Dk if I should. Opinions
Smash or pass?
there is absolutely nothing wrong with her. fuck i hate this place.
Wrists look like sausages, laugh looks like a grimace. Warning shoes. Steer clear.
Never claimed there was
Hard pass for me nigger
If you value your virginity at least the slightest, pass
She's fat, has a bad taste of fashion and looks like she gives sex to everyone who asks for it
What about just for head?
WTF, we WERE just friends, but not now that I see you posting my pic here with such a crude comment I never want to see or speak to you again.
No joke. You need to learn how to treat PEOPLE like PEOPLE, not "things I can have sex with if I want". You know I have a boyfriend, right? No wonder you're a virgin.
And to think I felt any pity for you, I thought you were unlucky but obviously you're just a psycho creep.
Disgusting. Seriously, if you try to contact me again you'll be lucky if all I do is inform the police.
Nice copypasta faggotini
The head would be fine if she lost some weight. Looks like an average roastie though.
This sounds like a copypasta. But bookmarked