Starr arguing about the existence of God
I cannot decide
>I'm sure god exists
>Why did he create me? To scare others with possibilities?
There is no god, there is no meaning, all these made up stories are just copes and our conscious is a fucking curse, there is no after life, there is reincarnation, this is it. there is no greater goal, there is nothing you can ever strive to achieve outside of the current life you got. And it fucking kills me inside everyday
T.hasnt read a single page,hasnt done anything with his life ethier which is purely coincidental and not indicative towards his general outlook on life in general
And that's why you're a fucking faioure in life.
I like to read about philosophy and psychology, more specifically stuff from Arthur Schopenhauer , you should pick up, the world as will and idea. Anyways, It is true I'm a NEET, Because I don't see a point in life other than to engage in arts and philosophy.
Might as well enjoy the ride then Honk Honk
Im saying you dont see anything in life because you dont see anything in yourself.
>Im saying you dont see anything in life because you dont see anything in yourself.
Unironically true, I tried to live a good life and be happy, but the game of life is rigged, you are either born to success or to failure. those who are born for success can climb out of the deepest holes in life and those who are born to failure such as myself just except the ocean they are in and let themselves drown, I don't have a chance to live a good life, I don't have friends and my family doesn't really care about me, I'll wageslave till im 60 retire and die. Thats it, I'm not smart nor good looking nor anything, just a mediocre piece of shit with nothing going for him
There is a God and heaven exists.
>God is a perfect being
>Perfection entails existence
>Therefore god exists
atheists btfo
Even if God and heaven didn't exist is someone an idiot for believing in him and listening to him in being a good person? You're doing nice things throughout the entirety if your life. If you died and God wasn't real then at least you did good things while living and if he is real then you get into heaven. It's a win win. Either way you're not going to hell. I feel like it's people who can't handle consequences to their actions unless they're positive who deny the existence of even one god.
Yeah but don't get caught up in that whole guilt thing
this is so stupid it's hard to believe some retarded monk came up with this and all his gay monk buddies congratulated him.
Are you that guy who also took olanzapine lmao?
Well actually there are different versions of it. I intentionally chose a silly formulation. The latest one by Goedel is formally valid but of course you can doubt the axioms.
who are you? originallioano
I only take Risperdal and Prozac desu, you got the wrong guy, sorry to disappoint
>Everything that exists has an explanation of its existence.
>If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God.
>The universe exists.
>The universe has an explanation of its existence.
>Therefore, the explanation of the universe's existence is God.
read too much existentialism in my earlier years and now i'm stuck in this hellhole. I know there is beauty in a godless existence but it's hard sometimes. You christcucks don't know how lucky you are.
read Kierkegaard faggot
What is this movie OP cant leave me hangin without the sauce
just saying but that's a pretty shitty circular reasoning
>just have a leap of faith bro
I'm not saying that it is a good argument I was basically shitposting but learn what a circular argument is before you accuse an argument of being circular retard
learn to use commas stupid fuck
what does that have to do with anything idiot
that your posts don't look like a vomit of words, and that was textbook circular reasoning
>the universe exists so god exists
>so god exists because the universe exists
it doesn't get more circular than that
Thats not how the argument goes idiot the premise is a conditional statement
It's not a movie it's from the first episode of the anime Great Teacher Onizuka
learn to use commas, stupid fuck.
originally, you dumb nigger
the existence of god makes little difference either way, the real issue is religious faggots trying to force everyone else to live by their cringy moral code
I'm sure that God exists, but I think he has to be more complicated than any human in existence. God loves us more than anyone else but also let's us suffer the consequences of our actions. He is more patient than any human ever, but that patience extends to the worst of humanity as much as you. God loves you and he also loves serial killers, Hitler, Muhammad, Ghengis Khan etc. God loves people even as he lets them get raped or murdered. He loves even the rapists and murderers. God will judge the living and the dead for all of their evil and good, but I think God is far too complex for me to understand.