Why do Americans love their cars so much that they even destroyed their cities because of them?

Why do Americans love their cars so much that they even destroyed their cities because of them?

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general motors brainwashing

Boomers sprawled out to the suburbs and implemented zoning laws that increased the sprawl of cities. Once again its the boomers

We used to have cable cars, trains, all kinds of things really. My town only has 10,000 people and even it had cable cars that stopped by the school, downtown, and a few neighborhoods.
Lobbying, affordability, and some Reaganist "individual" bullshit seem like the best guesses to me. It just makes you feel like you're not one of "those" queers who ride trains and buses and shit.


Actually it was the WWII generation who did this.

When they take up so much space in the city so walking becomes impossible they're bad

Yeah, but boomers made it even worse

you're talking to an American. They are physically incapable of walking due to their massive weight.

America has no future planning, it's obvious now. our "plan" was "beat the Russians to the moon", that's it.

we've designed everything in a way that now we're trying to undo it all because there's so much traffic you can't get anywhere. there was no foresight into anything we did that involves infrastructure.

even here where i live, they designed the roads to be mile long stretches with no cross walks. you literally cannot cross the streets here without J walking.
they also keep revamping the public bus lines.

oh and none of the classrooms are actually big enough for capacity unless they build entirely brand new schools, let that sink in.

I would unironically much rather live in a spread-out car-dependent place like this, far far more than I would ever want to live in European-style city. I don't want to have to stand next to some fucking bum on the bus every time I want to get groceries. I don't want people constantly walking by right outside my door at all hours. European density levels qualify as far, far overcrowded in my book. We have space in this giant-ass country, why the hell would we want to live right on fucking top of each other?

>implying you couldn't get the same amount of parking spaces using a smaller number of lots

>I don't want to have to stand next to some fucking bum on the bus every time I want to get groceries
Than just walk there.

Why don't they just build more vertical parking lots

you don't take the bus to get to the supermarket you obese retard.

>I don't want to have to stand next to some fucking bum on the bus every time I want to get groceries
See and this is the miracle of European city planning. You don't need to get on a bus to get groceries. You can just walk for a minute or two.

>I don't want people constantly walking by right outside my door at all hours
if you live in a house, you don't live in the core of the city, if you live in an apartment, this isn't happening.

>We have space in this giant-ass country, why the hell would we want to live right on fucking top of each other?
Because it is more comfortable and more convenient.

>. I don't want to have to stand next to some fucking bum on the bus every time I want to get groceries.
You don't need to take the bus, because you can walk to the store. Also subways are a superior way of transportations when you compare it to being stuck in traffic for ages

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culture of fat retards

see but that requires everything, businesses and residents, to be tightly stuffed together so as to all be within reasonable walking distance. Why would you want everything so damn cramped like that? It's an awful way to live.

>Because it is more comfortable
being that close to that many people literally all the time is the exact opposite of comfortable.

You have plenty of space even when everything is close, also there's big beautiful parks with a lot of space in European cities. But I understand why an American wouldn't want to live in a dense place since cities in the US are filled with homeless people and you get mugged easily in them

>that requires everything, businesses and residents, to be tightly stuffed together so as to all be within reasonable walking distance
That's what you think, and yet it doesn't happen.

>as to all be within reasonable walking distance.
>It's an awful way to live
Okay, retard

European cities are beautiful, convenient and full of art and culture compared to American cities that are just offices and homeless people

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>homeless people
>Pretending europoors don't have those in spades

It's not some simple "we love our cars", it's that cars are required to have in america because like said, zoning laws mean pretty much nobody except in the country except the people living in really big cities like NYC can walk to buy groceries/go to work/whatever.

>You have plenty of space even when everything is close
I don't know what your standards are for "plenty of space" but they're apparently incredibly low. A walk-in closet and a toilet? You don't have plenty of space when you share walls with people on either side of you, and a floor and a ceiling with people below and above you.

>also there's big beautiful parks
And they're full of fucking people at all hours, because you've stuffed too many people into too small an area.

Yes, and? How does that compensate you for living in a human version of that experiment where they crammed as many mice as they could in a cage with enough food for all of them, and watched as they slowly lost their minds?

watch out guys we got butthurt yuropoors itt

>You don't have plenty of space when you share walls with people on either side of you, and a floor and a ceiling with people below and above you.
What? As a single guy why wouldn't I want to live in an apartment that is close to everything? I don't feel cramped at all in my apartment and everything that I need is within walking distance which is great for my health

Also a point that I very rarely see made in these threads: most of our city growth came after the automobile. Many European cities are older than America is as a country.

>not living in an isolated slavic town
Fucking ameriburgers and yurodegenerates

>>also there's big beautiful parks
>And they're full of fucking people at all hours, because you've stuffed too many people into too small an area.
No they're not, you don't get cramped in parks user. Have you ever been to a normal European city?
>Yes, and? How does that compensate you for living in a human version of that experiment where they crammed as many mice as they could in a cage with enough food for all of them, and watched as they slowly lost their minds?

How is having plenty of space and everything convenient and near you a horrible thing?

sure but you don't SEE them

I live in a European city and I have a car. Of course it's not possible if you live in the center of a capital but most people don't, just like in America.

>why wouldn't I want to live in an apartment that is close to everything?
why on earth would you? Your home is supposed to be your refuge from people and all the world's ceaseless activity and never-ending bullshit. How can you possibly relax in the middle of a city?

Sure there's some homeless in Europe, but it's nowhere as bad as in burgerland

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>How can you possibly relax in the middle of a city?
Because you don't live down in the street level and often times your living space is facing a cozy courtyard

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> Ride the train to Barcelona
> Shanties and hovels everywhere

Spain is an absolute shithole.

walking is actually pleasant without traffic

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Is that NYC from back in the day? Looks super beautiful

as in a public space with other people in it? how is that relaxing?

I'd agree with you, walking is pleasant without traffic. Without vehicular traffic, without bicycle traffic, and without any other pedestrian traffic. Your picture does not at all illustrate a lack of traffic.

i work graveyard and can confirm.
walking home at night is god tier. during the day becomes absolute hell and i hate every moment of it.

>as in a public space with other people in it? how is that relaxing?
No, only people from your own apartment building has access to it, so it's usually pretty empty. It's absolutely not a public space user

same view in 2019

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When people live close together, there's more peaceful wilderness left. Think about how much nature is gone to make room for parking lots, roads, and massive suburban yards so some dumbass Boomer can pretend he lives on the frontier

i buy weeks worth of groceries at once, there's no way i can carry all of that. so i need a car

How does something like that exist? It's literally just parking lots. What are the parkings even for?

They're for offices. A lot of American cities got destroyed and were just used for offices

We get,you don't have a culture so you can't understand culture.

you underestimate how many people fit into those few tall buildings.
This is when girls used to get raped and guys would get mugged, nogs would just hang out somewhere in this huge fucking no mans land and wait for someone who had to stay past dark to leave work and make a 5 block walk back to their car because they got in after parking was full.

My city was planned with relatively wide roads due to relyin on trade from the canal industry. It peaked in population 130 years later, during Kennedys presidency. The center of the city is completely butchered

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fucking npcs lol

Lmao butthurt Amerimutt

Le corbusier is a war criminal

I hate cars. I hate owning one and I hate driving.

Gotta roll with the punches though.

it is important to avoid other americans

there really are more chem trails over euro, aren't there?