On date with qt boy

>on date with qt boy
>go back to his place
>start kissing
>he puts his hand up my skirt
>"no, stop!"
>he stops

Why can't men tell the difference between a hard-no and a no where you want them to keep going? He was super cute, I wanted him to force himself on me but he just stopped and killed the moment.

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>Why can't men tell the difference between a hard-no and a no where you want them to keep going?

Why can't you tell the difference between good bait and bad bait?

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Hope it's bait, otherwise you're braindead and can't give informed consent, so no person should touch you.

I ain't going to prison for no sex - if a girl says no, I'm not going to chance it and potentially rape her. I can live with missing out sex, I don't think I can survive in jail though.

could you just stop being an orwellian cunt maybe ?

God I wish I could go back and re-live my teenage years knowing what I now know about women.

>people catch rape charges on lies and days later due to consent retraction
>tell a guy to stop his advances but he didnt keep going
wahhh what happened

You: No, stop

Man: *stops*


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but there's a difference between asking someone to stop as part of foreplay and actually wanting them to stop. men should be able to tell the difference between withdrawing consent and playing hard to get.

You don't pull noncon roleplay on the first date.

The difference is only in your mind. The way you say it is the same in both situations, no one, not even other women, could accurately predict if you want to be raped or not. Why risk my life and freedom just so it's a bit easier for a random girl to get off?

This has to be bait. On the off chance that it isn't, however, OP is a legitimate retard.

i guess men need to know what sort of guy they are. are they gross or are they super cute? if they're super cute they can ignore my protests

Attractiveness is relative, so that's impossible, especially if what matters is attractiveness to one individual. Besides, if the world worked like that, attractive men would be free to rape anyone without consequence, while ugly men would be arrested without raping anyone (but just roleplaying it).

Are you really that stupid? There even are women who think Channing Tatum or Robert Pattinson aren't all that attractive. How would anyone know if they fit your spechial tastes?
Also, this applies just to you. Most women, especially nowadays, mean it when they say "no". How would a man know that you're the type to not mean what you say?

Let Foamy explain it to you...


Clearly you are not female or haven't learned. You say "I can't" instead of "no, stop!"

Sometimes when its the first date or I just met him I say "I don't know you" or "I don't hook up" or "I'm not usually like this"

>>he puts his hand up my skirt
>>"no, stop!"
>>he stops
he knows now you are a trap so he needs to get out of there quick

You're literally asking men to juggle whether they should be convicted rapists or not rapists in the heat of the moment.

How about you stop ACTING like you dont want that man to dick you down? Know to let it all happen

fuck off with the cryptic shit, especially in the age of metoo witchhunts

Channing Tatum is fucking uggo, his face is too small for his head. Robert Pattinson (wait, this is really what his surname is spelled like, wtf) is better, but still nothing special.
If I had to choose from block-shaped heads, Ezra Miller looks nice. Actual cutie is Colin Morgan, though.


I don't want them to think I'm a slut

Just say "I'm not like this or I've never done anything like this before" and believe me the guy will believe it and think he's so hot and irresistible you made an exception.

If you feed their ego they'll believe anything.

you should kill yourself you leather faced hag

I didn't ask you to rate guys, but you're kinda making my point for me. The two I named would have good reason to consider themselves to be in the "super cute" camp, based on the feeback they get elsewhere. A lot of other women would probably be happy with them, but they're not good enough for you. So how on earth would a man who isn't even famous know?

and your existence on the planet is good for what? you shrimp dicked eunuch

Excellent bait, nigger.

We got her boys! Thot just got owned with facts! Time to put this all on reddit lol

I know you didn't, I'm also not the OP. I like to give my unsolicited opinion on male looks every time I see the topic brought up somewhere on the board, it's hella fun.

Yeah then i get arrested for rape, no thanks.

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There are actual women who think like this, they should be executed.

>I want non-consenual roleplay without informing him before hand
Sub 100 IQ basic bitch

Ezra Miller is a literal god

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i wish he would rape me

You make have that backwards about who would be raping who

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>he killed the moment
>he did it
fuck you whore

Did find the dick?