Squats aren’t a particularly good exercise to train your hamstrings

>Squats aren’t a particularly good exercise to train your hamstrings.
wtf I thought squats were a complete lower body exercise

Attached: Squat.jpg (1200x920, 207K)

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squats for quads + glutes, deadlifts for hamstrings + glutes. not too hard to remember really.

This is common knowledge desu

Why do my hamstrings feel tired after squats?

You can train them to be a bit stronger but they won't get bigger. Hamstrings are worked isometrically during squats

Your hamstrings are probably super tight combined with bad hip and ankle mobility. Do you lean forward a lot when you come out of the squat? Is it hard for you to make it to parallel on the way down?

That's me. How do I improve tight hips?

feeling it too much in hamstrings while squatting = shit form

>Do you lean forward a lot when you come out of the squat?
No, if anything I'm too upright

Daily stretching routine (not before workouts). Foam roll and actually warm up before squatting. Front squat the same number of reps as you back squat each week. Be patient. Mobility gains take time. Don't pursue higher weight to the detriment of your form. The point is to strengthen your quads. If your quads aren't engaged all the stress is being handled by your knees and lower back.

Prob buttwink disengaging the quads. Film yourself next time you squat. If your ass rotates under you that solves the mystery.

they don't?
the only thing that causes stress on the hams during a squat is the upper portion of the hamstring stretching.

knees don't contract if you squat you engage your quads

You'll find that knees don't contract very often.

>tfw hit a squat PR today
>but it was with the safety bar so it doesn't count

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Oh shit i thought a buttwink was sticking it out though. Mine rotates under me. I should stick it out instead??? No op btw.

>tfw 1/2/1/3

Your bench is more than your squat nigga wtf?

My squat form is really deep like this. and my feet are very close together.. coach at school keeps telling me i need to squat like OPs pic.. but i cant seem to stop halfway like that. trying that wide a stance it feels like my ass would shoot forward between my legs flipping me backwards. am i doing something wrong

Attached: 5d233b06c662f69d62bbcb1d5b91135a.jpg (490x270, 46K)

Watch this, it might answer your question

Attached: 821C9F9B-034E-457E-B53F-E11E242447B8.gif (320x320, 3.18M)

Safety bar has always been a good indicator of progress. I've hit ssb PR's over my lb, that translated into an even higher lb PR.

this is helpful thanks. just need to experiment with the stance that works for me

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