Never tell people you're a virgin, even if it's obvious you're the biggest incel within 30 miles.
Why? This is Colton Underwood. He's a muscular 6' 3" football player millionaire who was drafted in the NFL, and a reality show celebrity who was named the titular bachelor in the 23rd season of The Bachelor.
Oh, and he's a virgin. And when he announced it, he was publicly shamed so hard that he had a breakdown, and to this day he's still dealing with the stigma that comes with being outed as a virgin.
If this guy can't get away with it, what makes you think you can? Play it safe. Lie.
People will object to that advice, but it's 100% correct.
Lie until you lose it-- it's nobody's business anyways.
Gavin Hernandez
t. TayTay Swof
Leo Richardson
it depends on the person and situation desu. i didnt because i felt the same kind of fear and lied to the first girl i slept with telling her it had been a few months to try and my mask my inexperience. once i met my now gf i told her the truth and it helped us out, me more than her
Liam Hughes
>to this day he's still dealing with the stigma that comes with being outed as a virgin. That's him with his future wife. I don't think he is having too much of a rough life, champ.
this is very legit and important for every incel to hear -- this pretty much goes for all forms of self depreciation
don't project the image of a loser, don't joke about being ugly or striking out with girls, don't throw yourself under the bus as a loser or socially awkward aspie or none of that shit
you think a girl can ever respect or be sexually attracted to a man who doesn't take himself serious, who jokes about never getting laid? use your head
fake, lie and deny in the face of insurmountable evidence, but NEVER EVER admit to being a loser or condescend yourself in front of others, it's not cute or charming or attractive in the slightest
take prison as a raw example -- you walk in there as an insecure weak looking dweeb who doesn't respect or stand up for himself, you're gonna get shat all the fuck over and everyone knows it. don't think society is any different
William Campbell
you'd think women would be jumping at the chance to take his virginity. truly a clown world
Jaxon Cooper
So once you weren't a virgin you told your new gf the truth and she's ok with that? I think you missed the point of this thread.
In all honesty, some women have a fantasy of corrupting a virgin. By all means tell her if it's obvious anyway and you're 17-18. After that age, lie.
Owen Bennett
There is really no way that a virgin could ever have a normal life.
Chase Bell
>just lie Id rather remain khv
Caleb Harris
What about all the virgins who are having a normal life? Which is most of them.
Julian Allen
He's literally engaged with a woman he met on the TV show where he talked about being virgin. OP is lying to you and you all believe his lies like a bunch of retards.
Xavier Lopez
There are exceptions. Are you religious, seeking out a religious girl? Although desu even the religious ones have done things that they then justify to themselves as being not real sex.
Jeremiah Thompson
sorry youre right i meant to say i was honest to my gf about being inexperienced after lying to others for so long about not being a virgin and about how i used to lie and it was a very cathartic moment. i think a long lasting relationship needs honesty to keep going and thats what i gambled on i just wantted others to know that its not always good to keep running away and lying about sexual activity
Austin Stewart
>once i met my now gf i told her the truth and it helped us out, me more than her
I'm interested to know in more detail how this went down. What did you say? How did she react? How did it help you?
during our early relationship while i never said shit like >hey ive been with lots of women it was almost implied that i was experienced because she was a virgin and was hesitatnt about losing it. i finally convinced her to do so 2 months in and before i told her that i wantd to be honst and that while i wasnt a virgin i wasnt experienced and had been lying to others about how much sex i have had. i apologized that i lied to her and told her it all stemmed from a massive insecurity i had and it didnt have anything to do with her. she was a bit stunned but was actually hapy to hear me being honest and that i wasnt some player and although out first time wasnt great for her, it helped us keep being honest to each other and trust each other with real things. god i love her so much..
Elijah Richardson
What is with the stigma against male virgins? Like wow, you haven't slept around and had sex. This makes you creepy and weird. Fucking retarded.
Except no girl would want to have sex with him if he was a virgin over the age of 15
Kevin Butler
ooof m8 you really dont get women
Ryan Edwards
No, that's the point. Just buy a hooker if you're over 21 and that's it, don't torture yourself
Hudson Murphy
whenever I see this guy posted I can't help but remember he was in hobo with a shotgun.
Levi Stewart
This just shows how aweful, cold hearted, impressionable and worthless women are. If I have to lie so they can accept who I am, why should I waste my time with them in teh first place.
Dominic Hill
I was always just going to lie if it ever came to it but I'm a pretty bad lier so they'd most likely see through it anyway. In all honesty I don't even care if they did. At this point in life you just stop giving a fuck about the classification just because you're dick hasn't been inserted into a fleshy, wet hole, it's really stupid when you think about it. The only valid reason I could see a women being concerned of your virginity is that it's a red flag for an underlying mental condition which in my case is true.
Brody Myers
This. Robots should just go gay. Women aren't worth it. You'd be so much happier
And let's be honest she is engaged with him, not because of his virgin status.
>NFL >milli0ons
Benjamin Murphy
Doomer life that is? If you are a virgin over 20, it mentally fucks you up
Justin Taylor
A man is a conqueror who spreads seed, this is a millenia long criteria of value
Jacob Wilson
Meh. You being so young makes this story a little less motivating. Don't get me wrong, being a 22 year old male with very little sexual experience is definitely a social taboo, but it's not that unusual in the grand scheme of things.
Daniel Martinez
Nope, would still be better if you lied to her
Christopher Hughes
Life isn't fair, you lie and walk over bodies to get what you want
Asher Ross
ladies and gentlemen, the first ever known Chadcel
Leo Rogers
Obviously she's not into him *because* he's virgin, she just doesn't care much.
Julian Reed
Whether you think women being turned off or concerned by a virgin is"valid" or not means jack shit. It exists and it's one of the biggest turn offs and biggest red flags you can give off.
Levi Powell
Ah, so not having sex = no woman will ever want to touch off you ever, you are doomed
Paying $200 to have 1 minute of sex with a hooker = congrats, women will now want to have sex with you
Got it.
Easton Myers
That is the most pitiful mental gymnastics I have ever seen. For $200 you can get to have at least 1 or 2 hours with a good quality hooker depending on your location.
Just admit it, you are gay in denial. You don't want to have sex wit ha girl.
Jordan Richardson
You're missing the point. If women don't *know* that you're inexperienced, it doesn't matter.
Brayden Powell
You both missed my point entirely. If you are a virgin, your first time having sex is going to be shitty. You are not going to last 2 hours. And even if you do, congrats, you went in and out of a dead fish in missionary position.
So somehow achieving this amazing goal now means that you have enough experience and expertise that women will want to fuck you.
"Experience" requires more than just one visit to an escort you brainlet cunts.
Wyatt Cruz
You said it yourself, everyone's first time sucks. Might as well make it suck with a hooker and not a gf. So what other excuse do you have for not having sex with a hooker, other than being gay?
Eli Ortiz
what if I'm not gay but I'm not interested in women above 12?
Carter Young
Because I have some self respect and don't put pussy on a pedestal, unlike you.
Aaron Young
>I don't put pussy on a pedestal >reeee why are women whores I deserve my pure virgin gf
Caleb Rogers
So fucking what? If a women wants to break it off over something so petty then any relationship with them wouldn't be worth pursuing to begin with. If anything it seems like you personally have more of a problem with it and are projecting that all women think the same.
David Bell
I never claimed that though, did I? You are attributing something to me that I never said you brainlet cunt.
I never said I am deserving of anything. I am under no illusion that at least 80% of women are whores. I voluntarily choose to avoid relationships because I know how financially and emotionally draining they are. I couldn't care less whether or not I am a virgin or not. It doesn't impact my life whatsoever. I'm sure sex is great, but for me the games you have to play to get it aren't worth it. You can buy an escort but that still makes you a loser.
There are more important things in life than sex you mongo. But sure, if you think that having sex will make your life infinitely better, go ahead.
Hudson Gomez
I have fucked 4 girls but never had a gf, or knew a girl i wanted to date
Do i lie? I am no virgin, but never had gf. I am 26yo
Thomas Scott
>Pretty sure if this guy announced he was a virgin girls wouldn't care. Consciously? No. Subconsciously they would have a second look at his face and suddenly perceive it to me more childish, maybe babyish. They would see a boy instead of a man who regularly slays pussy, which they initially assumed. He looks good, but for some reason he's a virgin. They would wonder why. They would imagine there must be some major flaw about him. After all, don't judge a book by its cover, right? (bullshit by the way since that's exactly what they do, but I am saying that that's how they would rationalise their sudden lack of attraction to this fairly attractive virgin)
And if you're ugly, they don't really have to go fishing for reasons in their head. They will take the most obvious potential reason, which is the lack of beauty.
On the other hand, if you're ugly but you slay a lot of pussy, and let's say somehow they find out that you slay a lot of pussy, they will, again subconsciously, ponder that there surely must be a reason why you're so attractive to females. There must be something good about you. (instinctive search for good genetics)
In other words, it's better to pretend that you have regular sex even if you're a virgin, regardless of how good-looking you are.
Henry Harris
>Paying $200 to have 1 minute of sex with a hooker found the virgin.
Jacob Hill
Good I hope he kills himself. If you're born into a family that has money you don't deserve to live.
Daniel Cox
Seen that film 4 times but never remember him. Was he one of the brothers?
Isaiah Kelly
Pleb! Very sad.
Landon Perry
This, this and more this.
Fuckin die. Hopefully you get a knife to the back of the head like you deserve.
Adam Roberts
how is this a morally justified position, I didn't choose my birthplace, you are not better than normalfaggots who wants incels to just die
Matthew Sullivan
>tfw there is no female equivalent of this, no girl wants to wait for marriage anymore
William Edwards
Exhibit A: a virgin till marriage who didn't lie about it.
>If this guy can't get away with it, what makes you think you can? Play it safe. Lie. 1. See exhibit A. 2. Where's the evidence he didn't get away with it?
If your advice was to lie to people in general, sure. If you have to lie to a potential wife, she shouldn't be your wife, because you don't share values.
If you think you're a loser and that no body could love you, why would you ever be in a situation where you'd ever have the chance of getting sex? Jow Forums seems to be full of people who are socially inexperienced and think that means they're mentally ill. The real robots and incels don't even bother considering these kinds of situations, because they haven't experienced them for the majority of their lives.
Or, you are just mentally messed up in the first place
Hunter Campbell
Just beeing truthfull it is the best way, so what if you are a virgin, just having sex dosen't change your existance on this world, you will be the same as you are right now but now you'll own the social stigma of bot beeing anymore and nobody fucking cares if you've had your dick sucked or inside of another person. So if they don't care if you are a virgin or not, why would you care?
Grayson Sullivan
Well I only tell it if people ask me I dont hide it, but I still felt embarresed because my male coworker started asking questions and being schocked. But only this one female coworker without knowing just had a look from up and down and said you're a virgin. How she read it was just mind blowing because we didn't even talk about relationships or anything similar.
Juan Reed
r9k has been Norman ruled since gamergate days at the earliest, 2016 at the latest.