Anyone else a virgin because you just don't feel like putting in the effort to chase after girls?

Anyone else a virgin because you just don't feel like putting in the effort to chase after girls?

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i haven't met a girl worth chasing after

You put in effort to collect porn. I don't think your brain really knows the difference subconsciously.

More so I got nothing girls want to begin with. I am at a huge disadvantage. So giving up is much easier than making 10000000s of $ . That is the only way I am ever getting any success with women.

I've come to the conclusion a while ago that anything worth having costs more than I have.

No point in chasing an impossible dream.

Chasing girls requires a lot of fucking effort -- I don't do it much anymore.

But I'm not a virgin. I've banged quite a few. And at the end of the day, sex ain't even all that.

Wow I feel attacked wtf man.

I just can't get over the competition. I guess that makes me a pussy beta faggot, but that's okay. When every single girl alive has hundreds of guys messaging them, I just don't see the point in even trying. I know I'm not good enough.

as a kid your told everyone is equal

so why is it that a man has to do all the work to get a girl
if a girl likes me then she should just say so
this is why i dont put any work into trying, waste of fucking time and effort

Yes. I have to go outside, talk to them, date them, deal with their emotions, their phone calls. It's just too much. I downloaded tinder a while ago and since I have disposal income, I bought the gold package. These two girls liked my account, they were both cute, one being above average in looks. Both of these girls saw me and wanted to fuck me (the reason they swiped right) but I just didn't feel the motivation to let them.

You just gotta keep trying, man. Girls don't have 'hundreds' of guys messaging them, it's not a like some sort of mating ground where you're stuck on the outside. Focus on yourself, build your confidence and things will turn around, you'll see. I believe in you, brother.

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>Girls don't have 'hundreds' of guys messaging them
imagine being this delusional

You're delusional if you think they do. It's really not like that in the real world. You'd know if you spent some time out there.

he actually believes the girl he talks to on tinder isn't talking to multiple guys lmao holy fuck

He's exaggerating. Not hundreds, more like 5. If you know any woman, ask to see their Instagram DMs.

Its much easier to collect porn, has zero risk and instant return on investment.

Thank you for the motivating words. Although I have to say, it really does feel like there is a mating ground where I'm stuck on the outside, at least that's what high school and college were like.

no, i'm not a virgin but kind of. i tried going out with a friend but he cockblocked me. i went by myself girls told me they didn't know me. i liked playing video games with my friend's house i would get home at like 12 and drink jagerbombs post here.

Why women just Grindr it out and fuck sissies or twink bottoms for zero effort

You are a cuck for posting this exact thing in another thread go get TOPPED already

you type like a disabled person

>Not hundreds, more like 5

Still wrong. You have count everyone from school to work, facebook, instagram, exes, guys in the neighborhood, and guys cold approaching. And even if you get the girl, you're still in direct competition with other guys trying to steal her away from you and her own hypergamous nature which dictates that she constantly be on the lookout for an upgrade. I think its just too stressful knowing you're so easily replaceable despite all the work you put in. Its like a never ending game of king of the hill, and we're on the outside, so in awe of the crowd of men fighting over the hill that we don't even want to play.

I was talking more about guys she's actively entertaining, not the guys who try to get her attention in a week. If we're counting them, then yes, hundreds. But I wouldn't really consider them competition since she'd only fuck about 3 of them and consider keeping another 5 around as orbiters.

you don't get much out of a relationship wrt what you put in. emotionally and physically, perhaps. but time and financially? fuuuuuck no. even low maintenance. it's such a time suck. i have hobbies! and yes, they are ones women are not interested in

Yes, there's to much effort needed to coordinate around each other's schedules.
If you want to date someone seriously your work schedules have to match and even then you could be with someone you don't want to be with.

Sure, out of the 100 options that any girl may have, only the top 10 or so are gonna have a real chance, the problem is when that top 10 is taller, richer, more charismatic, better hung and all around more attractive than you are.

It was the same for me too, at that age. As much as it sounds like a meme, I just started working out and taking care of myself. Getting a proper job helped too, and a car. It's not like the women came swarming in, but I eventually got to where I wanted to be. You can do it too, I know you can. Just got to break it down into baby steps, one task at a time.

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I came to that a long while ago man. I perfer being alone because other people are too much trouble for me to deal with.

Yeah. I still accept the label of an 'incel' because I want to have sex, but I simply do not want it bad enough to engage in hard, long term effort of making myself attractive and sociable enough to be worthy of some 6/10's attention.

If you're going for 6/10s you aren't an incel.

So what you're saying is, while you were young the girls were riding the cock coaster, then you got older, more stable, and became beta bux. Its all so predictable, we won't start getting laid until their value is going down and ours is going up.

lmao that's even worse. how will you ever be one of those three guys when they'll be better than you in every way possible? not to mention the five orbiters she has around her are probably more attractive, charismatic, and all around better than you. I don't even meet the cutoff to be an orbiter, which I wouldn't want to be anyway lol fuck this

I chase after girls, but I am still a virgin. I have never had a kiss or a hug from a girl. Hell, I don't remember the last time I had a meaningful conversation with a girl. The best I can get from a girl is one word, shitty fucking replies, and that's if I cold approach. The amount of rejections I have gotten is monumental. Girls just.... don't like me... I try so hard to work on myself, but it does not work.
There is just too much competition with other guys out there who have better looks, better charisma, and more money. Girls literally have a plethora of options they can choose from. And girls will choose the most chad like out of that plethora, while those who aren't chad are doomed to be left out on young love. Maybe, if you're lucky, a women might "fall in love with you" way in the future when she is old and run down and then make you provide beta bucks for her. :)

What a fucking joke...

>not to mention the five orbiters she has around her are probably more attractive, charismatic, and all around better than you
Women actually respect attractive charismatic men and attractive charismatic men respect themselves, so no orbiters would ever be attractive and charismatic.

>I chase after girls
I think you're doing this wrong

They're just so fast.

I'm a virgin because I'm an autist who's terrified of women, I had a small number of them interested when I was in college and I pushed them away

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oh compared to me, those orbiters are definitely more attractive and charismatic. they can get gfs man. they can get one night stands albeit rarely. they're actual options for a rebound when there aren't many Chads around during a short period of time that the girl can fuck.
anyway I'm just trying to make the point that girls don't even associate with men like me who are low status, short and not super outgoing, not to mention the stigma of being a virgin will follow you everywhere making things harder if you're discovered.
respecting yourself doesn't mean anything when you're average or below. in fact, setting boundaries and being masculine when you're ugly makes it more difficult to get girls because modern women hate rules and assertive men who don't look like Chads. they call these men "abusive" and trash talk them to their friends because he isn't super attractive, so he's a bad person for not wanting the bitch to slut around and gets his reputation ruined and his friends turn on him and call him an asshole. one of the reasons girls consider dating uglier dudes who are beta orbiters is because they have complete control over them and their sexuality. I'd rather be alone.

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I can easily pass as a normie. I can be hyper sociable and I had shot with different girls over the years.

I however do not enjoy life, on top of having emotional and physical intimacy issues. I decided I would die alone with no friends and I just don't interact with anyone outside of work or go out with colleagues. I wish I would find the guts to kill myself but even if I did I don't want my family to suffer.

I do not think there is any experience in life that can give me what I want. I want to be complete, when in life completion is only the partial and temporary filling of a need or want, before starting anew to need or want.

I do not believe people understand each other the way they think they do, and I think I only want to exist in death.

tl;dr too long, don't read.

I'm some weird sort of volcel. Volcels sorta define themselves by avoiding women, but I just don't give a shit. I'm not asexual either, I watch porn and masturbate and have a normal sexual attraction to women. I just have no interest in relationships or all of the bullshit that comes with them. If I had been born in 1940 instead of 1990, I'd be married with 3 kids by this point in my life, but society turned into a peculiar place. Women back then would settle for any nice guy they fell in love with, hell, most women still fell in love back then. These days? They want you to have muscle, height, career, money, penis size... Fuck it all. I don't deny there are perfect wholesome women out there, I just know that they'll find better guys than me.

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>go to Jow Forums, right click on a filename, and click "save as"

Multiple definitely, hundreds though?

I don't put in the effort because I'm not happy with myself. I don't want to be hypocritical because I wouldn't want to be with someone who looked like a slob either.

not a virgin but thats exactly the reason why i havent had much sex in my life

im introverted and dont need it because when it comes down to it, after the sex, women are boring as fuck. my time isnt here to be spent trying to sate someone elses need for gratification. and thats why all those "chads" out there have girlfriends because "chads" are generally low IQ and crave attention, justification and gratification.

>go to Jow Forums
When googling a real porn site is too hard for you.

also this


just lower your standard and it will be easy, ugly girls just want to be with someone

i had sex with a fat but somewhat cute asian girl and it made me realize that jerking off is literally just better

the only way i can see sex being worth it is if it's with a 9/10 or something, otherwise my hentai doujins are far more satisfying


This has been something I've been thinking lately. Is there even much a point of getting into a relationship before you are done with uni and have your career figured out? Just hanging around uni and whether it be people moving for careers or for a different school for a post-grad degree, it just seems a ton of people move a good distance across the country, sometimes as a necessity. Are you really gonna limit options even more trying to figure shit out with a partner too who has limited options of their own as well?

Me. The girls I would chase are not worth the effort because their ego is too high. And the girls who approach me I dont like them.

So I am a virgin because I want not because I cant have sex.

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Girls don't want to fuck you, lol.

Well of course. They want you to fuck them (at least in bed).

Yeah but I'm under no delusion that I would love to have a gf

Maybe i'm just scared of wasting my time and girls time.

try making an average girl in a normal sized city account on tinder

Average would be a fat, basic girl. She won't get real messages unless she puts in effort.

try it and see dude seriously
you can be a fuckin hambeast with the lowest effort possible and you'll still get people messaging you because they think you'll be easier to fuck

>She won't get real messages unless she puts in effort.

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Whenever I think this I realize later I'm lying to myself. Maybe not the sex part but boy do I crave romance.


Don't forget that you are your own path to enlightenment what you do and how you live is factors only you can change

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I'm not saying I don't crave it, but the effort isn't worth the reward. I mean sure I'd love to have 1000$ right now, but not if I have to fight a wolf bare handed to get it.

I know the reward will be worth it, that's why I consider it a reward.

It's not effort what I lack, it's just courage.

Honestly I'd prefer fighting wolves for $1000 a piece to my current job.