Are you spotify premium yet?

are you spotify premium yet?
be normie and buy that shit now.

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I use youtube premium

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I download my music. Streaming is low quality.

Apparently Spotify premium's actually good quality now. I don't use it but I've considered switching from piracy to Spotify (and then doing a massive batch of downloads every few months after learning about new music I like because I don't trust streaming services not to remove stuff at random).

I have a cracked spotify.

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youtube premium is for faggots use spotify if you have balls.

Yeah I have it.
Comes with hulu for free too.
Is there any way to disable music videos playing automatically? Who even asked for this retarded feature.


Can you download stuff from Spotify onto your pc? I'm not talking about an offline listing feature, I mean actually being able to download the mp3 onto your hard drive. If not I'll keep pirating.

based, I too have it cracked.

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I originally don't know what you are talking about

yeh man use with sidify!

I have thousands of songs through itunes collected, I have no reason to abandon all that money just to get spotify's library.

I cant tell if youre serious or just too retarded to get the irony i set up with the pic and the text...
Jesus please tell me youre just kidding

So you want me to pay for music that I'm forced to download over a third-party program which is probably just as illegal as normal pirating?

That's borderline retarded.

Last I heard they were going all in on custom tailored ads

yeh retard pussy , you need to pirate everything these days.

been using spotify premium, at the discounted uni price, for about a year now. its pretty good

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Why should I use Spotify if Youtube gives me the same thing and more for free?

No im an adult you retard

super serious , you should use windows instead of linux !

Did you guys get it through cydia or gook apps that lose signatures every couple weeks?