Hey anons, i just signed to a gym and i do not fucking now what device i should you and how often

hey anons, i just signed to a gym and i do not fucking now what device i should you and how often.

Can u give me, as a newbie some tipps please?

Attached: j38c3i3l7dq01.png (1326x1089, 1M)

*know instead of now
*use instead of you

sorry for by beta english skills, not my first language

Start with the leg press machine. 250-300 is a good starting weight. Make sure to lock your knees each rep for the best muscle activation.

>use barbells
>google starting strength

Attached: images (60).jpg (468x656, 30K)

Based Snapcity poster

Another one swallows the snapcity pill

I assume by device you mean machine, it's alright to start with machines, but I wouldn't stick with them long, move onto free weights (dumbbells, barbells, etc) and do a push pull program or something similar

Stronglifts 5x5.

Please dont do thisLook up some exercise programs and find one you like. Target different muscle groups and start with lighter weights. If you dont lift already you're gonna be sore either way. Focus on form first, then start lifting a little heavier. Machines are ok as a supplement, but your focus should be on free weights and compound lifts.

Read the fucking sticky

cancel the membership

tip the receptionist

>what device
use something like speakers and have little voices yelling at you constantly urging you to lift more

I do it all the time now but my device is turned off

Do a muscle each day of d week aka bro splits and search exercises

But just the tip

Read the sticky

this meme is terrible and a nightmare to read. what those X and V even mean? why a serif font? and what about that last stock image? what is it supposed to mean?

>that squat form

Attached: 1567408231045.jpg (360x640, 186K)

Behind the neck shoulder press lmao beta

That's not behind the neck.

Go ask the staff and tell them you're a newbie and you need some guidance.

this. jesus fucking christ. The X is near the dumbbell rack, but the check is near a stock image of people using dumbbells... impossible to understand

Lock them as hard as possible too. Even better if you have knee hyperextension.

>how to rip your piriformis and fall on your ass in one go, the squat

you dont have glute muscles, i do it like in the pic all the time. its the better way to do them, though especially during pr's i often let some big farts rip unintentionally haha