Hello, im unsure if this is the correct board to post this on but i think its relevant...

hello, im unsure if this is the correct board to post this on but i think its relevant. anyone have any advice on how to deal with/heal/soothe/treat shin splints? i've tried everything. topical ointments, ice packs, foam rollers to massage with, medication, but they do not go away. i've had them for the past 4 years and every time i participate in sport/physical activity, the shin splints begin to hurt so intensely that the area from my knees to my ankles goes numb and my shins feel stiff and i have to sit out and not participate in sport/activity. thanks

Attached: How-To-Tell-If-You-Have-Shin-Splints.png (4500x2813, 2.05M)

btw a doctor has diagnosed me with shin splints so this isnt some regular soreness from physical activity that i may percieve as being shin splints

any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated (:

Get some better shoes.
Lose weight.

Try suicide faggot.
Lol at running.

my weight is healthy so i'm not sure about that but i will admit i don't have the best running shoes (they're a bit old) but even when they were new and i had broken them in, i still had shin splints and numbing pain.

Use tweezers to pull them out
It can help to soak the skin in hot water first

will do. thanks for the advice user (:

go talk to a gait expert pt/strength and conditioning guy

you're probably:

a in denial about being fat
b shitty running form

I found mine went away in a month or two

I'd have to press ice packs into the side of my legs for about 15-20 minutes after every run or else I wouldn't be able to walk afterwards during that time though.

i also have them, i stopped running for a month and now that im running again they are coming back, i also get a bit of pain from jumping rope, but today i did my rope skipping and tried to land on my feet differently, more on the middle part of the plant, and i noticed i didnt get any additional pain, so im thinking i probably have bad running form and will try to address this.

Your bones have microfracture how is ointment, icepacks, medications, massage going to heal your bones you drooling retard. Stop using your fucking legs for strenuous activities for many weeks

based retard

doing around 25 squats a day with a 10kg kettlebelt (goblet grip) helped me.

former college track runner here. grab a five gallon bucket, grab a hose and fill it with water, grab a five pound bag of ice or more and dump it in. pull up a chair and dip your legs in, should be about up to your knees. i did this every day after every track practice in high school when my shin bones were still weaker. when you recover your shins will be slightly stronger, its like the monks who slap stones all day to get fuckin strong hand bones

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it's the muscles getting stronger that cause the change not the bones themselves

Go to a good sports physio

(continued) so do that ice for like 20-25 min. i never have to ice or get shin splints anymore, so you must not be resting/recovering enough

Shin splints is a sign of toe strike, vs runners knee from heel strike. Having done both bc I suck at running the former is easier to live with... I screwed up my knees so badly heel striking I couldn't climb stairs for 3 days.
Bottom line get some better shoes, and pay attention to how your foot lands while you run.

then how come my calves are so small? check mate athiests.

I used to have them all the time in rugby. The way you get rid of it is letting it heal for some time and stretching every night. Don't stretch before you run. Stretch at night and run in the morning. I didn't do this and spent a whole season playing in pain. Take my advice now and let it heal. After that start stretching every day for at least 10 mins