Evidence that we are living in clown world

>they don't give you straws at restaurants anymore
>there's no more paper towel in public washrooms, only shitty hairdryers
>people actually applaud this and think it's a move for ecology and not opportunistic costcutting

Attached: honk-honk.png (680x680, 221K)

b-b-b-b-b-but the turtles man! think about the turtles!

>Dude this sucks why it isn't literally the 1950s anymore
Jow Forumstards are pathetic.

i'm not Jow Forums or right wing. my post was anti-capitalist for fucks sake, pointing out that ecology has been hijacked by capitalists and self-proclaimed environmentalists support these trivial rituals while simultaneously eating meat and driving their cars

peak clown world if you ask me. even smart people think about the environment like this

We would be happier with a 50s mentality prove me wrong

No one else uses that retarded edit. Honk you're self.

oh i just found out about this clown world meme. i like the premise and don't want it to be an alt-right thing

There is no proving you wrong.

>back then homosexuality and shit like wanting to be transgender was treated as a mental illness. Now its praised and enforced onto our youth to normalise it.

>Muh restaurant washrooms.

That's what you complain about? out of all things?

>They don't give out straws
Yes they do
>There's no more paper towels
Cheap restaurants still use them due to their bulk purchase and easy to place function
>People applaud this
Have you ever used a cheap paper towel that feels like sandpaper? Even mid range bars have those hand dryers that dry your hands in 10 seconds


Only the biggest brains here on Jow Forums folks.

>clown world
is the clown world meme basically derivative of Camus' Absurdism?

I think you're giving the meme way more credit than it deserves.

>Evidence that we are living in clown world

making it legal to knowingly infect people with hiv and bugchasing culture in general

Why the fuck do you guys need the paper towels anyway. Just carry a hankie with you

it won't be long before they start rounding up straight people and putting them in camps. Cishets are truly the most oppressed minority in the world.

op here. i'm deleting this thread cause it's turned into an alt right shitshow :C

Error: You cannot delete a post this old.


god here. i'm deleting this board cause it's turned into an alt right shitshow :C

It's not that it's legal but they lowered it from a felony to a misdemeanor. If it were up to me, knowingly infecting anyone with a disease would be felonious.

You're on Jow Forums the literal ground zero for the Alt-Right. What in the fuck are you smoking?

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That's what you deserve for being a faggot clownposter.

>You're on Jow Forums
If ever there was a sign that you need to go back, this is it.

>there are tampons in my all male dorm at uni

oh no the horror how ever will you cope?