I keep reading and watching mixed opinions on the mixed grip deadlift

I keep reading and watching mixed opinions on the mixed grip deadlift.

Today I used mixed grip instead of using straps, and it was waaay fucking easier to pull that weight up, I want to keep using mixed grip but I read online that it causes imbalances. Others say that as long as both arms are equally alligned on the bar, that no imbalances happen either to your traps, lats or erector spinae.

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Alternate or use hook grip

if you will never compete professionally in deadlifting, then just strap, FFS. Mixed grip is only a good idea for those who are in an artificially created environment banning straps. Why would you want to tear a bicep from its moorings.

Someone post bicep tear webm

I wouldn't pull something near my limit with a supinated grip for a brazilian dollars


Why would your bicep detach while you deadlift? Doesn't seem like any strain is put on it at all.

Personally I've never felt a single tingle on my under hand bicep when deadlifting. When people tear their biceps is when they try to curl the bar

I will never mixed grip out of fear of bicep tearing. If that means I plateau at 365 or whatever then so be it

If your supinated arm isn't fully extended your bicep could end up supporting some of the weight

you're at zero risk of tearing a bicep if you aren't juicing or egolifting as hard as possible
just alternate and you'll be fine you fucking mongos

Same, I just make sure to keep the supinated arm back

I also only use DOH for warm up sets and do static hold after my training to increase grip strength. My goal is to be able to DOH my deadlift work sets.

I dont get why anyone wouldnt have their arms extended all the way. Its literally imposibble, im hanging 350 pounds with only 2 twig arms what the fuck how am i supposed to have my arm bent

Straps fail me sometimes dude, bar still rolls with straps. Shit sucks but it happened today to me, ergo why i mixed grip

This one ?forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176837061&page=1

Or when you go super heavy, happens to powerlifters all the time. And they aren't trying to curl the bar, they know what they are doing

That's the one

>This dude is lifting like 10pl8. What if I don't plan on lifting that much and don't roid?

Oh that would explain it. I've literally never tried to deadlift with a supinated grip because I have zero issues holding on to a fucking bar lol.

>t. dyel

double overhand on the way up to the working set.
double overhand on the working set. if you can't reach desired reps then do another 2 sets alternating with left supinated then right supinated.

or you can learn hook grip, but that tears up your thumb.

are you properly rolling the straps into your hand in the opposite curl of the direction that your fingers curl?

I've done 3 sets of 10 powershrugs with LMAO5plate and never lost grip using simple Grizzly lifting straps

Yes I roll them correctly, the strap in line with my thumbs under the palm, then mimiquing a motorcycle rev.

I use shitty homemade straps tho, and barbells at my gym are commercial shits and have no gnerling for sumo. Might that be a cintributing factor?

yes, that would be a contributing factor

I mean, is it hard for you to grip 500lbs?
Its effortless, some people just have natural grip strength. I can hang on a bar indefinitely and don't understand how some people can't.

I cant even deadlift 500 lol. Yeah i guess you're right if you really pull that wiehgt double over hand. I have 6 inch bitch wrists, maybe that has nothing to do with grip strength but whatever

learn to alternate, i switch every deadlift session

it literally only happens when people are lifting weights that no one here will ever dream of
and its not like its a majority of heavy lifting with mixed grip gets a bicep tear

Im 168, my sausage fingers are too short for hook grip :(

My gymbro pulls 240kg and is lean, he's done mixed grip without alternating hands for the past 4 years, and he looks perfectly symmetrical. Even does it during warmup sets. You'll be fine.


If you tried to pull this gay shit in my gym I'd open the manlet pit and let them kick you in the shins

Exactly, Ive read many posts from fitness people, one from blahah that said no imbalances occur cause your traps, lats and erector spinae are using the same force to pull, hand positioning is not relevant with these muscles, as in they work only like levers holding the weight.

But im 5'11 barefoot. 6' foot with shoes on, which I wear to the gym so you will never be able to diferentiate me faggot

Also gives you nerve damage.

Literally have a friend that had one trap bigger than the other because of mixed grip. They evened out when he used double overhand/straps

Mixed grip essentially sets you down the path of the following:

- bicep tear on supinated hand
- shoulder irregularities with lack of symmetry in pulling
- overdevelopment and loss of symmetry in shoulder girdle and back, resulting in spinal curve irregularities, and potentially lordosis

It's best to move weights as symmetrical as possible. If you're having a hard time holding the weight you can:

- use wrist wraps
- strengthen forearms using farmers walks and various other grip work to strengthen extensors and flexors of the forearm. (preferred option)

Grip will improve immensely using heavy farmers walks, since the muscles involved are isometrically contracting and will build up a tolerance and improve your grip over time.

I wish I had big enough hands for hook grip

Well by the time you can I imagine your grip would be just fine.

I think most of these points are moot if you are natty, it's roidaroos that get injued with mixed grip. We have numerous natty plg trips like Isley who have been pulling mixed grip for years without any assimetry or tears.

And I've trained guys who use mixed grip without any signs or issues.

I use hook grip personally because it's the grip that I have started with.