> drive to the gym
> jog on the treadmill
drive to the gym
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Saw a blasian guy at the gym today who brought his own speaker into the class area (it's just a big open space where people do warmups and shit when it's not being used) and practiced breakdancing while blasting his own music over top of the gym speakers for two hours.
Probably would've been okay with his music over the gym music, desu.
sounds based
Sorry i dont want to run to the gym on the side of a highway
>run to the gym
>run home
Even on leg day brehs
truly ascended
>pay for gym membership
>performs walking lunges hold various objects
Literally me
The treadmill is easier on my joints buddy. I'm 6'5 and not a twink. Don't want to fuck my shit up.
Swim instead. It's 100x better for your joints.
>Swim instead. It's 100x better for your joints.
This was meant for
>go to gym
>see roastie doing leg lifts in the only squat rack
>practiced breakdancing while blasting his own music
>over top of the gym speakers
How are you even triggered by this lmao
I mean it wasn't an issue, but it seemed pretty pointless to me. He was there for at least two hours and never touched a weight, like why not just go to one of the several nearby parks instead of paying $10/month for something you're not gonna use?
>go to the gym
>always start my routine with bench
>some dude is using it
>alright I’ll just do dumbell BP instead
>one of the dumbells I need is on a mat beside the bench
>walk over to get it
>dude runs over “i’m using that”
>dude is doing one set on the bench, then walking over and doing squats with a single dumbell
>the gym only has one bench
>does this for 25 minutes
Ligamentlet detected
plenty of ghetto ass areas where this is a way more sensible option, my man
especially if you exercise at night
Had to convince my sister not to get a gym membership because all she wanted to do was treadmill. I told her to jog around the block. She told me she didn't want to jog in front of people. Bitch, you're not going to be alone in the gym unless you get there really early or really late and you're really lucky.
Sounds based to me
>drive to the gym
>take a shower
>run home
>go to the gym
>some faggot has the squat bar set to the max height on the rack and is using it for chin-ups
Why do these cunts do that? Just go do your pullups at home you faggot
Is the deadlift bad for your back?
yes. never do them. just do squats instead
>go to the gym
>do bodyweight lunges in the powerrack
it's unironi great as long as you are not doing high intensity sets too often
i deadlift in 8-12 rep range to failure couple of times every week and my back is better than ever
>sprint to the gym
>drive home
home gym master race
>drive to the gym
>push car home
Cycle to gym, lift, cycle back home
We all know what you're actually cycling
>Run to gym
>Push car home
>fight for the best parking spot closest to the entrance
>walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes
>called a death lift
no you're fine
>jogging near roads, breathing car fumes
this is what happens when you cycle off creatine
>Avoid being hit by traffic
>Avoid UV rays (obviously using UV tinted windows)
>Jog on exactly desired incline for the exact duration you want
Based and lifemaxxing
>Honey I saw this weird fucker on my way to work this morning, he was on the side of the freeway wand was running with a gym bag hanging around his neck.
Drive to the park and run in the park
You'll have a way better time
Your fault for not taking it anyway
Anyone supersetting accepts the fact that they can only hold onto one piece of equipment