Last one will die soon

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Other urls found in this thread:


Are planks obligatory? Or can i just keep doing 4x10 hanging leg raises and 4x10 captains cheer leg raises

I can't get quality sleep every day of the week, I could do it every other day though. Would it be better to get good sleep before or after a workout day if I work out every other day?

Why do I feel insanely happy on gym days and literally fucking depressed on rest days?

should i reduce my carb intake if my diet has more fat than carbs? i'm on cut so i don't know which one to choose

Is it ok if im a stay at home dad whilst my gf works. She makes a lot of money, enough to pay for both of us.

I can go to the gym everyday. Is it a good idea?

How do I stop my fat fucking stomach from bouncing around so much when going for a jog?
I'm so embarrassed by how much I look like a living lava lamp that I've stopped going to the gym during daylight hours.

planks are not bad but id rather go for L holds on a bar or rings, same kind of contraction, way cooler looking. also front lever progression is an ab destroyer
personally i would go for it after for that recovery, since when i start working out tiredness kinda goes away for the workout. but if you feel too fatiqued, maybe working out every day isnt good for youm try out different stuff, see what works for you. dont destroy your quality of life working out, it kinda defeats the purpose
some chemical release in your brain n shiet, dont know the exact stuff but working out is proven to combat depression
you should get a job or at least find some deep purpose to fulfill. men are not made to live off of stuff, thats what women do. and even then, they still should do stuff around the house.also, working out everyday as a natty is sometimes not the best ideea
diet and light exercise until you do not feel like a blob anymore. or just go when barely anyone sees you. imagine the feels when you will work out without a belly. thats satisfaction

Opinion on HST?
Is it a good idea to try it?
I have used my strength gains on Greyskull LP and I like the FBW idea.
How effective it is in terms of actual hypertrophy?
Especially for delts/bi/tri?
Will the volume be enough to provide the stimuli to grow those parts?

My gym is pretty shit and doesn't really have much equipment. Would this be alright for a new routine?
>pullup 3x8
>chest press 3x8
>vertical rows 3x8
>leg/squat press 3x10
>planks or rings
>reverse hyperextensions

Feels like I don't have much for the legs here but I don't know what else I can do.

Can I make face gains and increase my lifts? Cutting will fuck my lifts, but if I continue bulking my face will get more bloated. I'm torn.

What are some eccentric exercices for quads? I am doing controlled negatives with the leg press but I'd like to do more stuff. Also , has anyone had to deal with a popliteus injury?

How do I know when to start cutting?

Can I still get Jow Forums while smoking synthetic cannabis

In terms of looks, how far will the big 4 lifts and pullups take you before you have to start adding accessory lifts?

Are you /plg/ or what? If you want to look good you cut, if want to be as strong as possible with no compromises you don't cut. You can't have both

How do I finna eat well in a shitty ass dorm with no cooking utensils ?

I started working out a month and a half ago at 163 lbs.
I am now 169 lbs, but I haven't changed my eating habits much if at all.
Is this muscles or what?

Okay, that's a fair point. I just wanted my cake and eat it too I guess lol.

Pretty far, but even as a beginner, I'd do some accessories for arms and side delts for aesthetics. Maybe abs.

Can I run Jeff Nippard's upper/lower strength and size program as a beginner with 3 months of gym experience

What's a good routine after a basic beginner 3-day full body? I can only really make time to go to the gym 3 times a week, so do i just add more accessories?

Is Larry Wheels a fucking idiot?

I've never been to his channel until today and there's a video of him doing some mixed grip "deadlift" in the smiths machine.

What are your goals?

I'm cutting on 1900 calories each day. But yesterday I only had 1200. Would it be okay if I made up for it today and ate 2600 calories today?

How is lactose metabolized differently than glucose or fructose and does it take as much insulin?

Should I do DNP? 200 pounds, probably 20+% bf. I just want to cut down so I can start gaining muscle and not look fat

Non fit related question but i need help. There's this girl in my gym who i am 90% sure she likes me and she is very kind and cute and has a nice body (10/10 ass).
I do like her but I don't want to be tied down, I don't really want a gf. I hate intimacy and all that.
So far I have only ever had sex with prostitutes, and what I like about it is that you get in, pay, get out, no strings attached. Also all of them were nice and dedicated professionals with 10/10 bodies
Question: what do? Hookers I can only shag once every two months tops but if I get a gf probably at least 3x a week. But I just don't want to hurt this girl just by using her because I just feel no love.

Escorts seem to be the morally correct choice but I do have my desires and this is a fun girl to be with and she's also very cute

Help lads

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Why not just suck it up and do 1900? you'll lose more weight that way.

Anyone? If it doesn't sound too retarded I might just go ahead and try it then, can't hurt (unless I injure myself like a retard).

Either stop being a sociopath or don't be involved with her if you know you're gonna rek her later

Ask her if she wants to be FWB like the degenerate you are.

how do I get gf?

dno is not something to fuck around with. if i knew about fasting, i would have done that instead.

Dating apps or actually do stuff outside.

I'm not a sociopath man, I am just disgusted by intimacy. But I don't know man the sexual desire is too strong. I might just back off.
Doubt that's gonna work, she's not the type (she's a virgin I think) and from what I heard fwb never ends well (at least one catches the feels)

Did you know three years ago there was, without exception, a daily DNP thread active the whole time? Do you know why it stopped existing, why we don't have daily dnp threads anymore?

>I want all sex and no relationship!
Why don't you just go fucking clubbing then you little bitch? What's this girl got that some random hole doesn't?

Are there no free weights at all?
If there isn't, then something is better than nothing, but if you have the option then I'd just find a better gym.

She's fun to be with also i am very autistic so clubbing is not an option (it's really hard to fuck strangers here in europe unless you're chad ofc, not part of our culture), so instead of clubbing I'd rather shag hookers

I think you're just a complete social retard who's afraid of getting hurt, not 'disgusted by intimacy'.

Yeah, maybe you're right. I don't like intimacy at all though, but neither do I want to be in love with anyone. I've already been there and damn did I have a bad fucking time.

When I was a kid, there was this girl that loved me with all her heart and I did too, but as soon as we spent more than two hours together, I'd get so bored with her.
But the social retard part is on point

>When I was a kid, there was this girl that loved me with all her heart and I did too, but as soon as we spent more than two hours together, I'd get so bored with her.
Most autistic post I've seen all day.


You haven't heard half of it.
When we were 8 or we would show each other our sexual organs. Id ask if I could see her pussy and she would show, and I would just stand there in awe, barely even able to touch it. I touched it a few times lol. Also I'd show her my penor and she would touch it too lmao. But not really in a sexual way, just curiosity. But we knew we weren't supposed to do that, that's why we used to hide when we did it. But every single adult knew lol.

Little did boy user know, that would be the last time he'd see real life pussy in like 11 years

You guys would not even believe me if I told how autistic and retarded I was as a child (now I have learned to hide my power level)

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My shoulder has been hurting for the last week or so
Should I go the doctor? I thought it would go away by now

I should mention that I think I hurt it doing deadlifts, and I haven't lifted at all since I got hurt

What kind of pain?

On my second week of cutting and the weight has stalled for 3 days. Am i retardedly overreacting, or should i cut more calories?

How do i get my ass to be smaller?

>Absolutely retarded-Tier question
When using an Ezcurl bar do you have it so the pointed bit in the middle is facing down with your elbows pointing more in or the pointed bit up and your elbows more out?

I took one whole creatine and I feel weird, am I going to die please my mother warned me about this what do

If I want to look strong and joocy should I do 531 BBB 4x a week or 6 day PPL?

Captains' "cheer"

Are you grill?

Can you post more pictures like this?

What is the best exercise/machine to hit my abs? I added stuff to strengthen my core, back hyperextensions work wonders for my lower back, but lying/hanging leg raises make my back hurt in a non good way. Apparently those are not efficient at all as your flexors do the job most of the time and abs engage until/if you go past 90°.

How do I handle medical anxiety? No matter what I do, I can't calm down before I get into a doctors office. This throws off my blood pressure and general well-being. It's a vicious cycle that I've tried to beat for years. My mom was a serious hypochondriac and I think I inherited that from her.

Because it runs in my family history, I watch my blood pressure quite a bit. I'm generally fine with little upticks here and there because of daily stresses. Go into a doctors office and I'm a few points short of cardiac arrest. So I get this ridiculous number then I see it, and it snowballs from there. I start sweating, the pressure gets worse and before you know it, i'm talking myself down internally. I used to get panic attacks over it but got over those with age.

I work out 6 days a week now and run hard on two of those days with bits of cardio between.

Thinking of taking St. John's wort because I don't want to be on a prescription for anything.

It’s fine just have a workout B which works things you aren’t working there like a chin up instead of row and a DL/hip thrust instead of squat

Rice is always a solid choice for your carbs

Yup, just make sure form > weight

Lose weight, simple as that there is no targeting weight loss you just reduce body fat. You could add more lean muscle mass to your ass while losing fat and that’ll make the ass weight loss seem faster

Authors x ab routine is solid

Any tips for ass excercises except squats?

Hip thrusts, squeeze ass at top

help pls

Start averaging out your weight over the weeks. If you are counting correctly you will lose weight. Averages give a better picture though, look up TDEE 3.0 by nSuns and fill it in.

Weighting myself everyday. First week had a solid drop every day, but now its the same digit for 3-4 days. Hope im just overthinking this

I could have just made my own thread and I would've gotten an answer

It’s a stupid vague question what did you expect, just pick one run it for 4 weeks record results, do the other for the same and contrast at the end. Everyone’s different and what works for them might not work for you.

A lot of girls like me but I just can't seem to be attracted to any of them . Most of the time I talk to girls and date them out of boredom. I meet a girl that will catch my eye maybe once a year at best. Thing is , the one girl I may occasionally like 99% of times is emotionally unavailable and/or a moving pile of red flags, and I can't force myself to have sex with girls I'm not particularly interested in. Thus, I'm 22 and a virgin , despite having many friends, hobbies and a nice body and face. I know what I'm doing is irrational , but I just can't do any other way. I also watch A LOT of porn. Do you think that's what's at fault ? Is there hope for me bros ?

> First week had a solid drop every day

This is due to dropping water weight. How much do you weigh? the leaner you are the more time it'll take for the scale to show progress, use pictures instead as a measurement.

can someone post the starting stretch picture for me?

>leg raises make my back
You're lifting all wrong, don't arch your back. Focus on moving your pelvis instead of your legs.
>you can touch your knees on your chest without using your abs at all and you can use your abs even in the bottom position. Again, don't think about raising your legs, focus on presenting your asshole. Tighten your glutes to deactivate hip flexors
silly phone poster
Shit happens. You can cut a bit more or persist till it moves again. Just don't fuck up and start eating more
Ass exercises won't make your ass smaller, the opposite. The only area is you can shrink by exercising is your abdominals and those only if they start out so weak they can't properly hold your guts in your body
Just eat raw, lmao
It changes with grip width but the idea is to put less stress on your wrists.
Supinated position is better for bicep activation anyway, so unless you have wrist problems or want to grip the bar super narrow, a barbell will better

Is it okay to write "no white women" in my tinder profile or will it turn off black women?

Do not care what white bitches think.

t. white middel european dude

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Started last week on 79kg, want to hit 68 by late december. Its been 77.5kg for a few days. But might as well be water weight and im panicking for no reason

Honestly sounds alot like me, 26 year old virgin because I fapped away all my sex drive on porn and don't ever get horny now, no problem cold approaching and getting interest from girls but just don't have enough interest to keep doing it, did no fap for 40 days and failed last week, saw big improvements in erections and libido but I fapped again like a retard, don't be like me and waste years of your life

It's fine to act the way you act and as long as you could get some, not getting any isn't a real issue. But you should probably start actively looking for girls you might like

Just stay consistent, eventually you'll have to eat less because your BMR will change with your weight going down.

Is this routine good?

3x5 Incline bench
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench
3x5 Deadlift
3x5 OHP
3x5 Skull Crushers
3x5 Preacher Curls
3x15 Leg Curl
3x12 Leg Extension

No rows, no calves

Why do all you stupid retards insist of reinventing the wheel? If you're not sure what a good program is use something that is fucking trialed.


How fast do muscles grow if your not on any supplement or gear? My weight last week was a consistent 203 +/- 1lb but this week I'm sitting at 206 +/- 1lb. I had two 6 packs of beer over the weekend but that's normal for my weekends and I haven't had a weight gain like this. I am lifting a little bit heavier then normal, which brings me back to my original question, how fast does muscle mass grow barring any supplements?

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Why would you want that? Men and women alike enjoy a big, muscular booty

>focus on presenting your asshole
thanks I think this will help me visualize what I need to do, gonna give leg raises another try then. I do recall focusing on lifting my legs only.

Any good abdominal workouts, so my pot belly finally stays in?

And you just summed me up . I fap four times a day to porn and prolly that's what's killing my sex drive . I'll talk to a psychiatrist and try to get over my addiction because all I do is waste my youth alone

That's quite solid thinking , but how do I do that ? All I want is someone slim , relatively attractive that will understand me and that I can respect , but most girls are so vain and uninteresting no matter where I know them from

One of Jeff's ab workouts, I prefer this one
Also, if your lower abdominal area is pudgy without much fat being there, start doing vacuums
You have that standard in your mind, hang around places you might bump into one. For example, if you're not looking for vapid whores, bars and clubs are probably not the best place to look for one. Try and take up hiking? Is there a local park where people go to run?

Exercise = dopamine & serotonine.

is a 7min ab workout enough for 4x a week? Besides of course from doing my compound lifts

How frequent should i try vacuums? Untill i get bored? I usually forget they exist

Bumpy bump on that questions

Thanks. I'll add seated rows after thedeadlifts. And calfs every other day

It's workout A from SS turned into a full body program


How often do you take a progress pic? Every day? Once a week? Couple times a month? Going on a cut for the first time and was wondering what the norm is

Best of luck doing all of those compounds in one day if that's your plan.

Nah , nothing of the sort. I was in my country's largest child protection organization as a volunteer caretaker ( I love kids, I didn't do it for the girls) and I'm also a scout master but still found no girls that would interest me . I was intending to sign up at a volunteer organization for the homeless and my uni's drama club,lets see how that goes ...

Thanks, but I already am. Only takes 1.5 hours including warm up sets. I can't go the gym consistently, so I thought I might as well use the days I can go to the fullest

All children are retarded and do dumb shit like this, I didn’t start looking at girls sexually until I was like 11 or 12. Your “fear of intimacy” just seems like mega cope.

How do I get rid of getting high blood pressure after doing heavy compunds?
Every time I walk out of the gym the day I perform a deadlift squat or bench I feel like my head is about to explode and my hands are shaking.

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What sort of results can I expect from doing BJJ and supplementing with kettlebels? Anyone on here that mostly does kettlebells instead of barbell compounds?

I'm thinking of ditching the barbells for a while because kettlebells legit make my joints feel amazing, a couple lingering joint issues have already disappeared.

It's likely not high blood pressure, but CNS fatigue. Keep lifting until you get used to it, you big baby. That being said, high intensity shit like dl does spike bp, but the spike is short lived, and afterwards your bp is lower than before. There's nothing better for blood pressure than a lifting program and a reasonable body weight.

Unless you have a diagnosis of high blood pressure or some other vascular disease from your doctor, in which case you really, really should listen to his advice.

Sounds reasonable. I do have some issues with CNS. Though this shit has been going on for almost a year already so I'm not really looking forward to getting used to it.