There are people on this very board who decided to get money trapped in college rather than go to a trade school

>there are people on this very board who decided to get money trapped in college rather than go to a trade school

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What generally irritates me about degrees is that, because so many people have them, they've gone down in value. Even masters and PhDs don't mean much anymore.

Really you dont even have to go to a physical college to get a degree you can just get it online. Its that wasy.

only ameritards view college as a waste of money.

I'm American but my uni is completely free and I'm actually being paid to go. Feelsgoodman.

>went to trade school
>any job I want
>300k starting

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300,000 what? Rubles?

What trade are you in?

>comfy degree-less factory job
>coasting on 4 years now
I just know I'm gonna fuck up eventually, but for now I've lucked out.

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having worked both blue and white collar jobs you honestly want to avoid trade jobs like the plague if you can avoid them. they're a good way to make money if you have limited opportunities elsewhere but if you can actually go to college and not be financially crippled by it you should jump on it like stink on a monkey.

Wtf is a trade school

Dollars but it's a joke. The original meme was about a PhD in maths but I changed it to make fun of how some people shill trades like they'll make you rich. Sure trades are good and can pay pretty well but many people on Jow Forums exaggerates it a lot

All factory jobs in my country requires advanced qualifications (or connections) except very high paced assembly line jobs.

Where you study to learn a trade.

Anything you don't know you can learn at the gig.

Maybe where you live. I said I was talking about my country though. In places where unskilled jobs are rare, employers for more skilled jobs like trades or factory jobs can be a lot more picky.

where i live you need a license to perform certain trades like Welding or Electrician, there is a limited amount of them. iirc there can only be 80 welding licenses in my entire province. So if you want to become a welder you need to sign up for a waiting list and hope that a licensed welder dies soon. But there's a law that allows the firstborn son of a licensed welder to claim his father's license within 72 hrs of his death, so the waiting list hardly ever moves. a lot of people work these jobs under the table with no license, at constant risk of being arrested and thrown into jail, with no benefits, no pension plan, etc.

Lurk more, seriously

Don't explain this to newfriends, this is literally funny junk/facebook tier memes

Another reason to why degrees don't have as much worth as back-in-the-day.

I have gone to college for a diploma, uni for a bachelors, now masters, plan to do phd. Have paid for all of it with loans.

I plan to kill myself when I get my phd so I don't have to pay the loans.

Won't you have to start paying when doing your PhD since you'll get a salary?

As long as I am a student I don't collect interest, and I can apply for reduced payments (all the way to $0) for making a pittance. At least this is how its worked up to now.

a trade like carpentry, election, plumbing. i didn't know what to learn in school. i have a multimedia degree-adobe stuff. i haven't touched that stuff in a few years. i just learned that flash is going to die. i barely remember that.

>free master's
>paid to do PhD
>300k starting

I know I could be a welder or carpenter or something. I liked metal shop in highschool and I'm not one of those depressed nihilist NEETs.

The problem is that I don't really care about money that much. If I have the option to get a B.A. and spend a few years learning spanish and theoretical math why would I not do it? My parents want to pay for it.

>I don't really care about money that much
Said the same thing in my twenties. It changes. All other things being equal just go for what will make you money. Worst case scenario you won't spend it.