so what is exactly the point of lifting (if you arent doing it for powerlifting or other sport) when you are average looks male?
>when you do it you are insecure gymcel >when chad does it he is working on himself #goals #hotguys #relationshipgoals >you do it in hopes that a below average, fat, chick will finally score a guy with visible abs >chad does it because he is bored of local pussy and fit thots make good FWB's, >chad with good face doesnt care about counting macros or numbers on the bar, because he doesnt need to >you autistically write down macros and micros, while following scientifically proven strength / hypertrophy program
Trust me buddy on that one, if you have average face you are better off working on monetary gains, and not muscle gains.
As a frame of reference, i have 2 plate bench for reps, 4 plate squat and 5plate DL for reps. Its not much but i strengthmog 99% of commercial gym goers. In powerlifting standards that are intermediate numbers and im aware of it. Im also 6'2 with broad shoulders and ugly mug.
if you are ugly just dont be a manlet and go full strongman, some girls love to be destroyed by a giant gorilla
Wyatt Russell
i mean, you probably right, but i think THIS guy probably see only THOSE guys too
David Davis
I do it to get stronger and lose a bit of fat (hopefully) i do one compound day and one isolation day alter alternating. The isolation days help me not injure myself doing the heavy lifts. Anyway, make sure you don't forget to do your legs and back are most important im my opinion. Chest and arms are more fun though.