picked is a short cute girl with a nice ass, kinda chubby though. She doesn't take any shit from patients, she likes to jump in and help security a lot with druggies and drunks and stuff.
>She's teasing me about picking her
>"Well, I guess I can put down that you're not an asshole any more. And that you're the only security guard with muscles. And you have a nice haircut!"
>Again with the hair, wtf did I do right?

>At hospital, police and EMTs bring in drunk 16 year old thot, she was being violent and trying to fight the EMTs.
>EMTs are hamplanet with crossed eyes and a super tall, thin amazon looking girl.
>She's ignoring everyone else, not giving the police her statement, just standing next to me talking to me about how crazy it was. Turns out it's her second day, she has no idea that this is common
>"That just escalated so fast! I was freaking out! Look, did I break out in stress hives?"
>No shit pulls down front of shirt and leans forward, tits near to hanging out. Probably still high on adrenaline and not thinking about social decorum
>I politely oblige her request and lean in to get a good look. I tell her no, she's fine.
>We continue to chat until she leaves.

nice novel faggot


>get fit gains
>still an autistic faggot

Remember to work on your social gains too friends


>literally REEEE'ing
>proceeds to give social advise

remember to take your meds schizoid

Your mom

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Does anyone else tend to get more mires from dudes who are drunk?

Not fit mires, but I get a shitload of drunk dudes miring hard on my beard. Its not even that special, I just put effort into maintaining it.

Some of them even want to pet it and shit. Its fucking hilarious.

>literally REEEE'ing

Guy I think you forgot yours.

>triple mark
look... he's hurt

Guy? You ok?

Im pretty sure this shitpostinf, but Im not sure what youre trying to get at.

Im just confused senpai.

I love the arrogance of you little faggots on this website. You literally have no idea who you're talking too. Theres people who browse this board which make your lifts look pathetic. Theres other people like myself, who could RIP you apart my bare hands.

You little faggots I swear. I can wait till the system collapses and we can start the mass murders and see who's really an alpha male. I want to kill about half the people I see, regardless.


How much wider? What is your routine?

Strap in
>sociology 101 class
>Bay Area California
>absolute liberal lions den (even in that classroom)
>mog everyone cause 6’3” and only skills are lifting heavy objects
>wear hat and glasses (to soften appearance of course)
>keep to self observant
>class discussion ensues with platitudes toward socialism and now retarded meta liberalism
>my thoughts: “people actually say this stuff out loud”
>professor informs class groups of 3 will be made to do an end of semester joint essay and presentation
>professor lotteries the groups from class roster
>get the chapter on ... gender equality
>get partnered with an obese gay black dude (mannerisms give it away) and a decent looking and well dressed white boy twink (no homo I just respect men who have style)
>sit down to exchange info
>fat gay black dude says first words without missing a beat looking at me “you voted for trump didn’t you” almost accusatory
>”why do you say that?” My reply
>other dude who is also quite gay simply by mannerisms and his voice looks at me intently
>im in the spotlight
>black dude “you spend your whole time in the gym clearly and most guys who do that definitely like trump”
>I had on a thin sweater and maybe could see some of my traps and my pecs If I stood up and some faggy utility sweatpants that showed off my ass (which I’m proud of)
>for some reason I say in response, “well should I stop working out?”
>other gay boy says, almost in a whisper, “I don’t think you should stop.”

I experienced like a double counter mire. Black dude was checking my politics via my very hard to tell body under my clothing just cause of what I was wearing or he was checking me out and then the lil twink countered that. I’m still reeling. Before I left I complimented the twinks shoes and sock choice, I think I made his day.
This semester gonna be retarded and spicy and probably gay

Oh yeah. I should be locked up for sure. I'm a fuckin animal. Like I was saying. You arrogant little faggots have no idea who the fuck is cruising this website. Be very grateful we have laws and civilization.

>reddit spacing
yikes. 0% chance youre 2/3/4/5 which is really fucking sad if you're so into fitness you post on forums