He's still a glassescel

>he's still a glassescel

Why don't you get laser eye surgery already? NO CHADS WEAR GLASSES.

Attached: PRKlasik1.jpg (718x384, 128K)

because my eyes are still getting worse, day by day
i have to wait till they stop getting worse then i can get it

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That is a valid reason user. Sorry to hear that.


>needing glassess or gay eye surgery.
>not having perfect vision despite staring at multiple hours per day for years.
lmao, how does it feel getting fucked by mother nature? does it hurt? or you are loose enough already?

Feels bad, yes.

>perma fucking yo ur eyes to the point where it worsens on a yearly basis forever

lmao at you

>Saying incorrect things when we have the internet in 2019

How does one stare down time?
Got lasik. Never looked back

>does it hurt?
It does, I pay respect to people that feel confident wearing glasses. My life got a second spin after getting LASIC. Man, I should have done it when I was 18 yo, not 23.

If you're chad enough glasses don't matter

Your vision would likely still be changing at 18.

>staring at multiple hours per day for years.
how do you stare at time are you loki

Because I'm broke and can't afford it.

Not only is he staring at time, he is staring at multiple times. Its crazy


had LASIK 4 years ago, my vision still great :^)

Because I don't care enough to bother with surgery for something so insignificant.

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You can only do it a limited number of times, if you know it's not going to get worse at all. Them get it, but if you think it might get worse in the future getting it in your 20s is fucking retarded.

That's really depends from person to person. There are people with vision loss that have exactly the same values at 18 as at 13 and people, who are still losing sight at 23 due shit genetic and poor health care.

Anyways doctors know better and generally won't permit operation if you are still losing sight.

Yes but 18 is fairly risky for that

Heard you got eye surgery user, rough stuff, I hear the effects last around 3-4 years before you need to do it again, you sure you don't want to try glasses for $200?

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>Hey Chad you look pretty smart but you are really retarded for not being able to use google in 2019 you know that right?

Enjoy your dry eye and suicide.

enjoy reading horror stories about everything. there's horrorstories of people becoming paralyzed from deadlifting too, or having heartattacks from "too much protein".

Feels pretty bad but then I remember I’m 6’2” with a big dick (both non E-units) and feel a little better

you are essentially using a fake lense after sugery permanently, your vision gets worse the more adapted you are to lenses
it takes years and depends on lifestyle factors such as time spent indoors not focusing in the distance also light exposure.

You can get lifetime "redos" with your plan, it's not that much more expensive and some premium services that use the advanced machines will have it come for free

>there are actual REAL people on this board who think lifting will detract from their fecal-eyes

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Enjoy it though. Why are you so angry are you a a lasik surgeon or did you waste your money on it? Wearing glasses is no big deal my man.

This image cuts so deep
>t. shit eyes

>itt poorfags that can't afford BIONIC eyes like in deus ex.

Im leaving humanity behind

>It does, I pay respect to people that feel confident wearing glass
Did you honestly feel unconfidant wearing glasses? No one cares though. That is sad.

I got LASEK done a little over a year ago AMA

well you ruined my day with your imagine, are you satisfied now bully?

Can you see through walls?

If you're a chad, mere glasses won't unchad you

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Are you suicidal. No just kidding do you wear glasses for anything?

How am I angry? You're literally wishing people have a terrible outcome and then commit suicide.

It's not like I was a snowflake. Why do you think so many people are abusively using contacts to the point when they don't even own glasses?

Not yet
>Are you suicidal
No but I used to have depression before surgery
>Do you wear glasses

I'm not wishing it just saying it is a likely outcome. And you got so heavily invested.

>. Why do you think so many people are abusively using contacts to the point when they don't even own glasses?
What do you mean. I never heard of people abusing contacts. Did you get lasik? I feel bad if you got it done because of abuse. I hope you're eyes are better sincerely.

It's not a likely outcome. It's the most common elective procedure in the world do you really think most people gets severe dry eyes and kills themselves from it?

Not most but for the few that do

I like wearing glasses, great accessory, exudes confidence and “intellligence” makes you appear trust worthy.
I look like a muscled up nerd do you know how wet that makes women? Deluge. My tinder is always lighting up and I have a receding hairline but keep everything with a super tight fade.
Glasses are dope af, would never do lasic or contacts. Glasses have character. Gotta pick the right frames and style with your own personal clothing style or else you can easily look goofy.
Do not get thick rimmed black glasses they’re over worn and incels wear them and faggy feminist dudes.
Atm I have legit Jeffrey dahmer 70s big glasses and I constantly get compliments about them
> “those are so retro user”
But glasses aren’t for all

There is a small percent of people who get horrible side-effects from any procedure or even medication.

You went from "enjoy dry eye and suicide"(implying it's essentially certain) -> "It's fairly likely" -> "Well actually only a few do... but still!"

You say that as if that guy looks good

harrington looks like he's permanently concerned and is also like 3 apples tall

>Do not get thick rimmed black glasses

Attached: 1.png (512x512, 67K)

Even a few people who will kill themselves are too much. If you are op may I ask why you are so on the offense from the first post?

big nose

Is this the power of 20/20 vision?

>Jeffrey dahmer 70s big glasses
these are pretty fashionable nowadays; ride the wave while you can these montures are dope and will be ruined soon

>if a few people die from suicide as a result of a extremely rare side effect from a surgery it should be banned!

WTF I HATE EVERY SURGERY, DRUG AND ACTIVITY NOW! You probably have way higher odds of being decapitated or losing your arms in a car accident on a 1 hour commute to/from work daily.

everyone who is handsome without glasses is handsome with glasses
everyone who is ugly with glasses is ugly without glasses
I am in the latter category but at least I can wear american psycho glasses to add a millibar of classiness to my degenerate nerd physiognomy

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You can change them, what color eyes do you have?
I said that as a sweeping generalization but I notice a lot of like low test cuckerinos wear the thick black rims.

>Did you get lasik
Yep, 2 years ago, one of the best decisions in my life. Nah, I was a "big guy" in glasses like pic related. I was obviously looking better with contacts, but I only used them in special occasions.
>I never heard of people abusing contacts
Your corneal is getting thinner if you are using contacts everyday for a very long time. Sometimes a person can cuck himself of LASIC since he was wearing contacts everyday for the past 10 years.

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What do you mean ruined? I just picked them cause I personally liked the style, I see more of those round tortoise like ones

shitskin cope

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>better with contacts, but I only used them in special occasions.
>>I never heard of people abusing contacts
>Your corneal is getting thinner if you are using contacts everyday for a very long time. Sometimes a person can cuck himself of LASIC since he was wearing contacts everyday for the past 10 years.
Is contacts okay once a week or twice a week do you think? I didn't know this.

My eyes are worse than the max Lasik can do, and apparently IOLs have more potential side effects.

Shit talk all you want but you'll never be a German like me :)

I have -10 eyes post your diopeters itt. I can't see anything without glasses.

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You have no business getting laser surgery unless your eyesight is so severe in either direction it maximises or minimises your eyes in glasses.

My eyesight is terrible so my glasses minimise my eyes. But it's bad to the point that laser eye surgery would not return to a point where I could actually see anything

I just wear contacts when it matters and stylish frames when it doesn't. My girlfriend is fine with both so I'm happy


Attached: monk.jpg (2880x1620, 1.79M)

Who would want to be Germ*n?
Literally the most fucking trash people on the planet.
Super strict
muh punctuality
Karl Marx
WW1 and 2
The EU
Get fucked you Kraut subhuman scum.
Fuck I hate Germany.
Press S to Spit on Germ*n scum.

I have contacts and I hate them. Still beats glasses

-4 sph -2 cyl

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>maximises or minimises your eyes
What do you mean?

I personally know a couple of people who have had to pay for """LASIK"""" twice in 5 years, it's not a magic cure

He probably means when glasses make your eyes start looking oversized/undersized due to lens strength

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That's again a domain of eye doctors since it heavily depends on your physical data.

>Is contacts okay once a week or twice a week do you think? I didn't know this.
Research a little bit more on the Internet yourself. From my experience cornea thinning by contacts is extremely slow process, once a week or twice a week shouldn't matter since your are giving your eyes rest.
But you should still follow general rules:
Do eye exercises everyday
Don't sleep in contacts
Take care of contacts

It literally is if done correctly.

Find a new group of people to talk to, the ones youre with are retarded

-4.75 left -4.5 right

Not sure what you mean but I have brown eyes and most of the girls I fuck don't so I got that going for me

-13.5 with severe asitgmatism left, -12.75 right

>risk of blindness
>risk of permanent life-ruining dry eye
Just get contacts until technology gets better.

Only Green and Amber eyes worth something for being ultra rare drop.
Under brown eyes there are blue eyes, so technically people would be able to easily turn their eye color to blue in the near future, putting blue at the same level as brown color.


posting this for everyone who is considering eyesurgery.
every surgery besides relex smile has a risks which could potentially cost you your sight. it sure costs about double as much money but worst thing that could happen to you are dry eyes while all other methodes could make your eyes lightsensitive, nightblind or even blind and tons of other stuff.
Dont take the cheap option in such an important matter as your eyes!

Not who you replied to, but I have glasses and sometimes wear contacts, definitely feel more confident physically when my contacts are in. It's probably because you're more vulnerable on a primal level when wearing glasses, someone just knocks them off and your vision is gone.

Planning to get LASIK or PRK after graduating college.

the level of cope is beyond satire

I wear both contacts and glasses. I like being able to switch it up and style my glasses with my outfit if I feel like it.
If you're attractive without glasses you're also attractive with them

hell yea where my green bros at?
I kinda wish my eyesight wasn't so shitty, but god damn I was blessed with some emerald gems so I can't complain

Multiple Olympic gold medals.

based skizo poster

If i could go back and not buy a new custom built pc all those years ago and save my eyesight and social life, would do it in a heartbeat. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.


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Monitors have no effect on eyesight.

How old are you? I was 21 when I finally got an eye exam that showed no change.

How did you ruin you eyesight with your PC user?
Do you need glasses or did you damage the retina with blue light?

My dad got lasik like 10 years ago and his vision is great.

Unless they have crappy panels that emit a shitton of blue light or UV pretty much

the blue sky is what makes the brown rocks beautiful

checked this out. gonna discuss with my doc but my cornea is some kinda fucked up. I hope I can do this shit man.

wanna know how i know you're under 6ft

this, so much. I've only been called handsome when wearing glasses