>"I don't apologize to white people"
This is a line said by a black woman to a white person in the "Shrill" trailer in an attempt to be "funny"
Reverse the roles and you get everyone with spiders up their ass
> any thoughts on this robots?
>"I don't apologize to white people"
This is a line said by a black woman to a white person in the "Shrill" trailer in an attempt to be "funny"
Reverse the roles and you get everyone with spiders up their ass
> any thoughts on this robots?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Reverse the roles and you get everyone with spiders up their ass
this is the whole point of the joke. role reversal is a form of irony.
>If we punch up and point out the fact that black people don't owe whiteys apologies that's fine and comedic
>But if an oppressor is a racist who hates black people for no reason but a misplaced, bigoted opinion that they are inferior--further causing suffering after centuries of discrimination, that's not funny and people would find it offensive
Wow, it's almost like it isn't funny to kick people lower on the totem pole just because you're an unethical racist Jow Forumstard!
>Muh suffering olympics, just what a vicitm I am.
Lol, sjws
OP should have been muted for making such an unoriginal post
It's almost as if kicking people "higher on the totem pole" is exactly the same thing and you shouldn't be surprised violence is on the rise
>hypocritical SJW show
I'm an SJW and the show is just a chick show. Not my thing, but no less retarded than One Tree Hill or 90210 or whatever other chick show.
that's clearly an sjw show just from the cover with a naked fat girl
Kek. WTF is this shit? You're in the wrong place nigger. You're culture is filth. There's a reason America got more shit done in the slave days. It's because niggers weren't allowed to nignog all over the place. They were forced to work because everyone knows they won't do it on their own. If anything, whitey tried to show them how to build a civilization. A white man kills slavery and what does the nig do? Asks for equal rights then immediately realize they fucked up so they ask for reparations. Niggers are a plague. They were better people when they were babysat.
Jow Forums is constant psyops
ngl i've never seen Jow Forums just chatting here, they only talk to the lefty Jow Forums types, it's like the away game or something
Except it isn't. Whites aren't oppressed because a TV show makes a joke about the fact that they have caused so much suffering for the rest of the world, and the fate of every Black American IS the fault of white Americans--they have no grounds to beg an apology from a black person.
You should apologize to black people, and they never have any reason to apologize to you.
>kicking people "higher on the totem pole" is exactly the same thing
one is a momentary insult that hurts your fee-fees
the other is systemic prejudice that's used to deny people their human rights
i didn't say anything about oppression, i said attacking others is attacking others no matter who they are or where they stand and you shouldn't be surprised violence is rising out of this left madness.
>i said attacking others is attacking others no matter who they are
Saying "I don't apologize to white people" isn't an attack lmao how fragile are you people?
>If we punch up and point out the fact that black people don't owe whiteys apologies that's fine and comedic
To niggers and NPCs. In other words, not people.
>But if an oppressor
>further causing suffering after centuries of discrimination,
Shitlibs have the power. You're the oppressors. When you attempt to mock us, you're punching down and you cause suffering. Where's my oppression points?
>that's not funny and people would find it offensive
We don't find your shitty hulu shows funny and we find them offensive. Two can play at that game.
>is a racist who hates black people for no reason but a misplaced, bigoted opinion that they are inferior
I'm racist and I don't hate black people or believe they're objectively inferior. But if you act open your mouth about my people I'll give you a steamy golden shower.
i'm not trying to fight with you. reality is there will be a backlash to every slight, so antagonize if that's the road you want to go down. probably too late to stop.
>Whites aren't oppressed because a TV show makes a joke about the fact that they have caused so much suffering for the rest of the world, and the fate of every Black American IS the fault of white Americans--they have no grounds to beg an apology from a black person.
No but this is. This is an attack on white people. You can't blame white people for the shitty things y'all do. Our "white man" government gives you people free money called welfare and you still want more. If niggers aren't the laziest, most self righteous, degenerate race of people on Earth idk who is.
>you should apologize to black people for things you didn't do to them, but for things the group you belong to did to them
>black people should never apologize to you no matter what it is they as a people have done to you nor should a black person ever apologize to you based on actions that can solely be credited to their involvement
that is what I am assuming is being displayed in this tv trailer. In any case, you are a faggot goy who sucks jew cock
The majority of welfare recipients are white you dumbfuck
Even if that were true, it still doesn't take away the fact that the majority of crimes are committed by blacks.
Well the majority of the country is white so you would have to assume...
Clown world, user.
In numbers because there are so many more white people. You need to look at per capita, a % to see how bad each is
That's not an accurate way to look at it, user. I had a longer reply typed up but deleted it bc I didn't want you to think that I hate black people. And I want to hear what you have to say.
Let me ask.
If there is a pack of 10 dogs and 8 of them have been known to kill people, how would you feel around the 2 that haven't?
That's so misleading though. So in 2012, 31% of blacks had used food stamps at some point vs.15% of whites. The 15% of whites is still more people overall because blacks only make up12-13% of the population but it still means that black people are literally twice as likely to use food stamps at some point. Which means whites put in a disproportionate amount of tax money into the system in the first place.
I was purely responding to you asking for a source on whites being on the most welfare.
Your race enslaved her race
Only form of retribution is becoming slaves to them in exchange. Be glad they don't go to such lengths and take the joke as it is.
Source of last post: lexingtonlaw.com
>muh crime statistics
Disingenuous argument.
>475k blacks were arrested in 2017 as oppoosed to 436k whites. [1]
>100k whites in federal prison, 67k blacks [2]
>47,411,470 total black population 2017
>2.3 million black total prison population [3]
Deducting already arrested criminals (2.3 mil) we have a black population of 45mil. 475k arrests/year.
QED 0.01% of blacks outside of prison can be assumed criminals in a given year.
[1] pewresearch.org
[2] bop.gov
[3] naacp.org
You're right, I should have worded it differently. Thank you for pointing that out. Moving forward, it doesn't change the fact that the state of most blacks in this country were brought on by blacks.
In numbers, this means that blacks take in less welfare dollars than whites, period. No statistical analysis changes the fact that your money is more likely to go to a white person than a black person. Make it per capita is unimportant, because the argument was that your money goes to blacks, when it's more likely to go to whites.
its disappointing, i was hoping to see some fat girls get naked and show off their boobs for female liberation, i also was hoping to get some hairy pussy scenes but no i just get cancer
i can't even jerk my dick to this
So are you saying the 2.3 mil in prison can't be assumed criminals or that they're no longer black because they're in prison?
The 2.3 million are no longer outside prison, therefore you won't run into them unless they've escaped or been released after years. These offenders are likely included in the 475k arrests/year because of our high recidivism rate. Focusing on the 2.3 million to justify hating the majority of the population makes no sense from a logical standpoint.
Why not? They are black. They will always be black. You can't pick and choose who you want in your stats. If they are black and in the US they are part of the demographic. You could probably go farther and look at maybe violent crimes.
If we're using assumptions:
>African Americans are incarcerated at more than 5 times the rate of whites.
You could say that blacks are five times more likely to commit another crime.
yeah, can you tell me why r9k is now Jow Forums but with lots of gays
If we include incarcerated blacks, we are looking at 3/100 blacks committing crimes. Which means, statistically, you are blaming 97% of the population for 3% of the population's actions. Logically explain how judging any group based on the worst 3% makes any sense.
In addition, again, that 2.99% of that 3% you are unlikely to even see in your entire life, unless you go to prison.
You could also say that race isn't the only demographic you can measure inmates by. Why aren't we talking about how men are 10x as likely to commit a crime than women. Seems like a much stronger correlation.
>No statistical analysis changes the fact that your money is more likely to go to a white person than a black person. Make it per capita is unimportant, because the argument was that your money goes to blacks, when it's more likely to go to whites.
yeah but blacks take more welfare than they even pay in taxes in total by a factor of about 15, so basically they're just parasites
Wow, a race with historic poverty take more money than a race with historic affluence.
they literally arent pulling their own weight by a long shot, even though we racially discriminate against ourselves to give them a leg up in academia and jobs
its pretty fucking pathetic how we endlessly shoot ourselves in the foot to make up for the shortcomings of everyone else, only to get blamed more and more, and give more and more only for it all to get fucking worse, and be hated even more just for being in your proximity and continuing to fucking be better than you no matter how much we fucking gimp ourselves
fuck niggers and fuck (you)
It is amazing how much you will perform gymnastics to be a victim. When you get one of your points swatted down, you switch to something else, until it's very obvious the only identity you have is being a white male. It is baffling to me, a white male, that someone could lack self-awareness this much.
I'm not going to keep swatting your points down, you're a massive waste of time and effort for everyone.
13 percent of the population is responsible for 50 percent of the _____.
Fill in the blank. And no it's not cause of "systematic oppreshun" that these motherfuckers are the way they are.
It's happening on a larger scale than just one TV show and you know that. These leftist talking points have infected our politics and nearly every facet of Western society. It's everywhere, and people are waking up to it. My advice to you is that you don't shake your fist at the white man when he lashes out. Because he will, and then another one will, and then another one will. But types like you will use previous and future examples of bloodshed to further critisize him. It's kind of like a cycle at this point, you know?
Any thoughts on how most of us "whites" are new immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Poland and other european countries BESIDES the British, Dutch, Spanish and French who colonized the Americas?
Any thoughts on us not having fuck all to do with slavery or even engaging in racist acts until niggers and peurto Ricans were already terrorizing the cities we created our communities in?
Implying no one with white skin, or even a Mediterranean, Asian or Slav could ever be deserving of an apology from an African American ... Implying we are the ones who owe them anything other than a bullet when they try to rob us or rape our women
Implying half the people talking that "I don't apologize to white blah blah blah" are even African Americans but rather some shithole refugees or Muslims or Hispanics that find some other way to blame every white American for "being complicit" in their "imperialistic" foreign policies translating into giving Africa the only money or food they've seen in months since their last round of give
I swear, it's too early for this shit but before you hit me with
>Lmao muh Peterson
>Lmao muh Sargon of faggotry
What about individuals in everyday life .. do you not owe each person the respect they show you in turn?
>the other is systemic prejudice that's used to deny people their human rights
The other what?
I'm gobbling up bait here I know but these Netflix originals type programing really do my head in and I'm kinda miffed about how readily they will program our children to hate themselves and their skin color.
What it amounts to is revenge on past generations, and vengeance is a sin and also ultimately unfulfilling. We're not to blame for niggers lack of manners, whether by example or by giving them a motive. It's their shitty upbringing and lack of fatherhood.
I've worked with niggers and they don't even mumble a please or thank you at store clerk's, regardless of color. Just "gimme them Newports man."
>higher on the totem pole
You're goddam right and it's for a reason. Dont forget that either you stupid shitskin
This is true
I'd never heard of this show before I saw this thread
Jow Forums is effectively a loudspeaker for liberal thought
>I'm an sjw
Uhhh....you know that's a derogatory term like "snowflake", right.
>hey guys, snowflake here and it's just a chick show.. .
Would you rather be a black in America or a black in Africa?
>call a nigger a nigger and he can fight you and it's ok he was asking for it
Lol how fragile are you?
>he cant into per capita
Why the fuck should anyone take your opinion on anything seriously when you cant even grasp something this simple you imbecile.
Almost as though derogatory names from your in-group don't bother me.
You're clearly big mad. Try reading the thread more before posting.
Confirmed for never lived with blacks. Sit in your fucking gated community and you have the gall yo say this shit. Almost positive you're a grill and have purple hair and never walked a goddam mile. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Enjoy your gender studies degree.
>your pount is swatted down by my made up terms schlomo shekelstein told me to say
>try reading the thread
I did. And you're clearly retarded.
>I bet you look just like this image in my head that I've made up
Great counterargument, ad hominems are always effective.
>expecting anything other than an ad hominem to arguments that are made up around feeling rather than facts
>cite sources and statistics
>yeah well your arguments are, like, uh, based off feefees. Ha!
Good cope
You only provide vague allusions to your worldview and life experience if at all
The counterargument is a jab at your lack of worldview or life experience
>Muh add homuhnim
Faggotry and/or bait. Moreover, again see What about new "whites," who've had nothing to do with slavery or "imperialism". But get attacked by niggers constantly and their communities ruined
>if you talk about my people ill pee on you
Lmao white and their fetishes
>See: same post
Fix that.
>whites get attacked and their communities ruined
Opioid epidemic mainly deals with whites, who ruined their own community. I know because I live in such a community.
Nobody blames you for being white. They blame you for being so retarded you can't see that the US is still heavily segregated and still filled with systemic racism.
Lmao you sure are edgy, faggot
>thinking SJW and snowflake actually mean anything at this point
>work in law office
>Bossman attorney does lots of criminal, occasionally assigned as better "legal aid" but an actual pay lawyer, basically charity work and these clients essentially won the representation lottery
>19/20 criminal clients are black
>Peek at indictments, prior arrests, convictions
>Armed robbery; felony theft; misdemeanor possession crack cocaine but defaulted or kissed court so many times and reoffended seventeen times so now it's bumped to felony
>Auto theft
>Driving w license suspended or no license, no registration, no insurance.
>Sometimes stolen car
>While intoxicated, weed or booze
>Felonious assault; assault w deadly weapon
>Attempted rape
>Discharging firearm while performing felony
>Handgun unlicensed no permit, hollowpoint ammo 30 round mag for a pistol
>Sitting on front seat next to bag of crack
>Still insist on driving like assholes
"These people are wrongfully and disproportionately incarcerated!!!"
Fuck right off with that.
>the only conclusion I can draw from this is black ppl bad