Why do conservatives usually dress way better and cleaner compared to liberals?

Why do conservatives usually dress way better and cleaner compared to liberals?

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is that a tailored suit

they're more disciplined and aren't degenerates, user.

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Even super rich liberals dress like trash

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Another libtard rekt by my suit
Tips fedora

>Tips fedora
Who unironically wears a fedora?

Who ironically wears fedoras?

I love how his perfectly tailored waistcoat coats his pathetic beer belly

At one point years ago, my mother forced me to wear fedoras, i actually broke out in tears walking into a public place wearing one. I tried to explain, she didnt understand, my crush laughed at me, and some other girls i sorta liked said never wear that thing again.

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my mom bought me a south pole jacket one year but im not black and im not trying to look ghetto so i never wore it

>At one point years ago, my mother forced me to wear fedoras,
Holy shit that's so cruel. Did she think it looked cute or something?

>Conservatives dress better than liberals
Rednecks bud. Liberals have all the minorities tho so it's still lopsided towards Conservatives dressing worse. But think of the amount of the population who are drunk uncles, they're Conservative man.
I can respect this. It shows off that you're a person just like everyone else. It's better than them showing up to charity events looking like 2010 lady gaga. Saying that Zuckerberg isn't even human.

She liked them and didn't understand what was wrong with them. So forced me to wear them all the time and would flip out if i took it off.

My mom bought me a fedora too
I blame the Disney channel

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Gotta look respectable to lick the boots of your masters.

do the masters rule democrats/liberals too?

Having respect for authority is a sign of maturity, children not adults are the ones that have zero respect for authority

There's this super-small actual elite that's voting conservative because then they'll pay less taxes against droves of flyover rednecks who couldn't afford a shoe without a hole to save their lives.
But jokes aside, some conservatives either had a stricter upbringing or are in jobs that demand a suit, some urbanite liberals also like to dress up in suites, it's just your piss-poor perception from memes and tv shows that makes you believe that there's an actual political divide in dresscode and not a socioeconomical.

As a leftist it's because I am very sleepy and don't really see the point. I want to be comfy and I hate tight, bespoke clothes.

>you believe that there's an actual political divide in dresscode and not a socioeconomical.
But in traditional conservative industries like business and finance you can see a very strict dress code, where as liberal industries such as tech as a very lax dress code

Because their parents told them to.

Because liberal literally means free from conventions

What's wrong with having standards and discipline?

It's not inherently bad.

That guy is gay OP. Nice to shoot yourself in the foot.

there's three types of conservatives
>rich people, who are conservative for economic reasons to escape taxes and stay on top of the food chain
>religious people
>poor people who are racist and ignorant

the conservatives in charge are without exception rich or religious, so their representatives look clean cut and well dressed

these always distance themselves from the Jow Forums side so they're never mixed up

whereas liberals are generally uniform in their beliefs and motives and class background, so from top to bottom they're represented by the same type of people

Gays can be conservative too

doesn't look that well-tailored given how his left suit sleeve is cut too short for him exposing a fuck ton of dress shirt.
nonetheless, his aesthetic is something i might consider copying, with a slight change of the pattern of the dress shirt to be a solid color, removal of the gold chain on the vest, and maybe a bold color tie that either match with his oxblood shoes or golden pocket square.
too bad i took over my mom's nappy hair genes instead of my father's caucasian hair like in OP's pic, i could've been a chad from the start

Nothing, i just answered OPs question.

>whereas liberals are generally uniform in their beliefs and motives and class background, so from top to bottom they're represented by the same type of people
I don't think Zuckerberg and a hoodrat is the same class and has the same beliefs lol

Is he wearing a pocket watch? Also what's that type of vest called?

I think it's a tailored pinstripe suit

Lol go look at how classy and cultured they dress in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Kys you autist retard.

why so triggered lol

Same reason leftist dye their hair bright colors, to publicly display your tribal association.

Still more style than most 'progressives' honestly.

Liberals are anti white. Like unironically there have been studies on this. Even white liberals hate white people. I dont want racists who hate me in power. Thats all

That's demonstrably false though.

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Why do conservatives feel the need to complement themselves for totally pointless things?

That is the most cucked thing I have ever read.

Just don't listen to her?

Is art pointless? Oh wait you're left so you probably like shit modern art.

? They look good
Post body

it's not like they're paying much attention to it.
They're usually more intelligent, and it's a habit to only buy and wear classy things. So you look like a human, not a hobo. It's a habit, not an attempt on your honour

They're desperately sexually frustrated and the only direct information they get on women comes from loud mouth lvl1 'a suit is lingerie' Thots.
"h-h-hey im dressed for a job interview on our first date at this restaurant full of regular people"
Righties who actually have money and game dress a lot like liberals for the same reason. Nothing to Prove

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I need to buy a suit.

>They're usually more intelligent

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Conservatives have nothing on Hugo Boss

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Most of them dress decently even though they're in casual clothes, I don' understand how that pic proves anything

conservative people dress classy,
liberal people dress stylish

If you're conservative you're likely to show restraint, meaning your clothes are constrained = expressing a class
If you're liberal you're more likely to break moulds, meaning your clothes are less constrained to what is acceptable = you're expressing a style

No need to hate on either famalam

Like take Kurt Cobain, he made t-shirts look interesting.

I fucking hate how Nazis ruined so much cool shit

Conservatives are liberals, so is literally everyone in mainstream politics. The furthest left people get is social democracy which is a type of liberalism and the furthest right people get is also a type of free market liberalism. Left and right in general are also pretty much the same and so is centrism.

>Conservatives are liberals, so is literally everyone in mainstream politics
Lmao, how are people like Mike Pence liberals?

>dressing well
lol ugly in a suit is still ugly

>conservatives are rich, want to keep their money (or are crab in a bucket peasants who wish they were rich)
>libs are minorities, ghetto scuzzballs, junkies and retards who can't hold down anything but a mcjob
do the math?

They believe in capitalism, economic growth, free markets and stuff like that. Since liberal now means left liberal people who support capitalism call themselves capitalists but a capitalist is really another word for a bourgeois.

That's a strange way to spell "improved", kamerad
But yeah, I see what you mean

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For all the horrible shit they did, their uniforms did look cool. I wish my Yank ancestors chose a uniform similar to that so the American military uniform would look cooler than it already is.

>t. Bootlicker

>They believe in capitalism, economic growth, free markets and stuff like that. Since liberal now means left liberal people who support capitalism call themselves capitalists but a capitalist is really another word for a bourgeois.
Liberal and conservative is about social issues now, not economic issues. However in America conservatives are typically more capitalist and liberals less

Yeah, Nazis also ruined so many cool styles and art forms

It's about both but the average voter just takes all politics to be about identity and social issues due to being a dummy.

There's rich liberals and poor liberals and there's rich conservatives and poor conservatives. Rich people of both factions are obviously more intelligent on avg than poor people from the same faction, however rich conservatives usually come off as way more professional and less autistic than rich liberals do

But then that would mean niggers are stupid because they're poor

>the average voter just takes all politics to be about identity and social issues due to being a dummy.
This is why we need some standards to gain the privilege to vote, a test to make sure that every voter is informed about politics and understands the consequences of policy would be great

I mean idk what to say poor blacks aren't known for their intelligence and work ethic

>niggers are stupid because they're poor
In todays economy people who are permanently poor are in that situation because they're stupid

>are stupid because they're poor
It's more that stupid people become poor, in today's economy you have to be pretty dumb to end up in permanent poverty

That's never going to happen though because people really like to think their opinion matters.

Idk, it might happen pretty soon, opinion changes very fast

>a test to make sure that every voter is informed about politics
the exact opposite of what they want, the next election will be held in tandem with the kids choice awards

>it might happen pretty soon
nope, because the elections are not *real* and they don't like people being informed about who is bankrolling international cartels or human trafficking organizations

>real conservatives
trump is basically a centrist

Who are they user?

>such as tech
that's because they're neckbeards dude

Everything left of Alt-Right is centrist

I feel like Uncle Ted would probably say that someone dressed like that is emanating success, which is something liberals abhor

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Are toy implying niggers dress well?

Nobody wears a suit in my liberal city. At most they wear sweaters and khakis.

At worst they wear skinny jeans, scarfs, stupid shoes t shirts with pop culture on them ect ect

Why are you so blindly biased? There are many conservatives and many liberals. Liberals are more unified but only ideologically and only due to proximity. Conservatives are ironically a lot more diverse since they are largely isolated. There was even a study on this.

Look at all these people saving the white race

Because it makes you incredibly angry.

It doesn't even matter what op said. He could have said conservative have better taste in cars and rather than stop and wonder why you care, you'd write a post about how dodge sucks and Prius is the best

>There was even a study on this.
Wait really, can I get the study on it, I'm genuinely curious?

Have respect for someone if you think they deserve it. Not because of some arbitrary label like "authority"

Can you stop being a pedantic bitch and understand that language has the ability to change?

Only a neo-con civnat shitstain would actually believe something like this.

because they're hella gay.

He didn't seem all that angry, actually. What you're doing here is called projection.

Most people don't wear suits period.

>everyone who has a job is conservative
>everyone who works in finance is conservative
First of all, there's a dresscode in finance and most corporations which is a suit for men. The premise of the thread is moronic in itself as it implies that half of people dress better than the other half while more than 50% of the voters on both sides buy their clothes from Walmart or Target.

Because conservatives can still see that there is a difference between the two genders.
Doesn't inherintely mean one is weaker then the other or one is stronger then the other, far from it, it just means that each has their own areas of expertise and are also allowed to have different thoughts, likes and dislikes.
Dressing nicely is something most in general like.

Libtards on the other hand is trying to squash genders, invent 2000 more and scream so loud that you're wrong for having a different opinion then them.
In doing so they want everyone to be copies and to be dressed similarly to categorize them into groups etc.
"Skirt wearers are x thinkers and jeans are y thinkers"
In short, communism

So what it all boils down to is anti-communism vs communism

that suit is fuckin fly man. italians are stylish niggas

They're higher in consciousness which makes them prefer orderliness over chaos. Leftists are high in openness which makes them more experimental and creative.

>free from conventions
>free to be a standerdless undignified piece of dogshit

They're crippled by social status anxiety and feel the need to broadcast their status (real or imagined) to everyone else at all times. It's like a guy who won't shut up about what a great athlete he was in high school even as he drinks himself to death. Everything conservatives do is about maintaining social status at all costs, even if it means making society a living hell for everyone else.

>Everything conservatives do is about maintaining social status at all costs,
TIL people who don't want to dress like slobs just want social status

But that's accurate. Would you really go to the effort of dressing up if no one could see it? The only disadvantage to dressing like a slob is that people might think less of you. If you're not afraid of that, you can dress in whatever's comfortable.

Because conservatives are insecure and susceptible to everyone else's standards.

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>Would you really go to the effort of dressing up if no one could see it?
Uniforms are great for discipline user even if other people don't see you

The overwhelming majority of people who wear uniforms wear other clothes on their down time, when the social value of the uniform (indicating your function to others) isn't there. I can see people dressing up in private to feel better about themselves or as part of masturbation ritual but neither of those is incompatible with my guess that conservatives are motivated by social status first and foremost.

I do speech recognition and statistical modelling for a living and I have found that conservatives dress better and liberals use more complex language. Don't ask me what that means, I'm just the numbers guy.

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