Youre offered $10 million US dollars to have sex with this dead body every day for 2 weeks. What do, user?
Youre offered $10 million US dollars to have sex with this dead body every day for 2 weeks. What do, user?
What constitutes as sex? How long is each sexual session? Was this his final wish? What environment is he being kept in? Will the body rot? If it is one second with my dick in his mouth, sure I would do it. Two hours of riding his pecker? I probably would not.
>two weeks of fucking rotting meat
Idiot this thread needs to have more rules. Can you use a condom? Can you keep it cold? What did it die of, a plague? The devil is in the details.
And as always, the higher the amount the gayer the responses are.
Is rigor mortis keeping his dick erect? Because I'm not sure how I'd do it otherwise unless trying to jack off a dead guy counts.
Also inb4 necrofag
why is it purple on the bottom part of his arm like that?
Well, no. That's gay user.
No condom. The body isn't refrigerated. The pic of the body is from a site that was posting executions, so I think he was executed.
So there's no way to not get maggots in your body? What a retarded offer.
>body isn't refrigated
so I'm going to catch necrotizing fasciitis and die within the week?
Why is his thing up If he's dead ?