ITT: we talk about our fantasies

ITT: we talk about our fantasies
I fantasize about being a badass desert raider, making a gang with my buds, raiding people during the day, and chilling in our hideout and drinking beer all night.

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Going on an adventure like in Lord of the Rings. I'm never the hero of the story, just a treasured friend and competent swordsman.

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That's why I like to play d&d so much.
Shame my friends are too busy nowadays.

Same. I tried a couple of online groups but the games fell apart from other peoples' drama. Been thinking of using a social app to find a new group or asking if there's open games at the local comics store. Been off the grid so long that putting myself out there more than I have is daunting.
I've started dabbling in writing out my daydreams into a linear story so I guess that's something constructive.

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Writing is a pretty good way to capture your fantasy.
Wish I'd have paid attention in writing class, cause my writing is shit.

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I want to live with a tightly-knit, peaceful group of settlers/scavengers in a hand-built fort made out of scrap and junk in an overgrown, desolate suburban area in a post-apocalyptic world where firearms are scarce, so we have no choice but to be skilled fighters. I want to spend my days exploring the empty city with a friend or two, where we're free to run around, climb on top of things, or make noise and throw things around for fun. Just an empty world that I can explore and survive in.

I fantasize about putting on a piano concert performance that moves the hearts of the entire audience. Then I host a party at my large home and cook dinner for my friends and they're all impressed by my cooking.

That's a good one.
I dreamed about singing my favorite song in front of everyone in my high school.
They would love it, and everyone would think im a cool guy.

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Being a medieval wizard, impressing people and improving their lives with my awesome potion making (though I actually just hop through a portal and pick up pharmaceuticals)

I wanna live in minecraft. No social interaction, no stupid society. I could just kick back and sip mushroom soup while I listen to the jukebox

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I only played some D&D-esc games and one real game of D&D but I loved it. My best friend moved to New Zealand with his gf so I never got play it again since it was with his friends.

I've looked at doing online ones but they all want experienced players. I just want to adventure. I write but it's never the same without the reaction of other people.

I fantasize about being a survivor in a green post-apocalyptic world/fantasy world.

Give us a slice

>my friends are too busy
Yes user, that's probably it

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I personally prefer Tamriel.

>planet entirely ocean except for one island
>i live in comfy victorian-like oceanside town
>ancient ruins, houses, farms, forest, massive beaches, dock, and local dinner theatre type thing that serves best seafood in existence and showcases amazing plays every evening
>im mayor
>friends with everyone
>swarthy cheerful theater owner
>his sons who bring in fresh fish every day
>his wife and daughters who serves everyone the greatest beer you've ever tasted
>the rest of the townsfolk are so friendly honorable folk, always a smile on their faces
>gather every evening to witness talented actors perform everything from ancient greek to contemporary plays
>no money, no conflict, no evil, just peace
i go here often in my dreams. the best dreams I ever have.

Mate, you just described a period drama set in the universe of Waterworld.

want to point out that they aren't actually people, but hyper-intelligent humanoid ai programmed to perfectly emulate human behavior and emotion to such a degree that they are more human than humans could ever hope to be.

You ever tried to get a sit down session?
Nobody has the same days off.
I don't have any ready, but I'll post some another time
That's a good one. I still play minecraft with my bro.
I've had similar fantasies, but on a large, snowy mountain instead of the sea.

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21 going out with a friend like on the shows/ movies. i just sat there while my friend cockblocked me. i just went to friend's house played video games until like 12 then got drunk when i got home drinking.

i wasn't expecting where i am right now. i got into a bad car accident in a wheelchair.

That's not too impossible. You should try. Maybe skip the large home part and start small but hey its the only way to get there.

T... that's your fantasy..?

Fuck man I just want to be rich and do weird stuff and give away large sums of money for some random bullshit so i can see how happy people look when Ive just improved their life dramatically

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I want to have a purpose. Only thing I've really done that I'm even marginally proud of was record a song but it doesn't mean anything really. i just wanna feel proud and fulfilled

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I think the only way to feel proud and fulfilled is ironically to keep working instead of looking back. Keep doing the things that make you marginally proud, and the process of continuing and chasing becomes fulfilling.

Writing is a bit of an obsessive thing for me now.
Wrote thirty pages of another story this week, on tops of some pro bono work for a 'friend' and my school work.

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>badass desert raider
Nice dream, lad. I spent a lot of my young adulthood in the sands of Nevada, so the "desert pirate" meme has always held a special place in my heart. Mad Max is almost a documentary of eastern Nevada.

My most autistic fantasy, that consumed my life in a lot of unhealthy ways, is that of an airship pirate in an alternate world with a complete mythos involving demonic armies and angelic tech. At first it was the more realistic gas-balloon zeppelin airship, and gradually the autism grew more powerful and the ships became more Last Exile-style (held up by a fictional directed-magnet technology rather than a Claudia Unit, but very similar in most other ways.)

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>Nobody has the same days off.
Different user, but fug, that's one thing I've forgotten after working construction for so long. Practically everyone I know is either college-educated or also construction, so weekends are almost always free.