
It's friday
Saturday tomorrow


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I should get back into reading lads

Banbury Fatman crying in to his jalfrezi after his manager called him in to the office to discuss his obsession with serial killers and giving cats fleas .

i made a thread as well, but you won the race to post first so i deleted it like a good lad.
what vidyu ya playing tonight then?
nmc for me

Yup.. In Spoons with mummy having a pint haha

Whatever happened to britnormie?

I'm playing dragons dogma lad

Just got up might play some portal

I think that fairly often. Even poked around the book shops down town today, didn't buy anything though

Just got forced off gym equipment by a manlet. he chose the one a few feet infront facing me and when using jt was grunting so fucking loudly was like bad sex noises. Had to leave or would burst out laughing. So awkward. Pissed off he cut my session short.

>getting gym mogged this hard

Sad and aquamarinepilled

did you know that police are twice as likely as the rest of us to commit domestic abuse?

>While you're down there, love

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You ever been in that cabin, lads?


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>"I'm a northern lass, I can take as much as they can give"

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See, when you say something like that nobody really bats an eye. But if you say
>despite being 1.7% of the population, pakistani children account for over a third of all birth defects in the UK
then people lose their fucking minds.

Really makes you think...

member when i was a kid though my family and their friends rented a cottage in a little valley near where we live and it snowed fairly bad. we were stuck there for a day before we could get out. it was great

id go to a book club if i weren't such a mong

>domestic abuse
Funny how my mum gets a domestic abuse charge even though my dad was hitting her for years
all coppers are bastards

>29-year-old woman in a wheelchair
come on now
I think you noticed the diminutive stature first

imagine just using her as a big fleshlight

Why is a movie list made by women filled with fedoracore?

Staff members at Tesco whispering to each other in disgust and fear, as the Bloated Bloke from Banbury tearfully fills his trolley with beans and Value brand pies.

I don't know how to find them. I tried googling book clubs in my city and I could only find weird ones that were clearly for 40 yr old woman.

femoids btfo'd
patriarchy wins again

>then people lose their fucking minds.
They don't understand that we live in a society

no need to be a cunt, mate

i'd be an international super model if I wasn't such an ugly mong

they on average they give higher scores too

basic bitch movie list

seetheanon HATES mothers

Having a propah fucking booze up in Spoons wahey

normie chad bastid

Fuck, /tv/ has been bullying Warwick Davis.

this same thing was posted yesterday.

fuck Warwick for being such a dumb butthurt boomer, no one would care if he didn't play r2d2 and any midge could play that

cants say it surprises me too much, could get a mummy gf tho

Okay lads, you can each have ONE jaffa cake

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*takes 1 like a good lad*

*takes them all and runs away*

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jaffa cakes cure cancer an that

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Do midgets have a reduced brain capacity?

it's funny because his happy little face doesn't match the serious tone of his message

I think I would just find it awkward my self. If I was to attend a book club it would be to socialize with people my own age

Fucks sake. Three digestives in a row have broken off into me tea. Just not my day today.

>it's funny because his happy little face doesn't match the serious tone of his message
Holy shit that was fucking funny

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feel terrible for laughing at the warrick posts

Probably to some degree they do.

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What's the politically correct term then? Dwarf? Vertically challenged? Small person?
>5ft 8 in
Got to be a typo. Maybe 4ft 8in?
>6ft average female height
Since when is 6ft the average female height?

She's with him purely for attention

>You're lookin' sharp
>You're lookin' good
>You've come so far
>And I just thought you'd like to know
>How proud of you we are
>Father to son


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did you get too eager with the dunk times?
3 times as well, woo lad
you getting a spoon to eat the dunkgoo?

Gillete Fusion5 ProGlide with FlexBall technology is shit. The ball on mine snapped off and now I can't put the razor heads on it.

Did anyone kick Amer to death yet

Went to post a picture of hev from eastenders yesterday in britfeel and something about the digestive biscuits and lurpak I was eating at the time, and realised I was banned for some ridiculous shite when I clicked post.

Ban just up now, been a rough 24 hours for me.

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Come on lads, I expect this level of not getting the joke from Americans.

The Streisand Effect is strong with Warwick on this one.

banbury fat man was last seen heading to the train station with a hammer, tape and shovel

ol' up
where are me fuking jaffer cakes
was savin em forra playoffs tomorra

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did you bloxx post
i got a warning for doing a roll post

whats with all the midget hate recently though? where are you lads going with this?

>I was banned for some ridiculous shite
Breaking the rules? Yeah, you do get banned for that.

it was edited in an attempt to wind people up

that chav nicked em bazza mate, probably down the local pawn shop now the little wrongun

aye, I hovered my mouse over the ban link to show my post in the screenshot, was that one word that got be blox banned, assuming someone reported the post too

yeah as long as you write originally after your post and not onto the end of a word it's fine. What a practical rule. Zzz

really sad to hear of this sadistic bullying of national treasure, Warwick Davis by some very pathetic individuals
He was in Star Wars did you know?

it's a smaIl minority of the thread

Warwick's going full Streisand over some shitpost on /tv/. Midge rage always gets the sharks circling.

>it's a smaIl minority of the thread

Can't call em midgets any more lad. It's not politcally correct

was he the actor that played chubaka?

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Same people bullying Warwick are the ones that think toasties should be killed for not having sex with them lmao

>yeah as long as you write originally after your post and not onto the end of a word it's fine
That's still blox posting. Someone was banned for it last thread

cor could murder a toastie right now. cathedral city in that bad boy

No he was the actor that play deez NUTS in harry potter

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Av' de c'hat t'logs on are Baz
Turn'd out e's a fookin' nonce mate. Taxi on de way.


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fuckin wee lillel cunt
ill get d bastard

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what flavour toasties though? bet you'd have to leave a cheese filled one for a bit before it's cold enough to sex

I like Warwick but that shit is hilarious. Just old people not understanding the humour.

I really think that Danny Baker guy didn't mean anything racist by that tweet lads.

As a society we've just grown into some weird overzealous creature that leaps at any opportunity to accuse someone of something and get them cancelled and all that.

The more he does his apology tweets, the more people send those crazy one word tweets and shaking head gifs and such. They're all just jumping on some pseudo emotional faux outrage bandwagon.

I don't care about Danny Baker and have never listened to him in my life, or even heard his name until this news story, but this stuff isn't nice to see unfolding.

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>and realised I was banned for some ridiculous shite when I clicked post.

You were banned for breaking board rules

clever NOT

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ridiculous shite

If you don't like the robot then don't post on Jow Forums. Any other board is more appropriate if you want to post low quality posts of just

not him but, you got to take the ban if ya been naughty though. i had a month ban. it was terriblu


ridiculous shite




Cowards in this country

Of course he didn't, but since the progressive left determine what is and is not acceptable in discourse at the moment it doesn't matter what his intention was at all. He posted something that could potentially be conceived as racist - the greatest sin imaginable - and so he must pay.

Freedom of speech needs greater protections than we currently have but Parliament won't even DISCUSS the issue after it receives the necessary number of signatures on a petition to introduce something akin to the first amendment in the US.

I just stay away from twitter, it's a mess. The same people spamming those gifs and crying about white men are the same people who laugh when a person is being publicly humiliated etc


you tell em timbo lad. bet it was them sainsbury wankers wasn't it
speaking of, anyone else annoyed by those cameras they've got at the self serve checkouts?. the wankers

here's the tweet he got fired for and cancelled on twitter and all that

Basically he looked for a random funny wholesome slapstick image, and only realised after the consequences of him having posted a picture with a monkey in it for this event.

Ironically the racist people are the people who see a monkey and instantly make this connection in their mind, but shhhh

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sorry, forgot to reply.
what's it like? just had a look online and seems ok

Its literally just boomer humour, hahaha why is that monkey dressed like a royal

give it up danny mate, you fucked up

See I understand the desire to say 'just leave me alone' and get off twitter and disconnect from society; my libertarian roots still make me wish for something like that to be possible. However, when you do disconnect you essentially capitulate and give ground to these actually insane people.

Get off twitter is akin to 'give up the public forum'. Yeah you remove yourself from the turmoil and absurdity of the clownworld, but you also let them have control over it and it's only going to get worse the more control they have.

Twitter (as with almost all big tech companies) are completely on board with the agenda so arguably it's even more important to stay on and try to make noise.

>Ironically the racist people are the people who see a monkey and instantly make this connection in their mind
Very true. By calling something racist they are admitting that it's true in a way.
If I say
>chinese are good at math
>blacks can run really fast
And someone says that's racist they are admitting that it's true but you shouldn't say that because it's racist

Why is Game of Normies so popular anyway? What differentiates it from every other show out there?

>lad stopped talking to me for 3 months because i said asians can pass easier as trannies

Bit like Skyrim but more difficult. Only shit thing is that the travelling is a piss take. Combat is brilliant and the pawn system is good. Some people complain about the lack of a story, I personally don't give two shits because I don't care the story in a video game and actually prefer it when there isn't one.

Kinda, I'd say his tweet was less severe in every way because he didn't mention anything about race.

He could've just -not deleted it- and later tweeted a short defense something like 'Oh pull the other one, that image was nothing to do with race and you guys know it' and I think he would've been fine.

Instead he deleted the image and started frantically posting apologies and writing essays about how he didn't mean anything racist by the tweet, which the cancellation type wankers just jump on and use against him further. He poured all the fuel into the fire that has consumed his career, not with the original tweet, but with all his weird apologising and accepting his tweet was wrong and so on.

He's learned the hard way you can't negotiate with these delirious wankers on twitter.