He doesn't train calves, 3rd biggest muscle in the body

>he doesn't train calves, 3rd biggest muscle in the body

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big calves make you slower unfortunately so I don't care about training them, I just run

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I have so fucking thicc and long calves but very short legs, i was the lowest in military and i am not even fat..

I do full body workout, so they get trained by deadlifts.

wait that can't be right...

Why are lats so damn small?

This pic was not exactly made by an anatomy profesor

>deltoids bigger than lats

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everything is wrong about the pic

It's from this article mennohenselmans.com/optimal-training-large-small-muscles/

I don't know why it's so shocking for you that on average 3 deltoids together are bigger than lats? You don't see Dorian Yates back too often.

Calf day is my second favorite day behind neck day

>The next biggest muscle group is a tie between the gluteus maximus and the calves. Yes, the calves are huge. However, this may be in part because the calves in untrained individuals are already relatively more developed than other muscles, as they’re used whenever you’re on your feet and the soleus muscle is extremely slow-twitch dominant, so it responds quite well to endurance training. So in trained individuals the calves probably fall somewhat. Plus, when including the glute medius and minimus, the glutes are much bigger, so we can say the glutes are second largest and the calves come third.

I want a v tapered body I hate the look of big calves

All three heads of the deltoids = small muscles. Lats = one of the biggest muscles in the back


source: trust me bro

> For example, many people think the lats are a large muscle group, because they cover a large surface area, but their total muscle volume is relatively small, because they’re a relatively thin sheet of muscle. The calves, on the other hand, are generally seen as a small muscle group, but they’re actually very large, because they cover much of the inside of our lower leg, not just the bit you see on the surface.

it's there in the article, brainlet

iktf, this is why I don't train them anymore and just go for runs or sprints, it makes no sense why big calves should make you slower but they do and it sucks.

They only make you slower for long distance runs, you skinnyfat kenyan nigger. They're essential for spriting though

Lmao, dude, shut the fuck up.

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Ohhhhh, I thought they were talking about total surface the muscle covers, not how thick they are, my bad.

giga retard haha

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It's neither, it's volume. Cubic cm

Sounds like that pertains more to the less trained populace


>3rd biggest muscle in the body
Ha, yeah. For you.

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