Is edging the same as no-fap? or maybe half no-fap?

Is edging the same as no-fap? or maybe half no-fap?
I have been edging for a week now, stop masturbating before I cum, so that I'm horny enough to continue a few hours later, whereas if I cum, I'll need a few days of resting before I become horny again

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Like everything else in life, it depends.
Are you doing it to store your semen? Mission accomplished.
Are you doing it for religious reasons? Try harder.

I'm doing it so that I can constantly be horny enough to jerk off
the feeling of jerking off is very addicting and my college semester break just started so I've been spending all my time playing eroges

I don't really have any sympathy for guys that can't get horny because you already saw porn. Stop looking at porn!

That do it alright. I tried this during "no-nut November" (what happened to no-fap November?) and lasted I think 18 days. I had to quit because I would literally have to leave the office early to go masturbate. Entire weekends were spent just edging.

the whole point of nofap is noporn
fap when you're naturally horny or horny from another person that's directly in contact with you
just sitting alone looking at porn all the time isn't good

Edging fries your bain more than simple fapping, so, no it's not nofap, it's more like ultrafap.

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Edging without cumming is bad for your prostate.
Either jerk off or don't.

longest i've edged for is 4hrs and i came buckets
how long are other peoples edge sessions usually?

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Usually 1-2 hr. 4 hr is definitely not unheard of but nearing the max.

Eroge games will fuck you up. I can sit down and fap all night while I'm playing those.

did you make the OP image yourself?

Sound hot as fuk, I wanna try it.
Can I ask you you where you get your eroge from?

what game or animations is the op pic from?

I'm not sure if you were meant to reply to me or the guy below. but is good for getting eroge games. I'm a pleb when it comes to them though, I've mostly enjoyed bible black, starless and the taimanin series

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>Starless and Bible Black
Dammit now I'm thinking about that one King Crimson song

I will tell you this, my friend.
Edging will lead to cumming, STOP IT NOW. If you're doing no-fap, don't even think "maybe i'll just yank a little bit :PPP" but you'll just get even hornier which leads to blue balls. I once edged for a month to the point of where I came just by brushing my jeans on something, all the cum was yellow, smelled fucking awful, and there was a ton of it.

Also, stop looking at porn here. You will be tempted to fap, and you'll wonder what exactly the point of it all is. Remind yourself why you're doing this in the first place. Is the outcome greater than the pleasure you get from masturbation? Imagine: Being a big boy with a big load in his sack, women can detect this, you're no longer a loser. All that material you cum out of your body is living material, your body will digest this if you don't cum, making you feel better. Stop cumming, your life will be ~25% better, at least in my experience.

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I don't know how the hell you can manage to edge into the next day

i keep trying nofap but I just can't stop myself from edging. my libido turns insane, have had nights where I only slept for 2 hours because I was edging the entire time and I just can't stop.

edging will turn you gay OP. don't end up like me

Usually when a little bit of pre-cum comes out, it's easier to stop edging. I've once edged for 28 days and it's quite difficult to do. One user in this thread said edging is actually worse than fapping, and I'd say it's worse than fapping once a week because you're still doing beta self-sexual shit. Edging is better than fapping daily, but those are both very unhealthy. My advice is to just not fap altogether.

Sauce nigga orig

Stop looking porn and you're see the results