ITT: we hire vocarooanon to let him read your stuff out

We pay him with a (you)

When I was in school I used to have an IQ of 15. My classmates used to harass me for not being that smart. But since 2013, my life has changed. My IQ is now 195 and it increases by 5 every time I sit down on Saturday nights to watch this one show. It is called Rick and Morty. Because of that, I get all the girls and people are always comparing me to Albert Einstein, some even say that I am the cure for cancer. When the government found out that I watch Rick and Morty, they showed up to my residence and took me to a secret facility to take an exam. The exam was about explaining all the jokes in Rick and Morty and I had to answer each question in all currently spoken languages. Since I watched Rick and Morty, I didn't have any problems and I completed it in 30 minutes. The next day, I got to see the results and I passed the exam with a score of 100%. They gave me the title "Smartest Man in Existence". Guess I am out of this world.

Attached: IMG_0683.jpg (688x623, 113K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Have a (You)

Give me your address so I can send you money

Are you next to a waterfall?

i'm inside of one

1488, High Knoll Dr, Chino Hills California, 91708

Your hills Chino is so cute

Now read this:

Eh, I guess there's no easy way to say this and to be honest I'm not sure where to even begin. Sometimes things fall into place and you're left with a feeling of clarity you haven't felt since childhood, this feeling will wrap itself around you and squeeze you harder and harder. Eventually the feeling with it's many tentacles will reach inside your openings, all the way from your mouth in to your intestines. Absorbed through the villus it spreads through all your cells, your entire being. Fragmented at this point you question the coherence of the clarity, it's no longer what it once was and a feeling can't make up for disintegrated thoughts. You're not so sure that it's true anymore, a memory of better times and before you know it's all fading away.

mm sex with chino hills

Attached: Chino-hills-skyline.jpg (741x504, 399K)

Good job

Tekst piosenki:

Stutonowy pociąg pełznie po szynach
Szyny ryczą jak matula, która jęczy po synach
Bo historii zegar wskazuje że śmierci godzina już nastała
Czy ktoś mógłby torów stęki powstrzymać?
Widzę zza szyby ten przedział
Pana, co tu najwyraźniej cztery zimy przesiedział
Zimny wzrok, gęsta broda, pod nią kły ma niedźwiedzia
Przy okazji jestem Filip Szcześniak, gdybyś nie wiedział
I na przyszłość będę starał się latać
Brak pojęcia za co znów spotyka kara mnie taka
Patrzy na mnie ciągle typ, jakby starał się bratać
Wyprany tweed i koszula jakby stara cerata
Bada mnie w mig, jestem pewien że mnie zaraz zagada
O stan ducha i cywilny, czym para się tata
No a ja czym, ale nagle straszny hałas się wkrada
Otwarte drzwi, "Cola, piwo, chrupki, kawa, herbata!"
Ma okrutną buzię oraz butny ton
Kupić u niego, prędzej na Syberii kupię szron
Pasażer wstaje wartko, przekracza Rubikon
Spokojnie poprawia swój krawat po czym mówi: "Won!"
Dostrzegam chłodny marmur jego oka
Czarne myśli w jego czaszce już się budzić chcą
Pragnienia ma ukryte, nie na pokaz
Widzę, że chce mieć duży dom, pełen cudzych żon

Chcę mieć duży dom, pełen cudzych żon - słyszysz?
Tylko tobie mówię wprost, że ja lubię brnąć w cyfry
Niektórzy ludzie lubią pląs, a niektórzy chcą ciszy
Cały dom w marmurze, cały dom w marmurze
Czarne myśli znowu śpią na górze, o!

Żyły w kolorze krwi jagnięcej
Chyba w moim wieku jest, lecz jakby widział więcej
Jakby się po stromych szczytach życia wspinał mężniej
Z technologii nie korzystał, wszystko pisał ręcznie
W ortaliony się nie wpycha, żeby iść na bieżnie
Bo całe życie ucieka lub biega za kimś
Nagle widzę, okiem łypie spod tej brwi potężnej
Lepiej się zacznij uśmiechać lub przestań gapić
Wpisuję kod 4-8-2-2
Sześć nieodebranych od Jedynaka
Jedynak planuje koncerty Taca
Poczta głosowa, słyszę "Felipe, no będzie draka"
A ja uciekłem, bo mnie męczy rap-gra
Jeszcze chwil parę musiałby mnie ktoś uwięzić w kaftan
Jestem za stary żeby walczyć już o względy świata
Chce wszystkie prace swoje spalić jak przed śmiercią Kafka
Męczy oraz dziwi wszystko
Zawsze czułem że ja mogę w każdej chwili zniknąć
Teraz czuję, że nie wrócę do tych singli szybko
Odwołuj trasę Janek, Fifi prysnął
Patrzę na sąsiada, chyba już zasnął
Dokąd jadę, czuję że interesuje was to
Kocham WWA lecz robi się tam ciut ciasno
Znów te głosy, gdy mój pociąg wjeżdża w Trójmiasto

Chcę mieć duży dom, pełen cudzych żon - słyszysz?
Tylko tobie mówię wprost, że ja lubię brnąć w cyfry
Niektórzy ludzie lubią pląs, a niektórzy chcą ciszy
Cały dom w marmurze, cały dom w marmurze
Czarne myśli znowu śpią na górze, o!

Otwieram okno chłonąc zew morza
Rześki wiatr, wielki świat, wodne bezdroża
To tylko mały ja kontra ogrom przestworza
I młodzi chłopcy, co pakują sobie biel w nozdrza
Różowiejąc niby wieprz z rożna, żywią nadzieję, że wybranka będzie bezbożna
Chociaż życie to zły sen, czasem wręcz koszmar
To wcale nie chcę budzić się - no jak tak rzec można?
Nie będę szukał wrażeń. chcę żyć w hotelu, czasem co najwyżej pójść na plażę
Napisać płytę, pić herbatę i się czuć jak starzec
Bo chcę wypocząć, zanim skończę jak ten współpasażer
Który zniknął, wielka szkoda miałem plan
Otóż miałem zapytać go: „Skąd ja pana znam?”
Te ostatnie dni w Warszawie mało spałem, fakt
Czy to majaki, czy jechałem w tym przedziale sam?
To dopiero dobry fortel
Czy mam zwidy bo się przemieniłem w moczymordę?
Ciężki biznes, poopowiadam o tym potem
No bo wysiadam i przechadzam się nad polskim fiordem
Niebo ciemne i kleiste, niby mocny porter
Wysiliwszy oczy, widzę dość ogromny hotel
Ogromny hol, w nim znajduję jakiś skromny fotel
Pojawia się ogromny wąs, za nim nocny portier

do "my wife chino loves coco-onee-san"

-Pan Szcześniak, dobry wieczór, czekaliśmy na pana. Zameldowaliśmy pana w pokoju 515
-Nie mam rezerwacji żadnej, także...
- Proszę, zapraszam do windy. Zdajemy sobie sprawę że przed panem ogrom pracy, oczywiście, niemniej zachęcam pana do uczestniczenia w życiu naszego hotelu. Za kilka dni odbywa się wieczorek taneczny, obecność obowiązkowa!
-No nie wiem, zobaczę...Nie ma pan czasem ładowarki do takiego telefo...
-Nie. Zachęcamy gości do niekorzystania z technologii
-Voilà. Pański pokój, a oto klucz, i wideo powitalne. Dobranoc. I powodzenia

Należy wam się zwrotka końcowa
W głowie mam pasażera, co za postać grobowa
Z lustra patrzy na mnie obca osoba
Jednocześnie moja lepsza oraz gorsza połowa
Aura mu się nocna podoba
Czerwona lampka, czyżby poczta głosowa?
Czy to wieść jakaś niesiona jest okropna, hiobowa?
Kto mnie znalazł tu, komu się marzy nocna rozmowa?

"Chcę mieć duży dom, pełen cudzych żon" - słyszysz?

A więc znalazłeś się w hotelu ”Marmur”
Zażywaj słońca oraz jodowanego powietrza
Ciesz się szumem drzew, bulgotaniem morza
I niestworzonym krzykiem lokalnego ptactwa
Cicho tam!
Porywa cię wieczorna melancholia?
Udaj się do sali bankietowej
I poznaj współtowarzyszy turnusu
Nie rób głupstw Filip, masz tu wypocząć!
Bogata oferta alkoholowo-gastronomiczna
Niecodzienna architektura
Brak rozkojarzającej technologii
Obowiązkowa psychoterapia, kursy tańca
Nierobienie głupstw
Wykwintne wieczory z wykwintnymi gośćmi
Witaj w hotelu ”Marmur”!

What about this;

Shall I compare my wife chino to a summer’s day?
my wife chino art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake my wife chinos buds of May,
And my wife chino lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of my wife chino shines,
And often is my wife chinos gold complexion dimm’d;
And every fair from my wife chino sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course, my wife chino untrimm’d:
But my wife chinos eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair my wife chino ow’st;
Nor shall Death brag my wife chino wander’st in my wife chinos shade,
When in eternal lines to time my wife chino grow’st:
So long as my wife chino can breathe, or my wife chino can see,
So long lives my wife chino, and this gives life to my wife chino.

my wife chino's eyes are nothing like the sun
coral's red is far more red than my wife chino's lips red
if snow be white, then my wife chino's breasts be done
if hairs be wires, periwinkle wires grow on my wife chino's head
I have seen roses demasked red and white, but no such roses see I in my wife chino's cheeks
and in some perfumes there is more delight, than in the breath that from my wife chino reeks
I love to hear my wife chino speak, yet while I know
music hath a far more pleasing sound
I'll grant I never saw a goddess go, when my wife chino when she walks, treads on the ground
And yet by heaven, I think my love as rare
as any my wife chino belied with false compare

sorry, breasts be dun*
I was kinda just going off the top of my head there and realized I spelled it wrong afterwards
shoulda proofread before posting instead of after
I'm not gonna read that because it's meano.

i cant stop laughing

why is it mean?

The poem is about loving with infinite depth after getting over the initial infatuation or "crush" is over with, and loving them for all their flaws instead of despite them. All hairs coming out of your head are essentially wires. No woman's lips are as red as coral (unless she's wearing gaudy lipstick).

I love you, Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, I love you, yes I do
I love you, Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, I love you, yes I do
And on the lazy days
The dogs dissolve and drain away
The world it goes
And always waits
The day we are awaiting

Up and over
We go through the wave and undertow
I will float until I learn how to swim
Inside my mother in a garbage bin
Until I find myself again again

Up and over we go
Mouths open wide and spitting still
And I will spit until I learn how to speak
Up through the doorway as the sideboards creek
With them ever proclaiming me me oh

Up and over
We go the weight it sits on down and I don't know
I will shout until they know what I mean
I mean the marriage of a dead dog sing
And a synthetic flying machine, machine

It was that evening with my wife chino
as we were waiting for the bus to my wife chino
that my wife chino saw two old my wife chino kissing
under the plane tree. It was my wife chino
my wife chino said, half to my wife chino
half to my wife chino:
my wife chino love for years
my wife chino hasn't live in vain
And it was then I caught sight of my wife chino
my wife chino in the darkness, sparkling
with flashes of light around my wife chino's head.
It was my wife chino.

Say "happy birthday"


np vocarooanon. That one's probably my second favourite poem and I got the idea after seeing Sweden post another one of the sonets that I like
I'd ask you to read my favourite poem but you would, no offense, fuck it up, and I wouldn't want to listen to that.

Sonnet 18 really is out of this world isn't it

Do this one too

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought--
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One two! One two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

it is really nice

wrong song but I like this one better anyway, thanks man it sounds great.

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kek, amazing

Wow you have a soothing voice man

Very nice friend

Here's another one:

Ever again the morning creeps across my wife chino's shoulder
Through the frosted window pane my wife chino grows bolder
my wife chino's hair flows down my wife chino's pillow, my wife chino is still sleeping.
I think I'll wake my wife chino now and hold my wife chino
Tell my wife chino again the things I told my wife chino
Behold I give my wife chino the morning hm,
I give my wife chino the day
Through the waving curtain wall my wife chino is streaming
Far behind my wife chino's flickering eyelids my wife chino is still dreaming
my wife chino is dreaming of the good times and my wife chino's smiling
I think I'll wake my wife chino now and hold my wife chino
Tell my wife chino again the things I told my wife chino
Behold I give my wife chino the morning hm,
I give my wife chino the day
Close beneath my wife chino's window still my wife chino is humming
Like an eager Christmas child my wife chino is coming
Listen to my wife chino's song it's my wife chino.
I think I'll wake my wife chino now and hold my wife chino
Tell my wife chino again the things I told my wife chino
Behold I give my wife chino the morning hm,
I give my wife chino the day
Like an antique ballroom fan my wife chino's eyelids flutter
my wife chino streams across my wife chino's eyes through open shutter
Now I think my wife chino is ready for the journey.
I think I'll wake my wife chino now and hold my wife chino
Tell my wife chino again the things I told my wife chino
Behold I give my wife chino the morning hm,
I give my wife chino the day

(My voice is pretty scratchy right now though)

No I mean it. I like the 'mannerisms' in the way you speak, it sounds composed and down to earth.
Example of Kevin Mcdonald speaking: warning- very redpilled

Well now you're dragging things out and speaking with fluff

Specifically I was referring to this post but after relistening I guess it's not fluff so much as it took you a while to get to the point (which is fine colloquially)

Also I feel very uncomfortable having a conversation with someone where I'm typing and they're sending audio messages. It's fucking with my brain dude.

Attached: 134296399649.jpg (320x240, 21K)

Never called with someone while you typed out responses?

This is the first of your threads I've been to so I wouldn't know

This is my thread

Attached: IMG_6100.jpg (223x225, 15K)


Well, Sneed, I made it- despite your directions.
Superintendent Chuck.
- I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon.
- Yeah.
Oh, egads! My roast is ruined.
But what if I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking? Delightfully devilish, Sneed.
Ah- Sneed with his crazy explanations The superintendent's gonna need his medication When he hears Sneed's lame exaggerations There'll be trouble in town tonight Sneeeed! Superintendent, I was just- uh, just stretching my calves on the windowsill.
Isometric exercise.
Care to join me? Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Sneed? Uh- Oh.
That isn't smoke.
It's steam.
Steam from the steamed clams we're having.
Steamed clams.

Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering hamburgers.
I thought we were having steamed clams.
D'oh, no.
I said sneed hams.
That's what I call hamburgers.
You call hamburgers sneed hams? Yes.
It's a regional dialect.
- Uh-huh.
Uh, what region? - Uh, upstate New York.
Well, I'm from Utica, and I've never heard anyone use the phrase "sneed hams."
Oh, not in Utica.
It's an Albany expression.
I see.
You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at Krusty Burger.
Oh, no.

Patented Sneed burgers.
Old family recipe.
- For sneed hams.
- Yes.
And you call them sneed hams despite the fact that they are obviously chuck'd.
Ye- You know, the- One thing I should- - Excuse me for one second.
- Of course.
Well, that was wonderful.
A good time was had by all.
I'm pooped.

I should be- Good Lord! What is happening in there? - Aurora borealis.
- Uh- Aurora borealis at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within your Feed & Seed? - Yes.
- May I see it? No.
The house is on fire!
No, Mother!
It's just the northern lights.
Well, Sneed, you are an odd fellow but I must say you steam a good ham.

heres a you

My eyes have seen the glory of the trampling of touhou,
We washed our hands in cirno blood and all the weebs too,
We're bringing down the Jow Forums machine jew by jew by jew,
The frog post marches on.

Glory, glory based and red-pilled,
Glory, glory based and red-pilled,
Glory, glory based and red-pilled,
The frog post marches on.

Have you heard of that slut Cirno's
Kiddy mongrel son,
Is he black or is he white or did he
Come out the bum,
I've yet to count if he's deaf or
Dumb boo-hoo-hoo,
Cirno's mongrel son.

Glory, glory based and red-pilled,
Glory, glory based and red-pilled,
Glory, glory based and red-pilled,
The frog post marches on.

Have your heard of the weebposter
Jew by through and through,
his parents haven't been proud of him
since 1942,
They told them they were going to
kill him touhou touhou touhou,
Jewish scumbag jew.

Glory, glory based and red-pilled,
Glory, glory based and red-pilled,
Glory, glory blood and red-pilled,
The frog post marches on. (x2)

please do this

hey guys lets -WN these W33BS LOL! MEME WAR weaponized autism,1!! lOL

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Fucking beautiful

Not sure if I'm supposed to be singing this or reading it.

You sound too well adjusted to have an anime wife, but to each their own

He could just make him a patreon. If he does a good job, I'd be willing to pay.

Cash is Cash. And no you would'nt be parasidic if I actually wanted to pay you to do the voicelines.

No offense. I am similar in that regard.

More project chino later. In the meantime. I stole some guy's project satania idea and made 4 of those. It's harsh noise/power electronics with my usual "spoken word". Gonna take a break from this rigorous work tho.

Could a little of my hymn be Spanish? (Argentinian national anthem)

Oid Mortales
el grito sagrado
libertad, libertad, libertad
Oid el ruido de rotas cadenas
ved el trono a la noble igualdad
Ya a su trono dignísimo abrieron
las provincias unidas del Sur
y los libres del mundo responden
al gran pueblo argentino salud.

You did really good! Better than what it produced to say a child grown up here.
How would we say here, let's drink mate together lol

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