How the fuck do some of you anons not die from taking copious amounts of Addies and Vyvanse...

How the fuck do some of you anons not die from taking copious amounts of Addies and Vyvanse? You say you take five times more than the recommended and worry about stim psychosis but my heart would fucking implode way before that.

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That's the risk you take when using stimulants. Some people are in great shape, no health problems whatsoever, one day they drop dead from a heart attack. Eat a clean diet and introduce exercise into your life breh. GL

There was this dude that took like, 200mg of fucking Vyvanse and he didn't fucking die, holy shit wtf. When I take even 30mg of it I feel palpitations and tachycardia. My heart must be shit compared to his.

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>heart will fucking implode

Can't wait senpai, hopefully people will think it's due to smoking a pack of ciggies every day and being a fat fuck. God forbid an overdose takes me, that would be such an awkward way to go.

Was that me, the 240mg user? I'm morbidly obese, too, eat pizza and burgers at least 3-4 times a week. I don't know why I didn't die but I started getting that weird fluttery feeling about 12 hours in and I only stopped because of that. I would have been redosing every 2 hours if I didn't feel it. I'm gonna do Benzedrex soon and won't go full fucking hog, I'll be safe and work my way up.

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I don't know but it was probably you lmao.

How are you even fucking alive right now? What's your blood pressure like?

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It's pretty high, like 130 something over 90 something. Not diabetic but I should be. Good vitamins except severely low D and the testosterone levels of a 90 year old man. But I'm also 280lbs and 5'5". One of these days, I won't be so lucky.

I took 30mg and after an hour, it felt so good I was like "MORE NAO" so I took 60. About 4 hours later, another 30, and so on. I told myself I didn't want the party to stop until suddenly my hurt started skipping and I felt really cold and clammy instead of hot, so I let it run its course. Stayed up for almost 3 days straight playing Audiosurf 2. Fun fact, to this day, when I play that game, my heart rate shoots up 30bpm and I can instantly get absorbed for 3 or more hours, when nothing else interests me. It's like positive PTSD. I get dreams of it to this day. Thanks for reading my blog, user, like and subscribe.

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What other drugs do you do desu?

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Isn't compulsive redosing dangerous lmao? Do you plan on ever losing weight?

>other drugs
None, besides caffeine which I'm off of for a week now. I'm preparing to take Propylhexedrine and fasting for a week. I don't care if I get a heart attack or become psychotic, I'm losing weight no matter the cost and if I die, cool, I was planning on it anyway. I just want to lose weight so when I die, the paramedics don't laugh at me and my mom doesn't have to buy a big boy casket.
Yeah it's not a good thing but I was out of control. The pleasure was too much and all I could think about was "don't end, please don't end".