So basically all my friends are broke wagies who will never make it and dont have the means and time to enjoy life. I need to stop depending on them to have fun and need to travel alone to thailand this year. Will it be depressing or do you get used to it? Have you ever traveled alone?
Traveling alone
Extensively. It's much less fun than traceling with friends or lovers. Go to trv, there are whole threads about this
go somewhere you can hire prosties
cool Jow Forums thread btw
>go somewhere you can hire prosties
I travel for work about 12 times a year. Almost always rent a woman.
It's a lot of fun. Plan ahead, and go to places like Manila and Ho Chi Min city.
>Not Thailand
I have mixed feelings about bang cock
traveling alone is somewhat overrated, to me at least. Yes you have fun but I always wish family members or friends were there to enjoy it more at some point during the trip.
post tits
Depends how comfortable you are doing shit for yourself. You'll meet more people and won't get dragged into doing shit just because others want to. At the same time there are things that you wish you could share with someone you know well.
Thailand is easy. Are you going visiting a muay thai camp?
You get used to it. Try to have some goals in mind.
>need to travel alone
>always hire prostitutes
>travel to thailand
>my friends will never make it
I'm sorry, why are your friends the losers in this equation