Should makeup be banned in a healthy society robots? It's false advertising.
just mind your own shit, incel
>Implying you still wouldn't fuck Belle.daphne if you had the chance
i refuse to believe, what the fuck
i get into arguments with dudes over this. they'll see the girl on the right, i see the same exact girl, but what i see is the girl on the left.
i'll make a comment about it and then the response is, "LIKE YOU WOULDNT FUCK HEH HEH DERP"
Low IQ subhumans don't care about substantial things, they will enjoy it all the same and they'll do merciless shit like demand you put on make up before you have sex if you look ugly without it, they don't give a fuck about you or principles.
No need to ban it honestly, just make it a thing for actual special occasions. The problem is that your average woman puts it on to go to the corner store and you never see the real person they're hiding. I wish men would start a movement to shame the overuse of makeup and make it common knowledge we prefer real women even if they're not perfect.
Why do I always feel like I found an utter retard when I read someone trying to decide what is 'healthy'.
Nah, women would just be married before they start using it.
>Women caring for their looks after marriage Unless it is to go out and cheat with chad, GL with that.
Ban it in the workplace and schools. The sole reason for wearing makeup is to attract a mate, regardless of what bullshit they come up to justify it.