Being genetically inferior is a fate worse than death. Living life like this is like going to disney world and not being allowed on the rides.
Being genetically inferior is a fate worse than death...
>t. 5'7 user
Shut the fuck up
Im 6'1 khhv with no friends because I am social anxious
Fuck your genes. Unless you are scared to make contact to new people stop crying
This is why we shouldn't allow ugly men to have children.
> because I am social anxious
>he doesn't realize that that is genetic inferiority too
I guess you're a brainlet too user. rip
If you are fail at life when you are tall then you are actually worse than people with actual disadvantages. Good job. God gave you the golden ticket to the chocolate factory but you fucking lost it at the gate. What a loser.
Was a really extroverted child until i got bullied 18 years of life tha turned me introverted
But yes its my genetics you fucking moron
You cant so shit with 6'1
I am aswell a manlet and girls just look for 6'3 chados
I am legit one of you guys and you cant deny it
bullying + normal genetics = intelligent, high success and competency
bullying + shit genetics = big retarded baby whining about shit that doesn't matter
Guess youre the 2nd one then
Sorry for you bro
But you know were here for you