Have you guys ever watched/read/played something and internalized the MC so much you identify as them a little and...

Have you guys ever watched/read/played something and internalized the MC so much you identify as them a little and start to act like them irl? I feel like the real reason I'm a khhv is because I watched EoE when I was 13 and wanted to be like Shinji.

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nothing cringier than relating to shinji, meaning no offense
it's just that you are dime a dozen. in truth I have lost count of how many weak boys relate to shinji use shinji avatar on their normie pages and probably excalim to themselves in the mirror "I am literally shinji"

It's not like it was conscious. I wasn't chanting a mantra, but I saw myself in a lot of what he did and kind of unconsciously started acting like a beta.

>not becoming a superchad like kaji
shiggy diggy

Yes, I did that when I read Less Than Zero in school. I related so much to Clay.

im both insecure and extroverted, i relate to him in some wierd way

Of course a facebook using normoid can't relate to Shinji.

How was shinji extroverted? He sat on a bus in pure silence for hours completely ignoring everybody. He was insecure about the fact that he didn't know how to interact with them, which being Japanese is heavily socially imposed on him. Asuka, being his foil, was an extrovert with nothing under the surface but self loathing who constantly reinforced his insecurity by calling him stupid, weak etc. to make herself feel better.

I did the same thing with Light Yagami

apparently you didnt understand mky post

I don't have facebook. My two friends who are 'literally shinji" do, along with instagram and twitter (shinji avatar in the last one)

I relate more and more to Satou every year.

I generally copy every character I like, pretty sure it's normal.

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why do people like l more? i was rooting for light all along

Why do normalfags here like talking down their "friends"? You're not fitting in, senpai.

Because they're brainlets conditioned to cheer for the "good guy", even though L clearly isn't all that good. Light winning is just more interesting.

I tried to emulate nicos walk from gta for a while

i pretty much lived through nhk (the novel), i was a depressed shu in afraid of leaving my home depressed as shit with a friend who was a recluse who crashed at my place for months at a time.
I havent acted or thought like satou in years but sometimess i miss it

shinji isnt cringy, i love him. he was my first anime crush

L is sexier

my god, definitely. i even do it with people that get close in my life. i sometimes think that my 'personality' is just based on the personalities of people i meet. i dont know what to think about it.. sometimes it stays for a little while and once they leave i go back to 'normal', other times it just becomes a part of me

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They are lying to themselves. They only do it because they are scared of their own capabilities. They don't like the idea that they could or would do the same.

I had to take a psychology class years ago and the Stanford prison and milgram shit came up. The teacher explicitly stated that everyone in the room would likely do the same.

We had a discussion about it and every single person thought they were the righteous exception. When i told the group I'd probably keep shocking the guys they looked at me as though i was insane.

you know he's just a self-insert of the author, who got ignored in high school because he was a bit uglier than the average jap, right?

I always hoped someone would save me (an old or new friend or even just an online one), did you wish for it too?

>i sometimes think that my 'personality' is just based on the personalities of people i meet
where do you think people get their personalities from?

sorry, later half of post is meant for

not only mcs, but youtubers, twitch streamers etc. anybody I like I start emulating.

I feel like this has happened with Fate/Stay Night. The only curse is that he's who I want to be, even though my heart is swarming with malice.

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Light was an introverted, spiteful, envious person's fantasy. He was empty and cruel on the inside, but miraculously he had put everything together by being handsome and extremely intelligent. He appealed to young outsiders, because they still viewed themselves as attractive in their own mind, just like how when you imagine your face without a mirror you see someone presentable and cool. The idea that one could come into such power to change a boring life into an exciting one was little different from a school shooting fantasy. I too was rooting for Light, because my greatest wish then and even now is to be an evil overlord who could bring suffering to everyone in the world, with the peasants grovelling under my might.

Fuck, do this all the time:
>Mitsuo Kubo and Adachi Toru from Persona 4
>Akechi Goro from Persona 5
>Shinji Matou and Kotomine Kirei from Fate/Stay Night
>Light Yagami and Teru Mikami from Death Note
>Shion Sonozaki from Higurashi
>Noumi Seiji from Accel World
>Seiya Ichijou from Kaiji
>DIO from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
>Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist
The list goes on. If they're edgy and pathetic, then I'm drawn to them.

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For a while, I used to put my hands in a praying mantis pose because of Gimpy from Undergrads.

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...That's a phase? Fuck. I do something similar subconsciously.

i did that when i finished tsukihime,

i have no idea.. it just feels so wrong to take something from them that makes them unique just so i can claim to be unique myself

I always liked Artyom. I can relate to the desire to travel places and not being able to. Besides, I'm also sandwiched between communists and fascists on a daily basis these days. Only with 2033, though, the other ones I just can't relate to, with the relationship stuff.
I want to make/own some guns from Metro. Pretty much every .44 revolver I've seen that looks like the one in Metro is very expensive, and with AKs there's both the issue of price and quality.
The fun part would be trying to figure out Slavic tunnel magic with parts from Home Depot anyway. I figure a Duplet would be simple enough, and much cheaper than a store bought double barrel. The hard stuff is the Bastard and Shambler, but I'll at least try.

Based user. Metro is A1 stuff. Pavels betrayal still hurts me a lot.

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