Daily reminder.
Daily reminder
Other urls found in this thread:
>men overvalue women and desperately cloy to anything resembling a fraction of a possibility that they might see half of their right tiddy
>this is the fault of women
Grow up fag.
Women are especially overvalued given that accidentally impregnating one these days gives the government a rationale to take more of your money.
Assuming she doesn't abort it or give it up for adoption.
i thought this was true fir a long time, you need to realise that not all women are equally attractive to everyone, alot of women are as insecure as you are, make some female friends and you'll know what I mean
>make some female friends
there are millions of non-land whale women you wouldn’t deign to date because you demand a hot top 5% girlfriend. kill yourself.
You're a fucking idiot, this isn't about self-perception it's about the realities of dating. OP's pic is even being generous to women because in reality even a landwhale has tons of potential partners, while most guys have to struggle to find one and some can't find a partner at all.
>because you demand a hot top 5% girlfriend
Femcels and their fantasy world lmao
Males have such high self esteem that they off themselves at five times the rate of females.
What pure fucking projection. Guarantee atleast 5 non-chads have a crush on you right now
It's a man user.
Literally not true, i almost married a girl my friends would refer to as "she-shrek" because she looked like shrek I think.
Getting your dick wet can be difficult some times even with low standards.
Thats because men are more successful in offing themselves. I believe girls attempt to off themselves more though
The male number is only higher because females fail at an exceedingly high rate. Females can't even kill themselves correctly. Losers.
>Females can't even kill themselves correctly
>implying they're really trying and not just doing it for attention
>Have a job
>Have friends
>Be good at something
>Have intelligence to succeed in life
>Have a house/apt
>Have a car
Half of these things are just "don't be a NEET manchild" honestly. And I wouldn't date a woman that doesn't check these boxes and neither should you.
Extremely based
Lmao, this incel cope thread. If you are OK with settling that's your problem, because you are a loser probably. I expect from my life partner something else beyond being a walking pocket-pussy.
>I believe girls attempt to off themselves more though
It's emotional blackmail. They make shallow cuts in their wrists and then call 911 pretending to hyperventilate. Or they empty out half a bottle of medication and pretend to OD where someone will find them. My sister is an EMT and this is actually in their education material
You'd have to be actually sexist to believe that women were so incompetent that they couldn't kill themselves reliably.
>"don't be a NEET manchild"
that's too hard bro
>implying they're really trying and not just doing it for attention
The issue here is that men and women are so vastly different in terms of method
Women don't use guns or rope or a high ledge to kill themselves because they do not have the same lethality we dudes have. Because we dudes slay pussy while they slit their wrists.
Whether or not they do it for attention I don't know, but it's a shame they can't properly kill themselves.
I don't care, I don't care, I don't CARE
Stop shitting up this board with your bitching over why nobody likes your creepy ass, nobody besides your retarded bretheren have an inkling of interest in your autistic ramblings and your dogshit infographs
No? I absolutely have more standards for women except Not be fat lol
Who the fuck made this picture? Seems like some 19 or 20-something incel garbage
You cared enough to reply
Don't be such a beta, I'm dating a girl thats out of my league all you need to do is:
1) have confidence
2) Don't be gross (fat or neckbeard)
3) Realize its a numbers game, by default some girls will say no.
If this ain't bait then you a bitch my nigga
There are a lot of them here these days. Glad you are here with 6666
you can do it dawg, I believe in you
And if I don't want a partner but instead fuccbuddies
>only requirement is that she's not a land whale
Why are your standards so ridiculously low, user?
Fucking vegan cuck.
Men can not take responsibility for themselves. This is a fact
I can't get girls because I am literally too quiet, it's like I don't have anything to say
Being interesting is the hardest step period.
>don't be a NEET manchild
do you know where you are?
Was never implied to be the fault of women, yet here you are rushing to their defense for no reason lmao
>Because we dudes slay pussy while they slit their wrists.
Took me a second, but i got the joke. Killing yourself is actually slaying a pussy.
Oh I know, doesn't change anything though.
>Was never implied to be the fault of women
Most of the scorn for the overvaluing of women is directed at other males.
>"don't be a NEET manchild"
wasn't I supposed to be myself?
My standards for women
>Sub 20 Body count
>taller than 5'3"
>Shorter than 5'11
>Heavier than 110lbs
>Lighter than 140lbs
>Has an Ass
>Hip/shoulder ratio greater than 1
>Has passionate hobbies
>Not retarded
>Interesting in her career but its not her personality
>Has and is capable of making female friends
>Has a few male friends (it would be weird if she didnt)
>Emotional yet in control
>Shoe size less than womens US 9
>Wears a reasonable amount of makeup (nothing like some 'influencer')
>Capable of logical thought process
I mean is this really too much to ask for?
>Always have work to do
>Have friends and ve sociable
>Be really good at something
>Have no problems interacting with literally half the world's population
>Don't have social anxiety
>Overcome all your disabilities and disadvantages
>Have sex
>Have love
>Don't be fat
>Be smart, and bring it to bear on the real world
>Be healthy
>Be financially secure
>Have your own home
>Have some way to move around
>Again, be financially secure
>Accumulate life experience
>Have a healthy developmental period or learn to adjust to the consequences of not having one
>Be educated
>Be passionate enough to chase the things you want
Is there any reason not be doing all of the above? Like if all of womankind died after this post, would you stop lifting, be healthy, studying, etc...?
As far as I see it, women have it much rougher. I am who I am because of the expectations people around me had for me. I've seen the kids who nobody expected anything from. I've seen women who don't have drive and ambition because nobody expected anything from them expect not to be fat. I'd rather be me.
>I don't see the implication therefore it doesn't exist
I don't see you therefore you are but a figment of my imagination. Fuck off figment.
What kind of virgin incel made this image?
The regular kind. Where do you think you are?
>Shoe size
Real redpill is all the shit women are attracted to, is shit that's good for you most of the time anyway. Being muscular is good, being social provides benefits, having money is good etc.
yes, unless being yourself is getting neetbucks from the government and riding a bmx bike everywhere.
Fucking this. Stop worrying about pussy ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME and start improving yourself and the pussy will follow. Stop chasing women to stuff your dick into, you're going to cum and then realize you hate this person sitting in bed next to you.
womemes were god's only mistake on this very fine earth
>dont have a visible disability
is your standard for girls genuinely just dont be fat lmao
if you actually think this way you're a lame ass lol
>As far as I see it, women have it much rougher.
>As far as I see it, women have it much rougher. I am who I am because of the expectations people around me had for me.
It's good to try and conceptualize other people's struggles. But many boys aren't being prepared to meet the expectations and requirements that society and nature place on them. Infact, you could say that they are actually being actively weakened. Boys are often raised in fatherless homes, disciplined improperly in school. Medicated if they don't conform properly, completely and shamelessly lied to about what the opposite sex finds attractive, grow up either underfed or overfed on unhealthy food with inadequate activity,and due to endocrine disrupters in the environment, possibly did not develop fully masculine traits.
They are then dumped into a world where they are expected to be men and are held to the same strict standards as past generations. They either have to attend university or trade schools with their poor study habits and learning skills. Or enter the job market where they have to compete with the stubborn boomers who refuse to retire. All the while developing a malformed sense of self worth, hope for the future, and sexual identity from constant failure. This is compounded by the fact that their parent or parents are comfortable allowing them to stay at home and atrophy. Sometimes the parent does this intentionally in order to mitigate their own loneliness.
One of the biggest problems males have is that whenever anyone tries to discuss this, they are immediately bombarded with all the issues women face. For instance, if you dare bring up the male suicide rate, you would be able to count to ten before someone brings up the female attempt rate. And then the majority of the discussion is focused on that. Im sure that there is already someone flexing their fingers getting ready to inform me that many of the issues I brought up affect women too. And nothing will get solved.
Society overvalue's women in general. "Women's issues" are the most important social issues, rivaled only by nog issues.
Women are taken too seriously and honestly they could use being knocked down a peg or two.
feet are patrician thing. Move along
well satan, can't argue with any of that, it's the disease of teh western nation though, and the powers that be want that because a strong man and a stronger family threaten them.
All you can do is strive to be the best, and keep moving up if you can.
Most of the stuff in the left column are things you should do/have/be anyway just out of simple pride in yourself and in being a man. Fuck off with this whiny incel shit.
...and that's not even getting into the fact some of you will chase landwhales anyway.
>muh high test only thread
Congratulations user
The image is true that it is far, far harder for men to have dating success compared to women. This isn't even debatable. Some of the specific points are bullshit though
Bullshit, I work, I lift eat healthy and have a couple friends. No gf, no girl approached me yet. I'm only 20 and have 20k saved up and will inherited 2 houses soon. Your full of shit
It's actually the opposite
they usually overdose these days
You mean in a parallel universe or something?
Half of the guy requirements arnt even remotely true to reality. Maybe if you chase vain sluts or something
Yup, but your attention will give her a confidence boost, and time for her to monkey branch to another guy the moment you need something from her. In my experience, women are self-obssessed, unreliable, and provide very little value to my life. You can keep pretending that there is a unique unicorn out there just for you, but you will continue to spend your money and waste your time on someone with no long term pay off. Women initiate 80% if divorces, because they simply can't lose. It's a zero sum game for a man in the west.
>be elon musk
I wish
>women can’t lose in a divorce
This is because every guy prefers dating down, fiscally, and up, physically. Guys need to start demanding financial success from their partners, the same way women do.
>t. Phd married to another PhD, total household income is over 300k at 27
A PhD in shitposting is not a real PhD, user
>tfw I check all of these boxes and now 95% of women don't measure up to my standards
I wish I was emotionally wired for non relationship casual sex
>be a man
>have a soul and an identity
>envy the life of man's sentient property
It is in Australia
>This is because every guy prefers dating down
Exactly backwards professor.
Stop selling despair.
>prefers dating down FISCALLY
Majority of guys feel insecure if their wife earns more than them. Did you even read the entire comment?