Literally losing my fucking mind rn

I can't drop my weight, not at all. Is there any merit to the meme about fat cells fusing together if you grew up fat? I remember my headmistress drawing me aside when I was 10 or so and telling me to watch my weight and I'm twice as fat now at 25. Jesus FUCK

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No. What are you doing to drop the weight? How fat are you?

If you're not losing weight, eat less. If you're still not losing weight, eat less.

No sugar
No Carbohydrates(plants + other shit)

Eat a diet primarily of animal meats and the fat will come off. That or you can fast, but you'd need discipline to do that...

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One meal a day
Cardio every day
Do this until you will be lean as shit.

lol just stop eating fat fuck

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OP your one of those people that cant lose weight. You have something called genetics.

Because this site has told you genetics mean nothing, they've made people like yourself miserable. Just accept reality, some of us are ripped chads, others are fat dad bods with great personalities and a fulfilling life

so what you're saying is if i eat tuna, chicken, beef, shit like that with no veggies or rice i will lose weight, also no sugar nor bread

Literally looks like a man from the neck down

Also be sure to have Starbucks after workouts to upregulate your metabolic pathways.

In general, lifting will cause your body to freak out and go into "storage" mode, where it packs on muscle AND fat, which is exactly what you don't want. So stick to medium-intensity cardio and yoga.

You must be surrounded by faggots and twinks.

god I wish she would strangle me

what about feeling like shit at work, i work with customers face to face, cant look like shit

>tfw didn't eat for a month
>still not losing weight

wtf do i do bros?

Pop a caramel to make your body stop producing cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

The sugar will keep your metabolism steady and calm you down. Don't overdo it though.

Tie yourself to your bed before you go to sleep.
Or sell your body to science, because something ain't right.

nice, thank you user, first time i got serious advice here

If you honestly cant be fucked to lose the weight just start going to the gym and do heavy weight training and become a power-lifter, you will lose the fat and turn alot of your current weight into muscle, you wont look super toned or cut but you will be strong and have an excuse for being a big lumbering oaf. Plus weight training is fun as fuck, Practice proper form and pace your self in the beginning, Lifting small weight to learn the form is key, Weight comes with form also Set small goals for yourself like lifting 10 more pounds or shit like that.

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For the love of God do not listen to this retard().

Sugar and carbs are just useless, they're macros which do not contribute one iota to muscle building or fat loss, rather its the polar opposite with fat loss. It's a largely a fat storing macro with no benefit to gains or intensity. Exceptions do apply but I gather you're not an elite level athlete.

Why does sugar and carbohydrate make you fat, or vastly prone to fat gain? Insulin and high blood sugar spiking(hyperglycemia). When you eat sugary food it rails blood sugar, thus the body immediately reacts to bring the energy system(blood sugar) to homeostasis(regulated level for normal functioning) via the regulatory hormone insulin, which drives down blood sugar. Typically it crashes it below normal and thus sparks an energy crisis, which causes your brain to signal for more energy and thus you become hungry again. This is noticeable for sugar/carb meals and especially mixed macro nutrient diets. Particularly noted in another physiological mechanism called the Randle Cycle, where any equivalence in fat or carbohydrate is the most insulinogenic, inflammatory response possible from diet.

Insulin also effects gluconeogenesis, the enzymatic pathway for utilizing fatty acids. Another way said sugar, carbohydrate metabolism impairs fat oxidation. Meaning sugar, carbs are fat storing, optimal to create such a state in a person.

Another nasty thing to sugar is its added to addict people to foods, get them to consume more. We now understand some of the physiology as to how this manipulation works. You don't have to wholesale abandon sugar, but try to be as low carb as humanly possible, good example, under 10%.

>upregulate your metabolic pathways

This is not supported by any literature whatsoever. Your body produces glucose via fat oxidization. If you low carb, takes about a month to start being optimal as a fat burner for energy.

>pic related
>Golden Era guys were all low carb

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Crazy bitch. Had a good face, ruined her body and beauty.

>posts roidcels
>implying their diet made them look like that
stupid fuck.

what about getting the drop?

go away alex

imagine responding to a shitpost with a post this long

Literally just fast until you're not fat lmao. Should only take around a week or two

not the user you responded to but i want to know if its good to have a tuna can only for breakfast

Everything I have stated is true for natural physiology. The difference between the Golden Era and the modern era is those guys all had to anecdotally experiment and pioneer the optimization for low body fat, muscle growth. Unsurprisingly what they found back than, ie fat is used for energy, carbs stored as fat still holds true to today with modern advancement of mechanisms in human physiology.

For reference the modern body builders now have to eat some 4000+ calories of just carbs alone to derive any benefit from their modern drug stacks. This includes abusing insulin, which in the words of Dorian Yates put on only very low quality mass. Obviously the modern drug abusing body building dietary regime would just make a normal man obese in record time. Not so for the Golden Era diet.

Drop in blood sugar is not a concern after a work out as that retard was making shit up. You don't deplete glucose but your body via gluconeogenesis continually produces it. Same thing when you get fasted during sleep, or when you fast to lose weight. You don't drop dead because the body converts your body fat to a usable form of energy(glucose), thus effecting fat catabolism(fat loss).

>pic related
>how the body converts fat, its preferred energy medium to glucose for energy
>try having that illiterate brotard explain any of that shit, because he simply cannot and does not understand how human physiology works

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