Jow Forums isn't as interesting as I thought

I always saw Jow Forums as this "group of outcasts that normal people can't understand because they refuse to use a filter."

But the reality is you guys either can't decide whether you love or hate women today and/or are extremely depressed about your life.

I've only been scrolling through this website for about 3 weeks but I got the gist of you guys in just a day. You guys are honestly just about as average and boring as a human could get. I'm disappointed.

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Eh. I think it's kind of interest because it calls certain weirdos. But a lot of them are weirdos by virtue of being too stupid to understand social interactions, not any interesting outlook on the world.

This is one of the less interesting boards on the site, which lost is edge around a decade ago, fell off the cliff with gaymergay, and impaled itself in the asshole with the 2016 election.

>only 3 weeks
yea thats not enough time to see the full spectrum of wondrous discourse here you fucking feel-good reddit space faggot. leave it up to some NPC bitch like you to write off the board after your 3 week attention span wanes. die in a fire

>you guys either can't decide whether you love or hate women today and/or are extremely depressed about your life
its almost like.... theres more than one person posting here... a-and they don't necessarily agree with everything! NO!!! COULD IT BE?

This. So much this.

>uses boring as an insult

You're either a typical woman or retard normie male. Either way you need to fuck right off.

Assuming this isn't a troll post, you're actually right. Jow Forums hasn't been the way you described since like 2013. And even then it was going downhill.

I like to compare this place to Twitter. People spout controversial opinions, only instead of retweets, they get (You)'s.

Back in the good days here we didn't have the "backlinking" feature, which is when you hover over a post to see who they're replying to. I think because of that (You)'s weren't really important (they didn't even show up when you got replied to).

Because of (You)'s, any dumbfuck normie can come here and start shitposting for attention. I know there were plugins for your browser to do this back then, but normies aren't gonna take the time. Phoneposters and (You)-whores killed this website.

>I'm disappointed.
You're a decade late, that's what. Since 2008 the influx of normies never really slowed. I keep fucking clicking this board out of habit, only to remember it's become everything we came to Jow Forums to escape back then.

Finally some folx get it! Maybe, just maybe the incels on this board will come around :)