Kiwi / New Zealand r9k thread

Kiora cunts. What are the kiwifags doing tonight? I'm home alone drinking whiskey. Anyone else excited for WoW classic soon?

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I feel like Kiwis are more likely to be normie than robot. Something about the culture, not sure.

There's a few kiwi robots around. We're a dying breed in recent years though.

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because 4chin got blocked after le chch

auckland user reporting in

Seems pretty quiet here tonight - if any kiwi r9k fags want to chat you're welcome to join our nz social/gaming discord - ahbJT4

Did it? I can still access it on my ISP, and 8ch too.

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Classic is the best

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gg five eyes watching you from across the street

tfw no qt dog gf originil

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