No FPH? And the last one has been pruned? Wtf.
FPH - admit your gluttony
Me and my now ex got out own apartment together when we were 18. We were cute looking kids basically by the time we got 22 we were both obese. Didn't help that we were both neets.
How is it a fat acceptance meme? It seems like just the opposite.
>maxing our credit cards with food
fucking how? Like exclusively go to overly expensive restaurants?
It's a gluttony strip. She literally needed two surgeries to become vaguly human sized.
It costs a lot to eat 6000 kcal or more per day.
What happened then?
aua le fesili mai pe faapefea ona ou iloa lenei mea, ae na maliu Boogie i le itula talu ai
When we were almost 25 we broke it off and never ever spoke to each other again
Depending on where you live food can be expensive. Not all fatties live in america.
Dumping a classic
Even though, it shows how toxic fat acceptance is and how overeating is a serious addiction. I see no reason to hate her, just pity.
I hate chubby chasers mkre than fatties.
You know, when you who looks average and is thin and goes to the gym, even talks to one, you overinflate their ego up to 11.
I'm sorry but women think (or rather don't think) that they are perfect and you just make life harder for men who are ugly/fat or autistic.
You shitlords should be ashamed of yourselves.
>three stones
Pipe down, brown man
this has got to be fake. there's no way i could actually trigger a hambeast by just going for a jog. right...
>pruned, wtf
It was 40% fat fetishes and a Jow Forumsack jailbreak off their containment board
Pic not related, but all good bois
Fitness is literally an expression of white supremacy you fucking Nazi pig
>rage is now over 9000+
What the fuck how did they prune fph?
Did they accept a fatfuck as Jow Forums janitor or something?
all jannies are fat fuck.
Imagine crying while talking about exercising. Is this real life? Do these people really exist? Do I have to go to the US to see them? Is there some kind of special exhibit?
5 posts above yours fatty
Dated a chubby girl with a history of eating disorders who refused to go on runs with me because she would feel paranoid that people would stare at her. I tried once and she asked to go home after 30 seconds. Fat women's brains are literally fried.
I’ve travelled a lot though, even in vacationy places, islands and Europe where you would expect it to be more expensive maxing out credit cards is still ridiculous. I guess if you just make minimum payments instead of paying the balance off you eventually get there, but that’s a really stupid idea.
I guess I haven’t been to Canada in awhile though...
if i were wb id invite her into the ride and let her have a go so she'd get thrown off a ride
> Have fatass coworker, have posted about her before
> Come into work, and since we work in a kitchen, we're allowed to eat free and her and the day cook have just finished serving lunch.
> Short, brown, and round has a small bowl of peas, mentally congratulate the good choice cause I normally see her shoving nothing but sweets, mashed potatoes, and gravy into her maw
> Watch this dumb bitch down half the bowl, so about a fourth of a cup, like a shot and then throw her bulk against our industrial refrigerator hard enough to move it
> Acts like she was just dared to eat something horribly disgusting
> Good five minutes of her throwing herself against the refrigerator or bending over our prep table, slapping it to try and get the peas down because they're 'healthy'
> Day cook who has to work with her all the time tells her to either put cheese on it or just not eat it
> Fatass eats the entire bowl finally and goes back to cleaning up.
> Day cook coworker has to leave, the second she's out of sight, fatass starts rooting through the fridge, asks me what I'm using for supper that night and I tell her she can have one of the five chicken thighs, since I wasn't using them and there weren't enough for me to use as an alternate choice to my main meal
>Fatass puts four chicken thighs in a large bow, covers them in gravy and the cheesy cauliflower which is more cheese then cauliflower and wolfs the entire thing down, takes the last one home with her
> Find out fatass has been complaining to Day cook about how fat and unhealthy she is and Day cook, since she knows the other from outside of work, has been trying to help her make better choices
> Worse part is, fatass has four kids at home and we're allowed to take left over food home. She could have taken the chicken thighs home and had a meal for her kids, but no, she had to shove them all into her fatass mouth
>shooped image
kek anyway though. I don’t know too much about motorcycles, but can you just put a 400lb bitch on the back, or do you have to upgrade the suspension first? Can you just bottom it out and it’s fine?
Bottoming out is the least of your concern when you can't corner for shit having a mass twice your size on the back
>Do these people really exist?
They've always existed. They're just more noticeable now because they're being indulged instead of shamed into silence.
This one never fails to get me. Being triggered by someone else’s food and
The sheer ignorance.
>you just make life harder for men who are ugly/fat or autistic.
Grow a pair and stop thinking that the others are to blame for your lack of sex. Go out and talk to girls.
There are lots of cards in the US for people with shit credit with limits like $500-1000. Back when I was a full hambeast I could easily spend $30 on a single visit. Imagine doing this every day or even just most days and it's easy to see how someone could max out a few cards
I never met a fatty being triggered by what someone else does with their day (be it exercice or diet), fatties are usually ashamed to be fatties and while some seek to better themselves (or at least talk about it) or are sometimes delusional, I never met a fatty who straight down promote being fat/fat acceptance and is “proud” of it. Fat acceptance is for now a disease of the Anglo-Saxon world (or at least I believe and hope it is).
Where I live fatties know better, though it is never a long shot before American stupidity reach our country, so expected impact of fat acceptance is probably in about a couple of years.
What? Did exercise equipment fucking killed her parents? Raped her dog? Fucking get over the fact that you could be healthy just by moving more.
>fatties seek to better themselves (or at least talk about it)
Definitely just talking about it. It’s great for them, you can get fat as shit and be lazy, then, when people start to finally take issue with it you can just tell them you’re trying your best while continuing to eat shit and be lazy. They are happy because they think you are working to better themselves and they helped you, and you are happy because you can keep being a fat fucking retard. It’s a win-win.
This reminds me of B**gie2988
>not only this entire story
>but LAUGH ABOUT IT like it's hilarious that haha le cute animol now fat too!! xDD
How much you think she diddly?
Shit, I lost my hate recently. I mean, I still hate fat people and their way of living, but am a Chad and gave a hate stare to a hamplanet recently, she looked like a saddest person I've seen and like she was about to cry... I got sorry for her. How do I regain the hate to give me power again?
I know you're joking, and I would do the same, but no company wants to pay millions or get bad rep unfortunately :/
>he doesn’t chase chubbies but make it clear you’re going for them because it’s a fetish and they’re fatter than others
You gotta let them know why you want to fuck them, otherwise they just assume they’re as hot as others.
>your own equipmeny can be triggering
How? You know its there? Get rid of it if you have panic attacks everytime you see it you dumb cow.
>peas are disgusting
Fat fucks ironically always have the worst tastes and are the pickiest eaters
>she looked like a saddest person
Youre seeing things that arent there. Butterballs dont have feelings, in their toes or their clogged hearts.
Why do women have to bottle up their feelings just to then just blow up suddenly?
Just tell the hambeast to fuck off the first/second time she makes a comment and shit is solved.
Only bitter ex fatties ever enjoy FPH threads. I never understood how you can care so much about some untermensch being obese.
I imagine her kids had hot dogs and boxed macncheese that night
I'm currently fat, with 20 pounds (as a 6' king of manlets) yet to be lost before arriving at a healthy weight. When I first found /fph/, I was 270lbs and on the fast track to the 300s. Being disgusted by the >people posted here tempered my resolve, and made me finally take exercise and dieting seriously. Go fuck yourself and go back to the shithole you crawled out of.
You know, on Superbestfriendcast, they were talking about Superman, and this guy Pat has to explain why he doesn't like Superman. His response?
>The perfect person demeans you by existing.
Perfect Lex Luthor thinking. Fat accepters/body postitivity/HAES people are really just Lex Luthor hating Superman because they're narcissists: your being fit isn't about you being fit, it's about my being unfit, and that makes me feel bad [except it makes no sense for your actions towards yourself away from me to be about me, that's why I'm a narcisissist]
Chris-Chan revealing one of his favorites, through his sock puppet Magi-Chan (but he's not obese doe).
this has been my last four months, taking back my life and getting motivated through this kind of thing.
Ex said that two. We went to the gym together, we'd only gotten through one lift before she said she wanted to leave and hid in the locker room.
It’s a shame, I bet she was real cute when she was not a fat pig
God only knows, this is the same fatass who was bitching about cherries not being covered by food stamps and then still bought forty dollars worth of cherries, while they were in season, so they were only two something a pound. She also buys all those 'get slim quick' detox teas and I know she mooches off another coworker who she's 'friends' with and baby sits fatass's kids
Part of me wants to pity them and I have a way of getting around that, a method I use for everything. I hate that which is weak and I mean weak in the sense that they refuse to struggle. If you fight and struggle with all your might but are still weak I respect and admire you because you are struggling and trying to better yourself. But those who have the means to improve and don’t are the truly weak and are sub human in my eyes. Almost all fatties are weak because they have the opportunity but refuse to take it.
Weak people are a drain on society. Im not a britbong, but I have a story from a friend of a friend.
>be bong
>born with disease that atrophys muscles
>have to take super expensive medicine to just live
>nanny state provides, albeit its a pain to get
>get sudent visa
>study in america for like a year and a half
>come back
>although youre still a citizen, youve been living out of the country too long
>no gov benefits anymore
>make little money, like 20k pounds
>still get taxed upwards of 60%
>there are programs that give living wages to fatoids just for being fat, not even bed ridden
>literal poor cripple has to buy his own life saving medicine meanwhile footing the bill for fat fucks to live for free
This story made me hate fats and bongland.
Also, a lot of the hate in these threads is more directed at HAES than actual fatties.
So you proved my point. You're a fat bitter loser.
She's British, there's an upper limit for that sort of thing
>going into serious debt over food
fuck me how boring can they get, at least do drugs or something interesting with the money
Bitch in my house gets triggered when I do planks while waiting for game lobbies to fill lmao
Yea it's okay to be weak but it's not okay to be weak and unhealthy and do nothing about it.
None of them want to put in the effort to improve.
>>make little money, like 20k pounds
>>still get taxed upwards of 60%
This isn't true
I dread the day HAES becomes a thing in my country. Thank Zeus I don't do Facebook or any other bulshit like that so my exposure to it will be limited
fair enough, i really don't care
Idk, thats hoe the story was told to me. However much hes getting taxed its still fucked.
Help me /fph/
I've said in before in previous threads how my housemates and I are letting a blob crash at our place and she's just starting to piss me off because she keeps commenting about how I'm not taking care of my body by keeping track of calories,how weight loss "doesn't work" for her, set points, how women need meat, shit like that. The bitch keeps glaring at me when I decline food or when I measure what I eat. This morning she tried to say how all food is healthy.
So I've been trying to trigger her by casually talking about macros, eating healthy in front of her, and simply showing restraint lol.
I need more ideas. I wanna destroy her.
Go on a fast
That's so good.
>"You need nutrients and calories to live"
>"I take vitamins and all of my calories are stored in my excess fat"
Man those comics are terrible. Just look at the bitcoin one "Oh jeez, i can imagine nothing better than for all my medical records to be on an immutable public ledger!"
>no video in 2 weeks
i'm worried about him, bros
>It's called "Keto" you wouldn't understand it.
>It’s smile and optimism, gone
>Be 18 year old White American man on 9/12/2001
>See how we were just attacked by evil sand monkeys
>Realize the American way of life is under attack
>Realize our freedoms are at stake
>Realize that there is evil out there that want to watch America burn
>Sign up for the Army
>Get deployed in Iraq, when I actually wanted to go to Afghanistan to fight those who planned the attack
>Get hit by IED
>Lose both legs
>Lose right arm
>Lose both balls
>Lose my dick
>get sent home, a mess of what I once was
>Get cheated on while I was deployed
>Know I must live with parents for the rest of my life, never physically able to work for myself, have my own family and own my own house
>Wheel into this abomination of a restaurant
>Sigh a huge sigh of relief with a great smile on my face
The American way of life has survived.
>gets breast reduction because of gender dysphoria
>because she was uncomfortable being a woman because she didn't understand puberty
>they took off her breasts
>she feels better about being a woman because it somehow isn't obvious anymore
>"oh wait, I guess I'm just a woman after all"
Didn't he say he was going to spend some time away from social media and internet, and had asked some friend/acquaintance to stash his electronics and keep watch over him?
1st = 14lbs
Do the math yourself
I honestly have a hard time believing there are people this into video games
Like, no shit you’re a fat disgusting fuck, your goal in life is to sit and interact with your tv
Just got back from the orthopedic doctor Jow Forums and I have a story
>Injured pretty much every joint in my left leg due to an accident 6 months ago
>My appointment was for 10AM
>Sitting in the room waiting on the doctor to come and fingerfuck my feet
>10:30AM rolls around, still no show
>11AM comes and goes
>I limp my ass to the door and poke my head out, I got fucking places to be and things to do motherfucker
>I hear them before I see them
>Hear my doctor's voice and the voices of a bunch of his nurses
>all talking over each other
>At first I think maybe someone collapsed or had a heart attack or something
>Then I see it
>A huge blob that is doing nothing but complaining comes slowly around the corner
>She's doing almost a complete split on the hospital bed they managed to put her on
>Literally her legs are split nearly 180 degrees for her to "sit" on this bed
>The voices of the Dr and nurses were them trying to navigate the hallways without running her drooping fat body into the walls
>At first I figured they were just being careful
>But as they get closer I see she's not on one hospital bed/gurney.
>She's on Two(2, Dos) hospital beds that are strapped side by side due to the weight and girth of her massive flab
>They're wheeling her to the X-ray/MRI rooms
>Doctor sees me poking my head out, apologizes up and down and ducks into my room after telling his nurses to go get the blob prepped
>He finger fucks my ankle/foot/knee and even gets frisky by grabbing my once swollen hamstrings to see if they're good and not atrophying.
>tells me I'm clear, keep up PT, see you in 2 weeks
>as we're finishing his nurse comes in
>"doc, we can't get her on the table, the weight alarm keeps going off"
>See him squeeze the bridge of his nose says OK
>I had to get my MRI/X-ray there and I remember how fuck huge the machine was
>Ask him "isn't that machine good for like 650lbs?"
>he just sighs deeply "uh-huh, have a nice day user, don't get fat please"
i didn't ask for these feels
>mfw so many young brainwashed men being sent off to die for a (((rootless international clique of bankers)))
If exercise equipment wants to rape her dog, it better get in line. Been waiting forever to rape that stupid dog.
holy kek
You are just growing up. There's not point in actually hating people for things that barely affect you, it's childish and unproductive. Use these threads for laughs and motivation.
Can Australians really not stop shitposting, even in real-life?
>dependent on medication state provides
>still goes to a country with no healthcare for citizens let alone student visa holders
>60+% tax
This whole story is retarded and your friend is a fucking idiot
She's from Austria, isn't she?
Jesus fuck, do Americans have fat tissue in the brain?