I went to a psychiatrist and she prescribed me a thing called sertraline

I went to a psychiatrist and she prescribed me a thing called sertraline
I will be normal soon

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Hey Sertraline. I am Pernix.

only if you get lucky fren

I wouldn't count on it lad, that shit is a scam, psychiatrists are bloody witchdoctors

Tell us how it goes, if this is the way out I'm willing to take it

Takes six months to truly kick in and work but it does work.

I have no idea, I started taking it on Monday and she said that the effects may start showing up after a few weeks or even months

ok bye user nice life we will meet us in heaven

Yeah...probably not bro. Unless you are a failed normie. You will probably become more functional and able to handle normal life though.

I was on the max dose of Sertraline for like 2 years and I was still a massive robot. Not even close to becoming normal.

By normal I mean not having anxiety attacks anywhere outside home or being able to go shopping to a new place without being afraid of fucking up somehow

Sounds like what you need is anti-anxiety drugs, not anti-depressants

take Paxil feg

Zoloft (aka sertraline) was shit for me and did absolutely nothing.

I'm on effexor now. It's more effective at curbing my PTSD than the depression though (50-90% effective), though it still does some stuff for depression (20-50% effective) and is prescribed for that reason.

Well, I told her about all of this and she prescribed me that so I have to trust her

this shit will make you have erectile dysfunction take omega 3 instead

ive been taking it for more than 6 months and the only thing i got is erectile dysfunction. medication is a meme

i took sertraline before life will become a dream everyday your genitals will become numb asf
you will forget shit more in your life and you will experience a fake numb sort of happiness good news is you will have far less anxiety than ever in your life bad news this drug is not forever lasting and will stop working until you keep upping the dosage because of tolerance brother

Seems like a crap shoot. It didn't really do much for me. I never had any ED. I was om 100mg at one point.

Why do SSRIs take so long to work and what are withdrawals like?

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I was on sertraline for 7 months and then I suddenly started getting the most gruesome and violently graphic dreams I've ever had.
I would wake up with urges to stab the first cunt I saw that day.
Suddenly I just wanted to fucking kill and I still think about it to this day.

But hey maybe it works out user, we're all different.

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While the SSRI effect begins working almost immediately, the common reason stated is that serotonin has to build up in the brain. The actual method on how they work is not entirely understood. The long term effects are poorly understood. Withdrawals vary. For me it was pulsing near the temples. Common one people say are brain zaps but I never had any of those. Mind you I was on for a shorter time than the average about 4-5 months. Seems to be the longer you are on them the worse getting off them is.

>the common reason stated is that serotonin has to build up in the brain.
If the serotonin takes time to build up, does it also take time to fade away? I mean, if you stop taking them, will it also take a long time for the excess serotonin to die down?

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I can't answer your question. The exact method SSRIs work in is not concretely known. While the increase in serotonin is the commonly stated reason for SSRIs working, its not entirely agreed upon. Some researches think its the down regulation of serotonin receptors and changes in the brain structure that cause the change in mood. I don't think enough is known currently.

>mfw dead inside
>26 year old white male who isn't on government assistance though
>so absolutely no social programs in america to even try to help me get reduced or god forbid free healthcare
>gonna just rot from the brain out until i finally do something dumb enough that kills me in 5 years

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