How do I cure my depression? :(

How do I cure my depression? :(

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Watch Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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stop bein a sad cunt and stat bein a sick cunt

Have sex.
Tons of cardio


Also, find purpose of your life. Dedicate yourself to it thinking nothing else. You'll see the light.

long term therapy and medication


positive life experiences

in that order

Literally me after sex

All good tips above but as someone who has had clinical depression for over 2 years, what got me out of it was occupation. Probably couldn't have done this without the help of meds or a therapist, but my depression didn't cure myself until I started working as a camp counselor. I had no time to think sad thoughts because I always had to think about the kids. 8 hours a day unable to think or be depressed. For many people depressive thoughts are a bit of a habit and habits can be broken.

Suicide has a 100% success rate.

reminder that depression and suicide is a jewish lie

Just stop being depressed. Seriously, you're doing it to yourself. You're literally fighting with yourself, and by definition you lose that fight one way or another. Just stop doing it.

don't SSRIs nuke the effectiveness of psychs?

close parenthesis

go to vegas and get a quality scort user


Based. Its made to brainwash zoomers and get them hooked on (((drugs))). Life wasnt meant to be all sunshine and rainbows and you arent meant to feel happy all the time.

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Post IQ nigger mentality faggots

That's some bullshit you just posted. Hilarious that you probably believe it.

Clinical depression is a Real Thing. HOWEVER, the little faggot teenagers of Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general don't have real, clinical depression, they're suffering from """acute youth""" and will grow out of it just as soon as they stop moping around, doing nothing, and start trying to have a Real Life. You know, like going to college, having an actual career instead of just shit jobs, and meeting actual women, instead of little teenage girls who likewise have no idea who they are or what they're going to do with their lives.

Most of you guys just need to find some purpose in life. Go to school. Get a job. DO SOMETHING other than sit around staring at the walls whining about how you don't have a goddamned girlfriend or whatever it is that you're ruminating about.

>he thinks IQ is an accurate measure of intelligence
cringe and NGMI

They're full of shit, true, but what you just said was totally out of line.

Also if you have any social media fucking get rid of it.

brainlet cope

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>Things low IQ retards say.

I think this is the cure for me also but sometimes idk what the fuck is wrong with me but I almost don't want to do things just out of spite like I could get home and do a bunch of good things like clean the garden or organize the bathroom or fix the damage on the wall etc but I don't because I don't want to get attention for it??? I live with my family and I feel like I just bury myself in my phone or the gym because I don't want to call attention to anything does that make sense?

Turn on the light.
Get money and travel. Change continent.
Get a massage. Fuck a whore if needed.
Get home, get money while reminiscing old trip.
Rince , repeat new destination.

yeah, but i dont fuck with ssri's.

for me, its Wellbutrin

I once met a guy that spoke like this

>cringest fucker I ever met

Well first of all, delete all your social medias including Jow Forums. The level of zerofucksgiven on this site is pretty obviously not good for a depressed person's mentality. It's like rumination, the longer you stay in a state of mind, the more comfortable it'll be, and the more uncomfortable it'll be to get out of it.

Secondly, find things to create or be passionate about. Wether that's fitness, art, building shit, or a job, don't just consume all your dopamine. Do something to earn it. Once you start getting good at something it'll be a lot harder for you to convince yourself that you're worthless meaningless garbage.

Finally, find people with a common interest that are positive and nice. Don't surround yourself with cynical assholes if you don't want to be a cynical asshole yourself. If you want to meet someone to potentially be with, you got to be interesting and confident first. No one wants to fuck a project unless they're mentally ill.



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It's funny because I'm actually too successful. I'm 24, six figure stable job, I work from home usually on the rooftop lounge of my high rise apartment in the heart of Seattle. I graduated college easily; school has always come easily to me. My gains are coming along nicely and I'm seeing a woman right now (going to break up with her soon though). My problem is that there's nothing left to do.
There's nothing that I really want to accomplish within reason, and of the things I do want to accomplish, I know I will be able to, so what's the point of actually doing it? There's nothing I want to strive toward anymore. Depression is always right on the edge, barely kept at bay. Yeah, I don't have a purpose in life, but neither can I just devote myself to some meaningless shit I don't care about.

t. low-achieving faggots who rest on laurels of (((IQ)))

You better not be talking shit about our lord and saviour zyzz the sick cunt


>Philosophy course
>high IQ
Lmao, this must be self reported IQ, have you ever met a philosophyfag?

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This graph already disproved, the average IQ in those majors is far lower, In cambridge, which is elite uni, the average math and physics student had 127IQ which is lower than this graph suggest.

I'm and forgot to mention my IQ was tested recently as an adult at 142. Just an anecdote

i live in 5th and madison in seattle.
>and of the things I do want to accomplish, I know I will be able to, so what's the point of actually doing it?
very cucked mindset here. go see a therapist retard

too bad your 'high' IQ doesn't know what selection bias is

>Tons of cardio
What does cardio do against depression?
I mean lot's of marathon runners and their like are mental ill.

I'm like you just without your "accomplishments", You're kinda lucky that you at least were able to delude yourself into financial stability tho

Yeet yourself off a rooftop and leave a note saying (((they))) drove you to it

Go to /lit/ and start reading. You need to know how much pain humanity has been through for the past 2500 years, you can't give up now, you can't let them all down.

My grandma has dementia and I'm her caretaker. The woman who used to teach me how to live life and always support me, who would drag me away from videogames and junk to quiz me on my spelling, can't remember how to wipe her ass or control her bladder and half the time doesn't even remember most of her family, myself included. Day by day she gets worse, but slowly enough that I have years of this ahead of me, still. Worse than being trapped here watching the only person who ever really mattered to me waste away, though, is that this particular brand of dementia is hereditary. Even if I push through this and live a good life my only escape in the end is to kill myself before I become a prisoner of my own decaying mind.

That's depression, nignog. Suck it up and get back to lifting.

It’s literally all in your head. Probably a result from repressed childhood traumas (raised by single parents, bullied, low self-esteem, loneliness). Do you want to spend the rest of your days being a sulking loser who’ll never accomplish anything meaningful? Go out there and don’t be afraid of rejection. Shit’s easier than you think it is.

If all this pep talk isn’t working then go see a psychiatrist, and get some meds to get out of your slump and fix your stuff. Don’t do meds for too long though, or they’ll fuck your brain up. Psychologists are a scam as well, some of them are actually treated by psychiatrists. I was diagnosed as having bipolar disorder at first, the diagnosis changed to depression at the end (it’s really hard to come up with a proper diagnosis since it relies so much on the patient’s perspective). Haven’t had a depressive episode for 6 years already.