What do guys think of saggy droopy small boobs?

What do guys think of saggy droopy small boobs?

Attached: images.png (225x225, 5K)

depends on how much your face makes up for it

Id say my face is a 5/10

post your tits for us to see please

ass is the only thing that matters

I always reduct 2 points whenever someone judges themselves so I gotta say things aren't looking good for you.

I'm a 12/10

>What do guys think of saggy droopy small boobs?

worst kind of boobs desu

Attached: e75.jpg (251x251, 5K)

fuck. this is based.

I don't know, got any pictures of what the type looks like?
Probably not the most popular, but there are certainly guys who'd love your boobs too.