Why do Americans complain so much when their country looks like heaven on earth to live in?

Why do Americans complain so much when their country looks like heaven on earth to live in?
>cheap stuff
>high salaries
>nice community feeling
>strangers smalltalk and are nice to each other
>option to live in every climate zone available

Attached: us-flag-21-apr-2017.jpeg.jpg (621x414, 41K)

>cheap stuff
Not as enticing as it may seem, unless you are actually ok with planned obsolescense.
>high salaries
If you are on Wall Street maybe.
>nice community feeling
That has been dying for decades and dropped off of life support after 9/11.
>strangers smalltalk
Unfortunately correct in specific situations at least.
>option to live in every climate available
That is one genuine plus, the sheer size of the country does offer a pretty big variety of climates and things to do. I prefer the cold personally.

>If you are on Wall Street maybe.
Wut, trades people make double in America than what they do in my country

It's full of violence and danger.

Attached: attack2.webm (360x640, 1.24M)

What cunt do you live in

>niggers everywhere
>stagnant salaries

The grass is always greener, basically. wherever you live you'll see the problems more clearly than the benefits.

Scandinavia, electricians make half here of what they make in the US

Nice satanic numerals. I don't have any reason to complain, thus, I don't. I live with mommy, barely go outside my own yard, and don't pay attention to politics. I live a life of ignorance and lack of care. America is nice when you live like this

Attached: 1523449457877.jpg (750x725, 365K)

Perhaps, but Scandinavian countries are the best on Earth in other aspects. You wouldn't like it here.

PS: America has sporadic natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes and blizzards which means repairing infrastructure often. Electricians have deal with this shit every year