Do you ever miss your high school classmates? Do you ever wonder what they're doing nowadays? Do you ever miss your high school crush?
Time goes so fucking fast
One highschool friend ODed on heroin. Another one broke my heart. And lastly one threatened to kill me and my girlfriend and then was checked into a mental hospital by his mother. Still think about one of my hs crushes she's a real qt. I don't talk to anybody I went to highschool with anymore and to make it better I'm only 20 years old
I don't even remember most of my high school classmates anymore. I'm only in contact with two of them: my only friend and his friend.
I turned 18 last month.
I still keep pic of my HS class just so i never forget any of them. I hope i can meet all of them again...
Reminder that beginning next year people who weren't even alive when 9/11 happened will be graduating high school.
Not always. I see some of my classmates at uni, but they don't stop to say hi. My friends almost never reach out to me, so I have to start the conversation. As for my high school crushes, they were rude to me, and I was too dumb to realize it. But hey, life goes on.
I remember this one guy I met while cutting class, I met most the people I knew by cutting class, I was too afraid to be around cute girls and all my classes had at least a cutie in it. Anyways this Asian guy used to wear gym clothes every day and just hang out in the gymnasium all fucking day, meanwhile I would skip class by walking around the school. We met each other through a mutual acquaintance and with our powers combined we slowly corrupted a guy who lived near the school so that we could all skip school together by just staying at his house, thus began our adventures inside of this guy's house. One of my most fond memories with this Asian bloke; I had him skip his last period in my class since I had a sub, so he came in my class and pretended to be an absent student, later in the day the absent student showed up and it caused a problem where the sub didn't want to let the guy into the class because she didn't believe he was in our class so they called a school administrator and my Asian friend knew he was in trouble, so the fucker jumped out the window and kept trying to get me to jump out the window too, so he wouldn't be skipping class by himself. I was hesitant, but then I decided to jump. As I was standing on my desk to jump out the window the substitute teacher and the administrator came into the classroom with the student they were questioning and they all saw me with my leg hanging out the window. I looked all three of them in the eye then jumped out the window while staring at them. We then booked it and waited for the bell to ring while walking around. I miss that guy, man.
You sound like you had a good relationship with them, or at least most. Try to stay in contact with them. But as time goes by they will start to drift away. They'll be moving forward with their life, making new friends, finding love, having kids. Don't end up truly alone user it's easy. But don't take this from me take it from some oldfag that had that happen to them. There's a lot here.
Real nice, wish I had friends like you.
im in my 30s and dont even remember the names of most of the people i knew in high school